
hopeless love

Just as the title says... This is going to be a little fight! :D 

Enjoy ♥.♥

And don't be afraid my peeps. The HyukBin starts in the next chapter! :3 (feeling a little sorry for Sungjae and Hyuk... Anyway, Sungjae doesn't mind it) 






Before Hyuk or Sungjae could deepen the kiss, they got furious pulled apart. 

Hyuk whined about the lost of Sungjae's lips, but then got reminded that he loved Hongbin, was on a party and that he saw Hya's pissed off face. He blushed and looked for help at Sungjae, who looked a little provoked at Hya.

"What are you doing?" he asked enraged.

Yes, what was she doing? It had to be Hongbin that pulled them apart, not that .

Without saying anything, she grabbed Hyuk's arm and pulled him along with her. She ignored his whines to let him go and took him to the hall, where were no people. 

"Hya," Hyuk began with a soft voice, "what the hell?" 

"Why did you kiss him!?" she yelled rejected. "Why?" 

Hyuk rolled his eyes. "Why do you care about that?" he asked calm, which he totally wasn't. What had come into her? And Hongbin? Where is Hongbin? "Why don't you go back to Hongbin, smooch him or whatever. Making my live miserable like you wanted to do?"

"I don't," she confused him. "It was not my intention to make your live miserable." 

Hyuk already figured that out, but he wanted her to say and explain it. He wanted her to say: 'I tried to make you jealous, to get you back. I wanted to seduce Hongbin to make you love me again.' He wanted her so bad to know how much he hated her.

"I... I still love you," she stuttered and pulled Hyuk closer, who disconnected himself from her with violence, causing her back to hit the wall. 

He heared a muffled sob escape from , which he didn't see since she had her head bended to the floor. She looked up at Hyuk, tears filling her eyes. 

"Don't you see it?" she bleated and stood straight again, looking into Hyuk's mad and misgiving eyes.

"No," Hyuk said curt and crossed his arms. "I don't ing see it, Hya. I don't see it why you think I want you back and that saying you still love is going to help." 

Hya inhaled through her nose, trying to take the tear back that rolled over her cheeck. "I'm sorry about what I did," she sobbed and stepped closer to Hyuk again, who backed off. "It was stupid to do..." 

"Sure it was," Hyuk agreed with her, still in his hateful mood. "It was also stupid to come back, acting like you hated me, taking the guy that I love away from me, being a total , showing how homofobic you are, pull me away from Sungjae and now telling me you still love me." 

Hya looked begging at Hyuk. "You don't even love Sungjae, so why do you care that I interrupted you?" 

"Because," Hyuk began, loosing his selfcontrol a bit, "wanted Hongbin to see it. He had to be one pulling us apart. Not you. What is love to you, anyway?" he scoffed and leaned against the wall. 

"You," she responded almost immediately.

Hyuk let out a sarcastic laugh, totally loosing his control to not bast at her. "Me?" he asked with force. "I'm love to you? That's what you say after you cheated on me!? You better come with something better, Hya. Because I don't want you," he growled and did everyting to take his self control back. He wanted to walk past her to leave, but she grabbed his arm, spun him around and pressed her lips on his.

Hyuk's eyes widened and pushed her away with so much force that she tumbled over, facing the stairs, before hitting it hard.

" off," Hyuk warned and wanted to walk away again, but Hya blocked the door. "What are you trying to do?" Hyuk asked offensive.

"I'm really, really sorry, Hyuk," she whined, tears all over her cheeks. "I'm so... so sorry," she wept and grabbed Hyuk's arm to prevent him from running away. "Please, Hyuk." 

"What!? What the hell do you want!?" Hyuk yelled and tried to push her away again, but it was like she gained power to hold him. 

"I want you," she whispered, still crying.

Hyuk sighed deeply to steady his voice. "Hya, isn't it obvious that I hate you? I hate you more that I can explain! And isn't it obvious that I want Hongbin!? You don't care about his feelings, do you? Because he loves you, but you don't care. All you care about is quash other's lives!" he boomed and felt her loosen her grip on him. "You wrecked me and if Hongbin figures out that you did this to get me back, then you wreck him too," he said through his teeth. "All you care about is yourself. If you are happy, then everything is fine. What about me? You have no idea how much you hurt me!" he yelled and pulled his arm away from her grasp.

"I'm sorry," she whispered and sunk to the ground, but Hyuk ignored her and went on with his tantrum.

"Taking Hongbin away from me was the most awful thing you have ever done. Even more awful than cheating on me, because it felt almost the same. You knew I liked him. No, I loved him, but all you could think about: 'Oh em gee, I'm Hya and I need everything I want'," he scoffed in a girly voice before he went on with his normal voice again, which you couldn't call a normal voice since he was really mad. "I cried because of it, but you probably don't care. You're a hartless witch, someone that actually is dead. You're a dead person to me, Hya, because you don't feel. Maybe you do feel, but it are the worst feelings a human can have." 

"Don't say such things," Hya begged helpless.

"Saying you love me, changes nothing between us, Hya," Hyuk let her know. "Because don't love you anymore. I figured that out years ago. What I also don't get is why you left and why you decided to come back years later," he said on a asking tone, wanting her to explain that.

Hya sobbed. "Because I first needed to know where you were and my parents wanted to moove, so that's why I left," she said, steadying her voice and stood up again. "I'm not the one who wanted to move, Hyuk," Hya informed him, whiping up her tears. "I wanted to explain it, but you ran away and then I mooved away."

"Have you any idea about how stupid that sounds?" Hyuk asked and ran a hand through his hair. "I have to believe that?" 

"It's true!" Hya tried, but it didn't convince Hyuk. 

Hyuk shook his head. "I hate you Hya and I don't want to see your face again after tonight, you hear me?" 

"What?" she asked him shocked as if it was the first time she heard that he hated her. "Hyuk... please, another chance..." she begged.

"No, Hya. We are done. We were done many years ago!" Hyuk said curt and and crossed his arms. "And I'm changed, remember?" 

Hya looked at him confused. "You say you totally don't like girls anymore?" she asked, hoping he would say that he did love girls, but Hya's hope already faded away minutes ago. Yet she kept on trying to get him.

"Not if they are all like you," he growled, hurting her. "I know that most girls are sweet and beautiful. But you are not sweet, Hya, you're a demon that came from hell to tell people you love them, but you pretent that you hate them. Taking away maybe their only chance in love, just because you can't have what you want. You-" 

"Stop, you don't have to say it again," Hya interrupted him, crying again. "Don't destroy me like that," she begged.

"How can I destroy something that doesn't feel," Hyuk hissed and looked away from the crying wreck in front of him, called Hya.

"Please, just leave. I-I won't show up again, I promise," Hya wept.

Hyuk sighed. "How can I trust you?" he asked misgiving.

"I...I...I don't know!" she stuttered. "Y-you wanted to leave, didn't you!? S-so just leave!" she wailed and pointed to the door. "It's all yours!"

"Tell Sungjae I said goodbye," Hyuk said calm and opened the door to walk away, leaving this stupid party behind.

Well... That kissing plan totally failed, but now he 'talked' with Hya and he was glad that she cried and begged. He liked it to see her like that for the last time and really, really hoped to never see it again. Man, what was it ugly.

But he was glad. Now she knew that she didn't made a chance and that he hated him. He also hoped that she would let Hongbin go, but he already felt the pain that Hongbin would feel if she breakes up with him. He actually didn't care about it. Hongbin had to suffer too from his stupid mistake to fall for Hya.

And Sungjae? Well... That guy couldn't break. You yelled, he stayed calm and even whispered. You cried, he stayed calm and even smiled. You fell for him, he stayed calm and let you fall for him. You needed help, he stayed calm and helped. Hyuk had the feeling that he and him are going to be good friends. He already was a good friend, a really good friend.

And that kiss? Hahah, that felt like nothing, yet a lot. It was short, but he still could feel the warmth of Sungjae's lips on his. And everybody there saw it... Okay, maybe not everybody, but many people who looked their way.

Hyuk walked his way to an abanden forest that he discovered when he ran away after he saw Hya cheating on him. It wan't really abanden, it was taken over by animals. It looked really scary, even more scarier because it was dark, but Hyuk didn't care. He also didn't care about the cold weather.

Just like then, he ignored that signs that said: 'danger' and 'no admittance', and walked over the path which was overgrown by little plants. A little rift here and there did remind you that it was dangerous to be there.

Hyuk continued his way until his was in the open place he was looking for. A big open place with a huge stone in the middle of it. This was where he cried milions of times when he was down. And it already made him wanting to cry again when he sat on the stone, crossing his legs while he stared at the stars.

If Hya kept her word, than it meant that he would never see her again. It also meant that he could start over with seducing Hongbin, if he already didn't do that. I mean, Hongbin was jealous, right? Well, Hyuk could at least help him with his broken heart after Hya breaks up with him. 

Hyuk sighed and laid down on the stone, still looking at the stars which twinkled happy. At least not everything seemed depressing and sad.

He smiled and folded his hands behind his head, inhaling the cold autumn air. He was relieved. He finally told Hya the truth, all though he didn't have Hongbin and that another plan of him failed, he was happy. Now he could start over again, maybe with some more luck if his live decided to give him that, in stead of screwing him over and over again. 

He closed his eyes, sleep taking over him. This time he ignored all the unanswered questions and the ones that were answered and just drifted of to his dream world.

This was a nice start of this autumn break, really nice start




Don't be scared, this isn't the end yet :)

Yeah, I actually don't know what to say.





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Chapter 23: I really loved it and at some parts I was (low-key rotting for team sungjae) also do not tell hongbin I said this!!!! This story just kept on making me laugh I loved it a lot sad that it is over tho. But I honestly loved this a lot can't wait to see what you come up with next.
Chapter 17: I am so happy that sungjae is playing his fake boyfriend I love them to together.
crimsonrosesxo #3
Chapter 23: What a great story aw !! For english not being your first language, you sure have a gift for writing and languages in general. This has been one of my fav writings, tysm !
crimsonrosesxo #4
Chapter 23: What a great story aw !! For english not being your first language, you sure have a gift for writing and languages in general. This has been one of my fav writings, tysm !
Chapter 23: So cuTEE adfasdfdsfasd
Chapter 23: Awesome job! I loved reading this :D thank you for writing!
Chapter 23: rereading becus good stories are good:)
KJM_Hallyu #8
Chapter 6: Ugh ... Hya that . I just want to slap her for hurting my Hyukkie -_- my poor baby :'(
missing_vixx #9
Chapter 23: Great Story!!! I wished I found this earlier... I blushed so hard while reading this last chapter~~~
Kpopfanfan_elf #10
Chapter 23: Re-reading this cuz is perfect