sleepless night

hopeless love

And then something really creepy happened...

...They heard a knock on the door...

Hyuk heart beated a milion times per second. This was unpleasant.

"Oh, my, god," Ken said terrified and looked from one to another.

Leo stood up to open the door, but Ken grabbed his arm. 

"Don't go. Maybe it's a killer!" He said shocked.

Leo rolled his eyes and tried to escape from Ken's grasp. "Please, Ken. Don't be such a ." 

"I'm not a !" He yelled hurt.

"I know you are in there!" They heard from outside.

That voice... Hyuk hoped that he didn't had to hear that voice tonight. Not after.... What happened.

"Is that..." N wispered. "Is that Hongbin?" 

They looked shocked at each other as if it really was a serial killer.

Again a knock. "Guys!" He yelled.

"Jep," Ravi concluded. "That's Hongbin." 

Again they looked at each other. Who will open the door? Hyuk sure not. No, he didn't know in which state Hongbin was and to hear at his voice... He wasn't happy.

"Open the door or I'll kick it in!" He threated.

Hyuk remembered some sort of sentence. "Open the door," He said and looked at Leo.

"You sure?" he asked. Leo wasn't the only one who looked questionable. The rest of them also didn't look like they thought it was a good idea.

Hyuk nodded. "You heart him. He really is going to kick the door in. He did it with mine too." 

"Yes!" Ken said as he remembered that moment. "Hyuk's door laid in his room, out of its frame. Hongbin is going to kick the door, so open it." 

Leo still didn't look like he was going to open it.

"Ugh, fine," Ravi said. "Then I'll do it." 

While Ravi walked to the door, Hyuk got up and walked to Ravi's room. Neither of them asked why, because they knew. Hyuk is going to hide there. It was sad that he was afraid of his crush. Really sad.

Hyuk leaned against the door, listening to Hongbin's voice as he was in.

"Where is he?" He asked.

"Who?" he heard Ken ask.

pfft, as if Hongbin didn't know Hyuk was there.

"Have you seen Hyuk?" Hongbin asked with a concerned voice.

So he didn't forget Hyuk. That surprised him. Maybe his date failed. Hope raised up in het stomach. But, no. His date couldn't have failed. Hya was so good at faking stuff. But then... Hongbin didn't forget him. That was a relief... Or he didn't forget him because he abused Hya. All his hope faded away. Hongbin had to be angry.

"Hyuk?" Ken asked and Hyuk could here a little panic in his voice.

But luckily N spoke right after that. "He is sleeping here. He felt really lonely in your dorm so he decided to sleep here." 

It wasn't the best lie, Hyuk had to say, but it was a little the truth.

"He felt... lonely?" Hongbin asked. "You sure he wasn't mad or something? He ran away from me..." 

That made Hyuk's heart skip a beat. Did he hear that correct? Did he hear a tone of sorow in Hongbin's voice? No, that couldn't be! He must have heard it wrong.

"No..." N said histantly. 

"And does he come back tomorrow?" Hongbin asked concerned.

"I...I think so?" N said. 

Oh my god, Hyuk thought. Hongbin was concerned about him. Did he... Did he miss him?

He heard Hongbin sigh. "Say to him that I'm sorry." 

Wait... what? Hongbin was sorry? Hyuk was the one calling Hya a . Why did he appologize? 

"I'll say it if he wakes up," N said and Hyuk could hear he smiled. Or at least tried to smile.

"Oh," Hongbin said,"Okay. I guess I should just... Leave now and letting you have your sleepover without me." 

That made Hyuk feel kinda bad. But Hongbin had a freaking date! So, he didn't really care.

"Yeah..." N said. "Sorry for not inviting you... You had a date."

Hyuk could sense the awkwardness in there. It made him smile.

"He told you about that?" Hongbin asked surprised.

"Yes," N said. "But were leaving, remember?" 

"Oh, yeah, right. See you later. I guess..." Hongbin said awkwardly and Hyuk heard the door open and close again.

He sighed in relief and walked out the room. "That was awkward," he said and sat on the coutch again. 

"Tsss," N sissed. "Says you who was hiding in that room. Hongbin didn't look mad, actually." 

"That also surprised me," Hyuk said.

Leo sat back on the coutch, Ravi as well.

"Are we going to continue watching the movie?" Leo asked.

"NO!" Ken said. "I'm so, so, so scared. Can we please go home?" 

Leo shook his head in disbelief. "You're so childish." 

"I don't like horror movies okay?" Ken said, faked hurt. 

Ravi and N agreed with Ken's statement, though. So Leo and Ken went away, with their movie and now they were with the three of them again. They still sat on the coutch. 

Hyuk yawned and stretched his limbs. "I'm going to sleep. 'Night." Before he entered Ravi's room he looked around to his friends. "And let me warn you, don't let me hear anything tonight, ok?" 

N blushed, but Ravi looked disappointed. "When you and Hongbin are finally together, I'm going to disturb you two also. I'm going to sleep in your dorm just so you and Hongbin can't have , because-" 

Luckily N cut him off. "Ravi," he said soft. "Don't let him hear anything..." after that he wispered something into his ear that coulnd't hear, but it made Ravi smile bright. 

Hyuk roled his eyes. "Just don't have . Okay, goodnight." He walked into Ravi's room and put his pajamas on. Well, actually Ravi's pajamas. They almost fit him. He laid down on the bed. It was comfortable, but not as comfortable as his own bed. He turned and turned until he had the perfect position to fall asleep.

He heart that Ravi and N also went to bed and after that it was silent in the dorm. And after that creepy movie, Hyuk got scared. And because of that, he couldn't sleep. It was horrible. It was so quiet in the dorm that he could hear his own heart beat.

And then his mind trailed off... to Hongbin. He sounded conderned. Was he really concerned? Or was it an illusion? He really wanted Hongbin to love him... And he couldn't wait to find those documents. Hya's documents. Tomorrow, he'll look for those tomorrew. But not alone. No, maybe with Ravi or N or Leo or Ken... Hongbin had to know what kind of person Hya was. No matter how long it'll take, no matter what he had to do, no matter in how much trouble he is going to get. Hongbin had to know the truth. And he needed proof for that. Hongbin wouldn't belief his 'Hya-is-a-total--belief-me' story. It looked like she really had overpowered Hongbin, so he needed proof. Oh, and Hya will be a problem too. If she knew what Hyuk and his friend's plan was, then she could oppose it.

Hyuk still wanted to know why Hya hated him. Why did she want to hurt Hyuk? And Hongbin included? Because she liked it? What a bull! She must have a story for that. Or at least something. But it'll be writen down in the documents too.

All right. Hyuk tried to sleep again. But failed as he heard someone movie in the other room. He got all of those nasty thoughts and it didn't stop. I mean, the fact that Ravi and N are laying in one bed. Together in one bed... They could do anything. And Hyuk would hear that. But Hyuk guessed they didn't do anything 'cause after that it went silent again. that eternally silence. It was totally killing him, so he started to breath louder. Just so there was some noice.

After few minutes he got exhausted by his own breathing and stopped. Well, not stopped, but he breathed a little less loudly.

He heard the building creak everywhere and it made him nervous again. Of course he heard those noises every night, but now they sounded differend. Scarier.

Hyuk turn in Ravi's bed once again. And again. And again. And- Ugh! He's frustrating himself. 

Just sleep! He yelled to himself in his head and did it work? No, not exactly. But it made him even more tired than that he already was. 

Closing his eyes, he counted sheep. Not that that worked or something, but he had to try something. Soon the sheep turned into Hongbins and Hyas and they were hopping on a field with very happy faces. Damnit! He didn't want to fantasize that! Ok, Hyuk. One more time... 1 sheep, 2 sheep, 3 sheep, 4 sheep, 5 sheep, 6 Hya with Hongbin being happy with each other forgetting Hyuk and have milions of baby sheep who are Hongbin and Hya too and-

Hyuk groaned loud. Could his mind please stop? 

Hyuk decided to make himself a warm cup of milk and got up from Ravi's bed. He forced himself to the kitchen, which was harder to do than he thought. But, all right. After a couple uneasy seconds he finally stood in the kitchen. Looking around where the cups stood. Ah, there. He picked up a cup and searched for the milk in the refrigerator. Milk, milk, milk, where is the milk? He moved some food away and there it was, his milk. He grabbed it and pouted it into is cup. And then in the microwave, putting it on and waiting until it was done.

"Beep, beep-" 

Before it could make more sound, Hyuk removed his cup and looked if it was hot enough to not be cold and cold enough to not be hot. It was... Perfect.

He sipped from it and his stomach filled itself with the warm liquid stuff. It was yummy. He never liked drinking milk so much as then. Not because it was milk, but it made his eyes flutter shut as if he could drop down and sleep there in the kitchen.

After he finished his milk, he forced himself to walk back to Ravi's room. He dropped himself on his bed, not caring about anything. His blanket layed on the ground. Good, let it lie there. The building creak everywere. Fine, the building likes to sing at night. Hongbin alone in their dorm. All right, he decided to fall for a so he wouldn't be alone for long...

Oh my god. That thought made him awake again. What if... No... What if Hya and Hongbin sleep together? Will they go so far? Oh no, oh no, oh no. He had to find those documents before his crush had with a . He had to!

Now Hyuk totally couldn't sleep anymore. Too tensed up about what's going to happen tomorrow. No, what he is going to do tomorrow. Not that anything is about to happen. He'll only search for those magic documents to proof Hongbin wrong, and then everything will be fine. Right? It will be fine, right? 

Oh my god, what if he fails? 

Hyuk started to getting cold and picked up the blanket from the ground. It was cold to, but it didn't matter.

He waited until the sun came up again, not closing any eye. It was exhausting, but he couldn't do anything else. When he tried to sleep, his mind over thought all kind of things and that was ever more exhausting.

But today... Today was the day. 



I actually hadn't ANY inspiration for this chapter. It sort of... I don't know. Appeared? Really weird.

Sorry if this story begins to bull. Wow, weird sentence... 0.o

Yeah, till next timeee!

Comment subscribe! :D


Sorry for any mistakes, I didn't inspect this chappie... :)



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Chapter 23: I really loved it and at some parts I was (low-key rotting for team sungjae) also do not tell hongbin I said this!!!! This story just kept on making me laugh I loved it a lot sad that it is over tho. But I honestly loved this a lot can't wait to see what you come up with next.
Chapter 17: I am so happy that sungjae is playing his fake boyfriend I love them to together.
crimsonrosesxo #3
Chapter 23: What a great story aw !! For english not being your first language, you sure have a gift for writing and languages in general. This has been one of my fav writings, tysm !
crimsonrosesxo #4
Chapter 23: What a great story aw !! For english not being your first language, you sure have a gift for writing and languages in general. This has been one of my fav writings, tysm !
Chapter 23: So cuTEE adfasdfdsfasd
Chapter 23: Awesome job! I loved reading this :D thank you for writing!
Chapter 23: rereading becus good stories are good:)
KJM_Hallyu #8
Chapter 6: Ugh ... Hya that . I just want to slap her for hurting my Hyukkie -_- my poor baby :'(
missing_vixx #9
Chapter 23: Great Story!!! I wished I found this earlier... I blushed so hard while reading this last chapter~~~
Kpopfanfan_elf #10
Chapter 23: Re-reading this cuz is perfect