Break down

hopeless love

I wanne thank all my subscribers with my heart. So here you have it: ♥ 

VIXX is killing me. They appear on ASC next wednesday and I can't watch it live 'cause I have to go to school on that time! D: SOOOO sad!!

But have fun reading!







"You look awful," Ravi said as Hyuk sat back by their table in the cafeteria. The only thing Hyuk could do was not looking at Hya, who probably tried to seduce Hongbin right now. "What happened there?" 

Hyuk put his arms around his stomach as if he had a stomach ache, which he actually had after being with Hya in the restroom. "I don't feel so well." 

Ken wanted to make a joke, but Hyuk's face said: don't-mess-with-me-right-now. So he said nothing, but grinnid in himself and laid his head on Leo's shoulder. Leo didn't seem to be into that and shrugged his shoulder so Ken would get away. Ken pouted at him and ate his bread.

"I think you should go home," N said to Hyuk. "You really don't look good." 

"Awful, he looks awful," Ravi said again and N gave him a look.

"No, I'm fine," Hyuk said a shifted in his chair.

"But you said you didn't feel well," Leo said confused and tried to get Ken away again.

"I do." Hyuk actually didn't really know what he did. Yes, confusing his friends. But he didn't know he was doing that and kept on being vague.

"But...ugh never mind." N said and turned to Ravi. "Shall we go to our next class?" 

Ravi grinned. "Everything you want, princess." 

N looked wide eyed at what Ravi said. But Ravi laughed and N hit him. "Moron."

They went away and let Hyuk behind with a squabbling Keo couple.

"No, don't do such things in publick," Leo said strickt and looked a bit angry at Ken.

"But I want to show you my love," Ken pouted and crossed his arms.

"You can do that on a different way." 

As soon as Leo said that, Ken grinned wide. "Oh I'll do that. See you tonight, babe." Ken walked away.

Leo facepalmed himself. "What have I done?" He asked Hyuk, but Hyuk didn't listen. Hyuk stared at nothing. Leo knew there definitely was something wrong. Something serious, but he didn't dare to question it. Hyuk didn't look good. He looked very jumpy. He had to say he never saw the younger in this state and he didn't like it. And he was like this since that Hya girl came here. Had it something to do with her? Leo didn't know. But it was not is business. "Which class do you have next?" Leo asked.

Hyuk kept staring at nothing, but did answer with: "Mh?" 

"Which class do you have next?" Leo asked again. 

Hyuk shrugged his shoulders. He didn't care at all.

"Can I do something for you?" Leo asked. He couldn't let Hyuk behind like this.

Hyuk shook his head.

Leo bit his lip. "Eh...I should go, actually. alive, okay?" He stood up and looked at Hyuk who ignored him. "OKAY?" He asked again with more force.

Hyuk finally looked up at him. "Y-yeah," he stuttered. "I won't kill myself." 

Leo smiled. "And don't get killed. success with finding out which class you have." 

"Bye," Hyuk said. success with finding out which class you have? Did Leo talk to him? Really, Hyuk? You ignored him? You didn't even hear him! How bad! 

Hyuk walked to his biology class -why he said to Leo that he didn't know which class he had, he didn't know. because he did know which class he had-

He walked in and in the back seat sat N and Ravi.

"Hyukkie~" Ravi called him. "Come sit in front of us!" 

Hyuk did what was told him and sat in front of his to friends. As he sat there, he saw Hya sat somewere in the front. Man, if she would drop dead right know... That would be fantastic! She was chatting with a girl. They seemed to like each other. But yeah, who didn't like Hya, right? 

Hyuk got his books out his bag angrily and smacked them open.

"From where that aggression?" N asked laughing.

"I think he didn't sleep well," Ravi said also laughing.

Yeah, you guys, just keep laughing... Keep laughing until you'll find out what kind of demon Hya is and what she had done to me. But till then, just keep laughing. "I just hate autumn," Hyuk said. It wasn't really a lie, but also not totally the truth. He liked autumn, but now he would remember it as the time of the year Hya came back. Every year again. Rain falls from the sky, like tears Hyuk wanted to cry. The sky grey and sad, like his future with Hongbin if Hya does succeed to secude him. Trees lose their leaves, like Hyuk loses himself bit by bit. 

"That's why you mistreated your books?" Ravi asked laughing.

"Guys, it's not funny," Hyuk said and looked at them. "I'm serious." 

"Oh sorry Hyuk," N appologized. "We just tried to brighten up the mood." 

Hyuk sighed. "Just have fun with each other." When those words escaped his lips he regretted it and thought how dirty it sounded. So he quikly said: "But not that kind of fun." 

N blushed and Ravi laughed. 

"You and your dirty little mind," Ravi said and smiled at N. N knew what Ravi had in mind.

"NO," N said strickt. "Hyuk is right. Not that kind of fun." 

"But we're in the back of the class. Nobody would notice." Ravi touched N cheeck seductively. 

N slapped his hand away. "Are you nuts?" He yelped.

"No," Ravi said and looked down at his pants. "I'm actually-" 

"OH GOD!" N screamed before the teacher came in. "Ravi!" He hissed.

"Sorry, you just make me excited," he replied and his lips.

N picked up his books and sat next to Hyuk. "Don't mind me sitting next to you instead of that guy behind us?" 

"Nah, as long as you don't , I'll be fine," Hyuk said dry and stared at Hya. She grinned, but didn't look at him. He knew why she grinned. No actually he didn't. But He thought he knew why. I mean, Hyuk and his 'gay' friends. That probably why. 

The teacher began the class, but Hyuk didn't really pay attention. 

Why was Hya like this to him? What had he ever done wrong? He never did something wrong! She was the one who made a fault in the past! But why did she hate him back? Why did she want Hongbin? Oh wait, he knew the answer on that question. She wanted Hongbin because he was Hongbinly perfect. And he couldn't deny it. Hongbin was hot. Hongbin was funny. Hongbin was considerate. Hongbin had a beautiful voice. That was all true. All true...

Hyuk straddled out his thoughts when N's phone vibrated. Nobody else heard it, even N himself didn't notice.

"N," Hyuk wispered. "You're phone buzzed." 

"Oh," he wispered back and took his phone out of his pocked. He did it sneaky ofcourse, or else the teacher would see it. Hyuk saw N turn a million shades of red when he saw his message. 

Hyuk straighted himself a bit so he could see it to. It was a message from Ravi and...Holy was dirty.

N- could you please not? I'm getting all hot and bothered here.

Ravi- I'm hot and bothered already, so come here~

N- Shut up! Go pay attention on something else! damnit!

Ravi- I can't. You're to hot~ 

N- Awh, how friendly. *cough*

Ravi- Bless you 

N- God, Ravi...

Ravi- I like it when you say that.

N- ...

Okay, Hyuk had read enough... If only him could have that kind of *innocent* talks with Hongbin. It'll be so amusing! Hyuk smiled at the idea of it... But not much longer after that, Hya popped up in his head again. Great, so everytime he thought of Hongbin now, she will come up? That ! (oops) She even overpowered his mind? Unbelievable.




It's been three days since Hya is in their school. She made everbody love her, except Hyuk. But she didn't want Hyuk to like her. and Hyuk didn't want to like her. So that's good. But when people didn't watch, the true Hya came out and tortured Hyuk. He didn't know why the hell she hated him. What did he ever done wrong to her? He had asked her and all she said was that she just liked it. "Everybody has someone to hate, right?" Were her words. But they didn't make sense! Yes, everybody has someone to hate, but not if that person had never done something to you! Right?  

"Hey, Hyukkie," Hongbin said when he came back in their dorm. 

Oh well. And there is Hongbin. The Hongbin who also liked Hya. Every time after school he went to her, togheter with her friends. And Hyuk became jealous and also started to hate Hongbin. But he still loved him. It was a strange feeling and a horrible feeling. Maybe Hya was right about turning Hongbin gay. Maybe he was better off with her. But Hyuk refused to belief it. It just....It just couldn't! But Hongbin looked abnormally happy. Something happened to him, Hyuk could tell. 

"Hi," Hyuk said. He sat on the coutch with his history book. They had a test comming up and he didn't understand a of it. All those vintages and events. He didn't understand why it was important to know all those things. I mean, past is the past, right? 

"Studying?" Hongbin asked while up picked up an apple and started to eat it.

Hyuk closed his book. "Sort of. And you? You were with Hya again?" He looked annoyed at his crush.

"Yes," Hongbin answered happy. "I still can't belief you don't like her! She is so fun to be with!" 

Hyuk groaned and stretched himself. And I still can't belief you like her. ​ 

"By the way, I'll not be home tonight," Hongbin said as he finnished his apple.

Hyuk looked up at him. "Because?" 

"I...Have...A date!" He said excited. "Surprise!" 

Hyuk's eyes widened. This couldn't be real... This wasn't happening. His crush didn't have a date with someone else. No! "A-a date?" Hyuk asked confused and tried to act normal.

"Yep." Hongbin hopped away to throw his apple with the garbage. 

Hyuk actually didn't want to ask, but he had to know with who. "Whit who?" 


Hyuk's world fell apart. "R-really?" He managed to ask. That girl needed to stop! She didn't joke when she said that she's going to steal his 'boyfriend'. Was Hongbin nuts or something? Didn't he see what kind of person she was!? Ofcourse he didn't see it, but... ugh... Hyuk wanted to cry.

"Yes. I'm so happy! I really like her! And she asked me. I can't belief it!" Hongbin said overly happy and almost danced in their livingroom.

"Wait...You really like her? In which way?" Hyuk asked and surprisingly didn't cry when he spoke.

Hongbin grinned. "The 'love' way. I think. Why?" 

Hyuk mouth wanted to drop open so he could scream to Hongbin how nuts he was. I am the one who loves you! She is just going to break you in the same way she broke me and now she did it again! Hyuk yelled in his head. This was unbelievable. This was a nightmare! "N-no never mind..." He couldn't handle it anymore. Someone needed to know who she actually was. What she actually was.

Hyuk's mind went crazy. Who could he trust? Who also didn't like her as much a everybody else? Hyuk thought and thought until a few names came up in his head. N, Ravi, Leo and Ken? His four best friends? He could trust them right? 

"Aren't you happy for me?" Hongbin asked as he saw Hyuk's hurt face. "You don't look like you're happy." 

"Because I'm not happy. You leave me!" He yelled and immediately regretted it.

Hongbin looked confused at him. "I don't leave you? I'm just having a date!" 

"After one date, comes a second. And before you know it you're mooving in with that !" Hyuk yelled again and got up to walk out.

"Take back those words! She isn't a !" Hongbin also began to yell.

Hell yeah she is and I'm going to prove you she is! Hyuk ignored Hongbin's commant and walked out their dorm, slamming the door.

He was done with this. Hongbin was crazy! He couldn't think clear anymore, his Binnie. What happened with his Binnie? Why did he fall for her? 

Before Hongbin could chase him, he stood in N and Ravi's dorm and broke down. There, in the middle of their dorm. First it seemed like nobody was home, until N and Ravi walked out Ravi's room. What they did in there, Hyuk didn't want to know.

"Hyuk!" N called shocked.

He and Ravi kneeled down next to their friend who now lied on the ground, crying.

"What happened?" Ravi asked and put a hand on Hyuk's back.

"H-he loves her!" Hyuk yelled. "He is in love with that !" Tears flow down his cheaks. Burning his skin with the pain he felt. If he just could cry his heart out, so he couldn't feel anything. Without a heart he wouldn't feel pain... or love. But love was bad. Love already killed you before you are dead.

"Who loves who?" N asked.

"And who's a ?" Ravi asked with a little smile. Hyuk never thought of someone in that way before. Did he? 

Hyuk cried and cried. Before he could answer he needed to cry everything out. He would love to cry his feelings away. His feelings for Hongbin. But he couldn't. Hongbin meant to much for him. It was impossible for him to not love Hongbin. It was just impossible.

N picked Hyuk up and settled him on the coutch. "Shhhh," he said comforting and patted Hyuk's back.

"Can you now tell us who you were talking about?" Ravi asked when Hyuk calmed down.

Hyuk nodded and took a deep breath. "Hongbin and...and Hya." He tried with all his power to not cry again.

N and Ravi gaped at him. Unbelief written on their faces.

"He has a date with her tonight," Hyuk told to make it even worse.

"No way!" N called. "You're kidding. Tell me you're kidding!"

Hyuk shook his head. "And there is something more a need to tell you." 

"More?" Ravi asked.

Hyuk nodded. "I'll tell you when Leo and Ken are here. Can you call them to come over?" 

"Sure," N said and took his phone and called Leo and Ken. He said there was something important and that they had to come over immediately.

And so they did.

"What happened?" Ken asked as he saw Hyuk's red eyes. "Oh god, Hyukkie. Everything alright?" 

"I don't think so." Leo sat next to them on the coutch. 

"Hongbin loves Hya," Ravi said. 

Ken and Leo had the sme reaction as N and Ravi. They gaped with open mouth at Hyuk.

"Are you...Are you serious?" Ken asked in disbelief.

Hyuk nodded reluctant. "He has a date with her tonight. But that's not why you are here." 

Leo, Ken, N and Ravi looked expectantly at Hyuk.

"I know Hya longer than you think," he said, which mad the rest raise an eyebrow. "I know her from my previous school and I had a relationship with her. I loved her. First it looked like she loved me too, but then she cheated on me. When she came here she first acted friendly at her old 'friend'. But soon she discovered I didn't like her. Now that's why she asked Hongbin out, I think. Just to ruin me and Hongbin at the same time. I have to know why she left my previous school, why she's back and what's going on in her life. All of that to prove Hongbin wrong. She's a and only I know that. I need proof and you. I need you guys. Help me with this, please?" 

They hadn't words for this. This is not what they expected. But i made sense. Now they knew why Hyuk hatted Hya.

"I am going to help you, for sure," Ken said and stood up. "Let's kill that ."

"I'll also help," Leo said. "But we're not going to kill anybody," he said to Ken.

"I'm on your side, Hyukkie!" Ravi said and put an arm around his shoulder.

"Me too and I'm very sorry for you," N said and also stood up. "But how are we going to do this?" 

"I have no idea," Hyuk confessed. "I think we should take a look at the schools documents. Maybe we'll found one of Hya." 

"Great idea!" Ken said excited. "For Hyukbin!" 

"For Hyukbin!" The rest yelled except Hyuk. 

Did they just developed a name for him and Hongbin? 

Morons, Hyuk smiled at his great friends.

Hopefully this will succeed...





I'm bad at writing such things :( So sorry if it !

Okay, there is going to be a Hyukbin bonus chappie. But it'll be at the end so you have to wait! muhahah >:D

'till next time!! 



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Chapter 23: I really loved it and at some parts I was (low-key rotting for team sungjae) also do not tell hongbin I said this!!!! This story just kept on making me laugh I loved it a lot sad that it is over tho. But I honestly loved this a lot can't wait to see what you come up with next.
Chapter 17: I am so happy that sungjae is playing his fake boyfriend I love them to together.
crimsonrosesxo #3
Chapter 23: What a great story aw !! For english not being your first language, you sure have a gift for writing and languages in general. This has been one of my fav writings, tysm !
crimsonrosesxo #4
Chapter 23: What a great story aw !! For english not being your first language, you sure have a gift for writing and languages in general. This has been one of my fav writings, tysm !
Chapter 23: So cuTEE adfasdfdsfasd
Chapter 23: Awesome job! I loved reading this :D thank you for writing!
Chapter 23: rereading becus good stories are good:)
KJM_Hallyu #8
Chapter 6: Ugh ... Hya that . I just want to slap her for hurting my Hyukkie -_- my poor baby :'(
missing_vixx #9
Chapter 23: Great Story!!! I wished I found this earlier... I blushed so hard while reading this last chapter~~~
Kpopfanfan_elf #10
Chapter 23: Re-reading this cuz is perfect