Too Far

Love At First Sight

It was afterschool and Jungkook was on his way to find V. He was going to talk to V for hurting Annie that way, but maybe it was more than a talk. He was walking through the halls asking everyone where he was. Eventually, he saw him talking to a group of friends by the lockers and he told all his friends to go away so he could talk to him. 

"What do you want Jungkook?" V asked rudely. 

"Why did you hurt Annie that way?" 

"Hurt her how?" 

"Don't play dumb with me. You told her you weren't friends with her anymore. Why?" 

"Look. I don't think its any of your business." V said and was about to walk away but Jungkook pulled him back hard. 

"YAH! I'm making this easy for you. Just tell me why and no one will get hurt." 

"How about no." V said and walked away but Jungkook shoved him. 

Some students were watching their fight. They were yelling "oooo".

"You are seriously going to take that V?" Jungkook was taunting him. 

"I don't fight back." V said. 

"Apparently I do." Jungkook said and shoved him again. 

The crowd of students started chanting "fight" in the background. 

"You are embarassing yourself." Jungkook was still taunting him. 

V couldn't take his tauntings anymore and swung a punch at his face. Jungkook wasn't bleeding or anything but that did hurt for him. Jungkook threw the second punch and there you could see students betting their money on who was going to win. 

Meanwhile Annie was walking with Minah in the hallways telling her about what happened with her between V. 

"So he told you that he couldn't be friends with you anymore because you were with Jungkook?" Minah had to clarify. 

"Yeah, and thats why I can't hang out with you guys anymore and why I was so sad about V." 

"He really needs to move on." Minah suggested. 

"Why are you suggesting that? Do you have a girl in mind for him?" Annie was teasing her. 

Minah got all red. 

"N-no. He just needs to know there are other girls out there."

"You like him." Annie came out with it." 


"Awwh, Minah and V. You guys should go out on a date. I'll set it up." 

"No, please don't do that." 

As they were walking down the halls, they saw the big crowd of students.

"Whats going on?" Minah asked. 

"Sounds like a fight." Annie said. 

They both went into the crowd, and as they went into the front, they saw Jungkook and V punching each other. Minah went to hold back V, and Annie went to hold back Jungkook. 


Jungkook got loose out of Annie. 

"Because, he was the one who hurted your feelings and I thought he needed to have a punishment." 

"Jungkook, what did I say!? I told you not to do anything bad." 

Everyone was watching their drama go on. 

"Yeah yeah, they were fighting and what-not, go move on with your lives people!" Minah yelled out and all the students gave her rude looks and walked away from them. 

"I was only trying to talk to V, but he wanted me to play it the hard way." 

"You don't need to be apart of my business!" V yelled at him. 

Jungkook was going to throw another punch but Annie held him back. 

"You are going way too far Jungkook. The only reason why he said we couldn't be friends anymore was because... I'm with you and it hurts him to see that I am with you Jungkook. Just don't talk to me for the rest of the day or don't even talk to me at all anymore because I'm breaking up with you." Annie said and walked away. 

"Annie wait!" Jungkook said and ran after her. 

That left Minah and V. Minah saw that his lip was bleeding and she took out a napkin and tried to wipe it for him but he kept pushing her away. 

"Stop. It's ok." 

"It's not. Now stand still." She said and kept wiping it. 

She was blushing as she was wiping it off and V kept staring at her, but then pulled her arms away. 

"I'm ok now. I'll see you later." V said as he walked away through the hallways and left Minah alone. 

He had this weird feeling when Minah did that. A feeling that he never got, even when he was with Annie. 


Jungkook was trying to change Annie's mind. 

"Annie, you know that I didn't mean to take it this far. I'm sorry. Please don't do this." 

"Look, Jungkook. I still like you, but you need to prove to me that I could trust you again. What you did to V was really not necessary and I told you not to do anything bad. I'm sorry, my decision is made." Annie said and walked away. 

"Alright fine. Just because we are broken up doesn't mean I don't love you anymore and that I don't care for you anymore. Just remember that Annie." Jungkook yelled as she was walking but she nodded her head and kept walking out. She thought it would be best if her and Jungkook had a little break for awhile. 


A/N: Who said a story can't have a little cheesy action in it? xD And sorry about the break up guys! I hope you guys aren't that upset D: I love you all! <3

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Chapter 42: spoilers below :

it personally bothered me when the characters would do big actions but they would just forgive them as if it was normal. like when annie kissed JB, when jungkook punched her. I was expecting and wanting them to hold grudges and be more mad, but the story overall was sweet and cute with action.

+ upset that v and minah didn't get together omg
cheekylittlechubba #2
Chapter 43: I really enjoyed this story!!!

I was really sad how Sehun was acting... Sehun's character is a bit annoying - and he's my bias!!!

Great story authornim :D
Chapter 37: But anyway i really like this fanfic xD
Chapter 37: Tch. One word. Annoying annie. Annie such an annoying girl ever like seriously. If I were jungkook, i will not be such a stupid&idiot guy that fall in love with annie. Tch. And when she kissed jb , huh , such a cheater eventhough she said that jb only remind her about their past memories. So ? If our ex reminds our memories, we have to kiss them oh come on. Annie such an annoying.
Chapter 43: Omg that is such a great book! Cant wait till the movie comes out !.
Chapter 42: it's so awww... i can't describe it with words... DAEBAK!
nijihimedere #7
Chapter 40: I love Jungkook, no doubt, but JB is really such a sweetheart here. Though it wouldn't be fair for Annie to start having real feelings for him again. Annie is such a . Jungkook needs to handle his drunken issues. JB is perfect here.
cutiecole44 #8
Chapter 40: I like this fanfic. But I really felt bad for minah! I mean like really I just literally skip all Annie and Jungkook parts to just read Minah and V's interaction. But realising that V is not interested in Minah really broke my heart.. I mean like also I was shocked that Annie has an ex bf lol and like in the whole story Annie has 4 partners and almost all of that 4 guys already has been kissed by her. I just felt bad for Minah :( otherwise the story is really good and I was glad that Annie got punched in the face lol..
Chapter 40: Is it bad I felt no emotion when she got punched?