New Friend

Love At First Sight

January 6th, 2014 7:21 A.M

Jungkook and Annie were on their way to school again, and it was the start of second semester. Annie was going to act like her and Jungkook didn't have a thing going on. Only because they weren't officially together in her mind. Right when they came to school they went to the tables to get their new schedule. Of course, Jungkook left Annie all by herself, and she was looking for V. But she was looking around and spotted this girl standing all by herself. She felt really bad and it looked like she was a new student, so she came up to her.

"Hi, are you new here?" Annie asked her.

She nodded her head shyly.

"Well welcome to the school! My name is Annie. What is your name?"

"My name is Minah." She said shyly.

Right after they were done talking, Annie looked at her schedule.

"Oh, you have first period with me! Let's go find Taehyung first. You would really love him. He's so sweet." Annie said and was trying to look for him.

"BOO!" V said and scared Annie.

"Yah! don't do that ever again!" Annie said and hit him.

V started laughing and looked at Minah.

"Oh, well who is this?" V asked.

"This is Minah! She has first period with us."

Minah waved at him shyly.

"Hey you are going to love it here. Especially because I'm here."

Minah chuckled.

"Shut up, Taehyung. You aren't funny."

"Then why was Minah laughing?" V asked.

"Do you guys go out?" Minah interrupted them.

They both froze.

"Um, no. We don't." Annie said.

V felt disappointed to hear that. The bell rang.

"Let's get to class now." Annie said.

As they were walking to class, Jungkook ran up to her and held her hand.

"Hey." Jungkook said and smiled at her.

She pulled her hand away from his and kept walking with Minah and V. Jungkook stood there in confusion.

"Who was that?" Minah asked.

"Oh, that was no one..."

"But he held your hand." Minah said.

"It's nothing, he's just.. Well... I can't call him my boyfriend, yet."

V's eyes widened when he heard that.

"Oh, he didn't ask you yet?" Minah asked.

"You are such a curious girl, Minah. You don't need to worry about anything." Annie said and smiled.

It's not that Annie didn't want to tell her anything, it was because of V. He was right there listening to their conversation, and she knew how much he liked her, so she didn't want him to be so heart broken for the whole day.


Annie was walking down the hall with Minah and V, and Jungkook came and gave her a back hug.

"Hey Annie!" Jungkook said happily.

"Oh hi." Annie said and took his arms off of her.

"Are you guys dating?" Minah asked Jungkook.

"Yes." "No." Jungkook said yes and Annie said No.

"We are dating." Jungkook said and smiled at her.

"No we aren't." Annie said and looked away at him.

"Are you trying to keep "us" a secret?"

Everyone stopped and looked at both of them. Some looked really surprised while other people were whispering to each other about both of them.

"You are causing a crowd. I'll talk to you later." Annie said and walked with V and Minah.

Then Hoseok and Suga went up to him.

"You guys are dating?" Suga asked.

"Yeah, but she's acting like we aren't."

"Did you even ask her to be your girlfriend or did you assume you both were going out?" Hoseok asked him.

"I assumed we were going out. I need to ask her to be my girlfriend?!?" Jungkook sounded surprised.

"Well. Obviously you do. Because she thinks you both aren't "official" yet." Suga said.

"How do you know this?" Jungkook asked him.

"Because she's different than the rest of the girls you went out with. Most of the girls you went out with you just assumed you were going out with them, and they would just agree. She's different. You need to ask her to make it official." Suga said.

"Alright, I'll ask her right now." Jungkook said but J-hope and Suga pulled him back.

"You can't JUST ask her. You need to do something special." J-hope said.

"Like what?" Jungkook asked.

"Give her roses, or make a poster for her. Or give her a teddy bear with chocolates. OR"

"You sound like a girl right now." Jungkook started laughing.

"Well, I know what a girl likes because I'm planning to ask out one of Annie's friends."

"Is it Domo?" J-hope asked.

"How do you know?" Suga asked.

"Because it's kind of obvious." J-Hope said.

"Alright guys. What should I do?"

"I don't know, do something unique." Suga said.

"Oh I have an idea!" Jungkook said and pulled J-Hope and Suga with him to go to Jin, Jimin and Rap Monster.


It was afterschool and V decided to walk Annie home.

"So you guys are dating?" V said sadly.

"Nope. Not yet." Annie said quietly.

"Oh really? I thought you guys were because I saw you guys kiss on the rooftop."

"Oh you saw that?"

"Yeah..." V said awkwardly.

"Are you ok?" Annie asked him.

"IS IT KIND OF OBVIOUS THAT I DON'T WANT YOU TO DATE JUNGKOOK?" V said and started to walk the other way.

"Taehyung, wait!" Annie called him, but before she could run up to him, Jimin and J-hope pulled her back quickly.

"Annie! Come with us! Jungkook is hurt really bad at school!" They said seriously.

"WHAT?" Annie said and ran with them to the school.


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Chapter 42: spoilers below :

it personally bothered me when the characters would do big actions but they would just forgive them as if it was normal. like when annie kissed JB, when jungkook punched her. I was expecting and wanting them to hold grudges and be more mad, but the story overall was sweet and cute with action.

+ upset that v and minah didn't get together omg
cheekylittlechubba #2
Chapter 43: I really enjoyed this story!!!

I was really sad how Sehun was acting... Sehun's character is a bit annoying - and he's my bias!!!

Great story authornim :D
Chapter 37: But anyway i really like this fanfic xD
Chapter 37: Tch. One word. Annoying annie. Annie such an annoying girl ever like seriously. If I were jungkook, i will not be such a stupid&idiot guy that fall in love with annie. Tch. And when she kissed jb , huh , such a cheater eventhough she said that jb only remind her about their past memories. So ? If our ex reminds our memories, we have to kiss them oh come on. Annie such an annoying.
Chapter 43: Omg that is such a great book! Cant wait till the movie comes out !.
Chapter 42: it's so awww... i can't describe it with words... DAEBAK!
nijihimedere #7
Chapter 40: I love Jungkook, no doubt, but JB is really such a sweetheart here. Though it wouldn't be fair for Annie to start having real feelings for him again. Annie is such a . Jungkook needs to handle his drunken issues. JB is perfect here.
cutiecole44 #8
Chapter 40: I like this fanfic. But I really felt bad for minah! I mean like really I just literally skip all Annie and Jungkook parts to just read Minah and V's interaction. But realising that V is not interested in Minah really broke my heart.. I mean like also I was shocked that Annie has an ex bf lol and like in the whole story Annie has 4 partners and almost all of that 4 guys already has been kissed by her. I just felt bad for Minah :( otherwise the story is really good and I was glad that Annie got punched in the face lol..
Chapter 40: Is it bad I felt no emotion when she got punched?