The Date

Love At First Sight

December 7th, 2013 Saturday 2:01 PM

Today was the day that V and Annie planned their date together. Annie was also having a barbeque at her house, so she thought it would be a good idea to eat before where they were going. Her mom and her uncle's friends started to come over, and Annie was looking at the time, wondering where V was. Then the doorbell rang, and Annie decided to answer it and saw Jungkook with his parents. 

"Oh hi! Come in!" Annie said and motioned them to come in. 

They came in and Annie's mom came over to greet his parents, and eventually his parents followed her mom and that left Jungkook and Annie alone. 

"You should go eat." Annie told Jungkook. 

Jungkook left her alone and went to his parents. 

Annie was still waiting for him and then the doorbell rang again. She opened it and saw V holding a red rose. 

"Hi. This is for you." V said and handed her the rose. 

Annie's cheeks turned red as the rose. 

"Thanks." Annie said and smiled.  

"We should go eat." Annie said and walked to the kitchen, with V following her behind. 

Annie's parents were talking with Jungkook's parents, and Jungkook was sitting there listening to their conversation. 

"Hey mom, this is Taehyung." 

"Oh Taehyung? Hi Taehyung." Annie's mom said and came over there to shake his hand awkwardly. 

"Hi nice to meet you. And hi Mr. and Mrs. Jeon." 

They both waved at him, and Jungkook gave dirty looks at the both of them. 

"I got to go get something upstairs in my room. I'll be right back." Annie said and went upstairs. 

"Nice to see you again, Taehyung." 

"Yeah, long time, no see." 

"Oh you already know him?" Jungkook's mom asked. 

Jungkook's ears were ready to hear what her mom was about to say. 

"Yeah, when we lived in the apartments, Taehyung here, was her choir partner, and her dancing partner. He was like her partner in crime." 

"Oh, but shouldn't Annie know him already?" 

"Well-" V interruppted. 

All eyes laid on V. 

"When we were in 5th grade, Annie and I were on our way to her house. And as we were by the apartments, some stupid idiot from the apartments dropped their flower pot on her head."

"What? Thats crazy."  Jungkook's mom said.

"Yeah, and when we took her to the hospital, she remembered us and everything else, except for Taehyung." Annies mom finished. 

"I'm back." Annie yelled as she got into the kitchen.

"Should we go eat now?" V asked. 

"Nah, I lost my appetite. We should just go now. Bye mom! Bye Jungkook. Bye Mr. and Mrs. Jeon." 

"Bye have fun!" Annie's mom said. 

Annie and V left the house right away. 

"So does Annie have any idea who Taehyung is?" Jungkook's dad asked. 

"Nope. Even those pictures of her and Taehyung doesn't give her a clue." 

"That's so sad. I feel sorry for Taehyung." Jungkook had to get into the conversation. 

"Yeah, but what can we do. No matter what we do, she will never remember him." 

"I hope she doesn't..." Jungkook muttered. 


Annie and V decided to go to the Han River, to see the view. They were sitting down on a bench, watching the sunset go down. They were talking and laughing and then they saw an ice cream stand. 

"Oh, do you want to get ice cream? On me." V asked. 

"I'm ok, I wouldn't want you spending your money on me and its a little too cold for ice cream anyways." 

"Oh are you cold? Heres my jacket." V said and took off his jacket and wrapped it around her. 

"Thanks, you really didn't need to do that though." 

"Nah, don't worry about it." V said. 

Annie, took a her phone out of her purse and V saw the picture of her lockscreen. He knew that was him and her when they were little, but he just wanted to see if he could regain her memory. 

"Oh who's that boy in your picture?" V asked. 

"Oh this boy with me? I don't know who he is, but ever since I got this phone, my parents put that as my lockscreen picture and I never changed it then." 

"Do you have any idea who it is though?" 

"Well, he kind of looks like you. Is it you?" 

"What? That can never be me." V lied. 

"Are you sure? Because, it seems like I met you before." 

"I don't think so. I mean, you just met me in school, thats all." 

"Are you sure? Because, I had a choir partner, and a dancing partner exactly like you." 

"She's actually remembering..." V said to himself. 

"Well, I don't know." V shrugged. 

"And I could have sworn, his name was Taehyung."


"Then what were you talking about with my mom about me forgetting you when I got hit with that flower pot? Yeah, I remember that quite clearly." 

"Honestly, Annie. Do you remember me? Not because of what your mom said, but what you know?" 

"I remember that you used to sing Beautiful to me all the time when we would go to the park together. That really put me in a good mood." 

"YOU REALLY REMEMBER!" V said and gave her a huge hug.

"Hah, I guess I do." Annie said and smiled. 

The sunset had gone down. 

"I thought I would have lost you forever. Why did it take this long to make you remember?" 

"When we were playing the piano, I remember putting my hands on top of yours, and when I did that, you felt so familiar to me. It made me remember when I did that to a little boy when I was 5th grade and thats when I started remembering." 

"I'm glad you are back Annie. I missed you so much." 

"Hey, we should get going now. I don't want to get my mom mad." 

"Right, lets go." V said and held her hand. 

They started walking and Annie was starting to remember everything. She was starting to remember everything she did with V, from where they met, where they were dancing and singing together. Everything was coming back to Annie and she was glad about it too. 


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Chapter 42: spoilers below :

it personally bothered me when the characters would do big actions but they would just forgive them as if it was normal. like when annie kissed JB, when jungkook punched her. I was expecting and wanting them to hold grudges and be more mad, but the story overall was sweet and cute with action.

+ upset that v and minah didn't get together omg
cheekylittlechubba #2
Chapter 43: I really enjoyed this story!!!

I was really sad how Sehun was acting... Sehun's character is a bit annoying - and he's my bias!!!

Great story authornim :D
Chapter 37: But anyway i really like this fanfic xD
Chapter 37: Tch. One word. Annoying annie. Annie such an annoying girl ever like seriously. If I were jungkook, i will not be such a stupid&idiot guy that fall in love with annie. Tch. And when she kissed jb , huh , such a cheater eventhough she said that jb only remind her about their past memories. So ? If our ex reminds our memories, we have to kiss them oh come on. Annie such an annoying.
Chapter 43: Omg that is such a great book! Cant wait till the movie comes out !.
Chapter 42: it's so awww... i can't describe it with words... DAEBAK!
nijihimedere #7
Chapter 40: I love Jungkook, no doubt, but JB is really such a sweetheart here. Though it wouldn't be fair for Annie to start having real feelings for him again. Annie is such a . Jungkook needs to handle his drunken issues. JB is perfect here.
cutiecole44 #8
Chapter 40: I like this fanfic. But I really felt bad for minah! I mean like really I just literally skip all Annie and Jungkook parts to just read Minah and V's interaction. But realising that V is not interested in Minah really broke my heart.. I mean like also I was shocked that Annie has an ex bf lol and like in the whole story Annie has 4 partners and almost all of that 4 guys already has been kissed by her. I just felt bad for Minah :( otherwise the story is really good and I was glad that Annie got punched in the face lol..
Chapter 40: Is it bad I felt no emotion when she got punched?