Chapter 6

Second Chances

   "Ahjumma, please don't worry, everything would be alright." I kept telling my grandmother as I was packing most of my belongings that I would bring to Seoul.

   "IT'S A BOYS DORM!! How can they allow you to stay in a BOYS DORM!!!" not bothering to hide her concern, Ahjumma asked that question innumerable times already since I told her of the situation.  She's been helping me pack and trying hard not to cry, we both are.  I walked over and hugged her as I always do when we're both feeling down.

   "There are no rooms available. Besides, it's only temporary till they can find another place." I answered her truthfully, not wanting to add to her worries if I lied.  I have kept no secrets from her anyways.

   I have lived with Ahjumma since I was 12, my parents both have families of their own and I can't seem to fit with either of them. I was living with my mom in the US then, when Ahjumma came over for a visit. She can see that they were tearing me apart. Don't get me wrong, I love them both of my mom and dad and somehow they love me in their own way as l follow their way. I can't stay with one parent without hurting the other and they always find things to blame each other. I don't want to be in the middle anymore.

   When Ahjumma offered me to stay in Korea. Being half-Korean, I can stay with my moms' mother. They finally agreed reluctantly but they understand it's whats good for me in the end.

   Ahjumma is the best, I can tell her everything and anything. I can be me! She even knows of my break-up with my ex-boyfriend, thats why I ended up studying in Seoul. To avoid painful memories and a much needed change from all of it.

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MinaMay #1
Chapter 24: Ahhh I'm looking forward for this story.

Please update more Author-nim. ^_^ Fighting!
Yeaaa I like this!!
Jonghyuncutie #3
Chapter 16: Thnx 4 the fast update continue 2 do that
pedobear_143 #4
Nice one! :)