Chapter 21

Second Chances


  "WELCOME HOME MIA!!! WE ARE SHINee" We greeted Mia when she arrived at the dorm that afternoon. We were happy that the President allowed Mia to stay with us.

   Before we met with Mr. LSM, we were worried on how to present our proposal to have Mia live in the dorm. With the help of manager hyung, we came up with some ideas and rules to follow.



   "Manager hyung! You came quickly." Onew told their manager when he came inside living room of the dorm.

   "Your said it was important, so I came as fast as I can. So... what is the problem? You all look as if you lost your bestfriend?" He said as he sat beside Onew on the sofa.

   I have decided that I would talk first, as their leader it is my responsibility to tell our manager hyung of our concerns. We usually can tell our managers anything on our own, but in this situation I thought it was better if it came from me.

   "Hyung, why did you not tell us that our roommate is a girl? It was unfair of you not to tell us?" I asked the first question that came in my mind.

   "The president requested me not to say anything except that someone will be living here for a while. He thought that all of you would worry and not concentrate on the tour, afterall it is against the rules." He answered looking at all of us. He continued on, "There was also concern of how all of you would react. After what happened on 'YUNHA NAM', no one is excited to tell all of you."

   "Hyung... What if we decided to let her stay? Here? With us?" I asked seriously.

   "ARE ALL OF YOU JOKING???!!!" He shouted and stood, glaring at all of us. "That is ridiculous Onew, you should know being the oldest here of the consequences that can happen."

   "But hyung..." Taemin spoke up. "She has no other place to go."

   "And how do you know?" Manager hyung looked at Taemin angrily.

   "All of us know because Kris of EXO told us of her situation." Jonghyun said hastily.

   "She did a wonderful job of looking after the dorm and she considered our life as idols by not revealing she's staying here." Key calmly said to their still angry manager.

   "AISH!!! You boys realize what you are saying? The president won't allow this!" Their manager responded after being quiet for a while. "What about you Minho? Do you have anything to say? Better to say it out loud now." Their manager pointed at the silent boy, his other hand slowly massaging his aching forehead.

   Minho looked at his hyungs and Taemin before answering their manager. "Hyung.... I think we all agree to let her stay with us. We will take care of her as our dongsaeng, it is not as if we will take advantage of her. You know us better than anyone else."

   Their manager again sat beside Onew. Looking at their faces, he deliberated what he would say next. "Are all of you prepared for what the management would say?" He paused for a moment. SHINee is respected by all of the groups managed by SM Entertainment because they are courteous and respectful. And the staff working in the industry find them professional and hardworking.

   They may do a prank now and again but it's only harmless fun and it's usually done on their own members. Looking at them again, he made a decision he hoped he won't regret later on.

   "Alright." All five members gazed at him expectantly. "I would help you talk to the President. We would set up a meeting with him today after you have all rested and make a plan. But I can't promise that he will agree."

   "I made up a list of rules that we can follow while she's living here." Key handed the list over to their manager.

   "When did you make that list??" Jonghyun demanded. The others were interested too.

   "It doesn't matter when I made, what's important are the rules and what we should do when Mia is allowed to live with us." Diva Key answered at them.

   "Maybe we should discuss this and add on or change some of what is written here." Manager hyung quickly changed the topic before a shouting match began between 'JONGKEY'.

   He stoop up and head towards the kitchen, Shinee followed behind him with Jonghyun and Key continued to argue.



   "WELCOME HOME SHINee!!!" Mia cried out to us and bowed. We are all in the living room and happy to have her with us.

   "Your bags are in my room or what is now your room." Onew gestured towards the bedroom door. "Jonghyun will move in with Key, and I will be with the others."

   "I'm sorry to be such a bother to everyone. I can stay in the living room so no one will be inconvenienced." She was distressed by what Onew was telling her. Everyone was moved about to make room for her.

   Onew observed on her face what she was feeling at that moment. "Please, we want you to have the room. It would be rude not to accept it after we already prepared it for you."

   Realizing her words sounded ungrateful. She bowed at all of them with a smile on her lips to show her appreciation to all of them.

   "Thank you for your gift." Minho held up his bookmark. "I was surprised that you know I like sports, are you a fan of SHINee?"

   She glanced towards the floor, feeling her face going red. "Yes I am."

   Jonghyun grabbed her hands and led her towards the sofa to sit and sat beside her. Mia swiftly remove her hands from his grasp. Being the skinship king of the group, he persisted in touching her hand. "Can you tell us who's your bias?" He asked while he held her hand.

   "STOP THAT YOU PABO DINO!!!"  Key yelled from the back of Mia. He just came out of his room when he saw Jonghyun holding onto Mia's hands, he remembered that Mia is not into skinships from what Kris said to them. To stop his hyung from touching Mia, he sat between them with his back at Jonghyun.

   "Here is a present from us." Key gave her a shopping bag. "I was not able to wrap it properly but we hope you like it." They sat around her, waiting for her to look at their gift.

   Opening the shopping bag, she pulled out a cute shirt. She gave a cry of delight when she saw the printed design. "OH! I like it very much!"

   "By the way you sounded, it looks like we won't be able to give you Taemin." Minho joked.

   "HYUNG!" Taemin shouted at him.

   "Why would you give me Taemin? I don't even know what to do with him? She asked confused. They laughed at what she said.

   "It was a joke." Taemin insisted.

   "It looks like I found a girl who does not like our Taeminnie." Key laughed louder at Taemins pouting face.

   "I hope you'll call us 'Oppa' Mia. and thank you for taking care of our dorm." Onew said.

   "And thank you for talking to Mr. LSM for letting me stay." She bowed her head at them.

   "You must be tired. We'll let you rest and call you later for dinner." Key stood up, signalling the others to stand up too. "We can talk more later, okay."

   "I can help with dinner." She offered helpfully.

   "No." Giving her a slight push on the shoulders towards her room. "One of us will call you, go and rest." Key insisted.

   Given no choice, she walked to her new bedroom and opened the door. Going inside, she looked back and saw them watching her. She smiled at them and gently closed the door.


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MinaMay #1
Chapter 24: Ahhh I'm looking forward for this story.

Please update more Author-nim. ^_^ Fighting!
Yeaaa I like this!!
Jonghyuncutie #3
Chapter 16: Thnx 4 the fast update continue 2 do that
pedobear_143 #4
Nice one! :)