Chapter 25

Second Chances

   Mia was just about to leave the dorm when Minho stepped out of the room he is now sharing with Onew and Taemin dressed in his running suit of sweatshirt with hoodie and matching pants. Unable to go without appearing rude, she decided to wait for him to go to the kitchen before leaving herself.

   "Are you off to school?" Minho asked quickly as he quietly closed the bedroom door.

   "Just about to... umm Min... er, I mean Oppa." giving a slight nod with her answer.

   "Wait for me!" He hurried to the kitchen to get a bottled water, noticing that the dining table is already prepared with a delicious breakfast. With a little shake of regret, he went out and joined the waiting Mia.

   They went through the corridor and down the stairs in silence. Before Mia was able to open the door to go outside, Minho stopped her and gestured for her to wait. Placing the hoodie over his head, Minho took a quick peek before going out the door. When he saw that the coast is clear, he pulled open the door and held out a hand to Mia. Seeing that she's not making a move, he took her hand and helped her to go outside the building.

   Making their way across the street towards her school, Mia can't help but glance at him. "He's really handsome up close." Then she saw the Minho was looking at her at saw that she was staring at him. Startled, she looked away and a slight blush came up her cheeks. 

   "Hey, it's okay." Minho smiled at her. "I don't mind." Placing a hand on her head.

   "I'm sorry..."  I stammered a reply and looked away, not knowing what to say after being caught staring at him.

   "It's no big deal, at least I know that you notice one of us in SHINee." Putting his hand back inside his jacket pocket. "We haven't really gotten to know each other with us being busy and with you in school and training."

   "So... how goes the training?" He thought to ask, EXO hyungs are right when they said that Mia is shy around people she does not know yet. He made a mental sigh to make more effort to help her relax around him.

   They made a rule on not dating Mia, but this is not can be called dating. "She needs to know that we are here for her too, not just EXO hyungs." Minho defended himself.

   "It's fun, tiring but fun... also exciting!" A nervous laugh bubbled out of her.

   "Exciting?! I can relate to that."

   "I guess..." She took a small peek at Minho, determining that he is not laughing at what she said. "In your experiences in SHINee, I can see that all of you are still enjoying yourselves to the fullest. It's not just fan service but all of you love your work and your fans that support SHINee." Thinking she have said too much on a personal level, she blushed and looked away from his smiling face.

   "No need to be shy Mia, what you said is true. We love our fans and the way they support us are sometimes to the extreme but we love to sing and dance for them. All of our hard work is paying off and can be seen by the love of our fans." Minho bumped his shoulder against hers in a playful manner."

   Releived and feeling happy inside, Mia returned the shoulder bump he gave her. Nearing the corner of her school, she looked again at Minho. Giving him a bow, "Thank you Oppa for taking me to school."

   "We are here already? That was quick. I was hoping that we could talk more." He looked around and saw that there were no other students around. He was surprised that Mia goes to her school this early. Making a quick decision, He escorted Mia around the corner intending to bring her closer to the school gate.

   "Oppa?? Where are you going?" Surprise evident in her voice. She fought a feeling of panic within herself when he saw what he intends to do. Holding immediately to his upper arm to stop him, she felt his muscles that makes his fans shout. Letting go as if burned, she hurried to get past him.

   "STOP Mia!" Minho grabbed her hand. "I'm accompanying you to the gate thats it. There is no one around, so I think it's safe enough for me." Still holding on to her hand, they proceeded to cross the street.

   And a shout and sound of running feet can be heard beside them, making him realize that he was discovered...

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MinaMay #1
Chapter 24: Ahhh I'm looking forward for this story.

Please update more Author-nim. ^_^ Fighting!
Yeaaa I like this!!
Jonghyuncutie #3
Chapter 16: Thnx 4 the fast update continue 2 do that
pedobear_143 #4
Nice one! :)