Chapter 23

Second Chances

   It's 5:30am the following day, Mia's busy in the kitchen preparing breakfast for all of them. Feeling guilty for having slept the first night they were supposed to share a meal together. Tension and worry tends to make her more tired afterwards, add sleepless nights and hard studying.

   "What time do they wake up anyway? I don't see any posted schedule around... do they keep their schedules in their heads or does their manager hyung instruct them on a daily basis?" Sigh... rubbing a hand across her forehead to keep a frown from forming, she decided to put a meal together before preparing for school.

   "Good morning Mia." Dressed in his sweat suit, Minho quietly greeted Mia, stepping out of the room he was sharing with the other members. He was surprised to see Mia up so early and obviously cooking breakfast. "Did you sleep well? Key hyung told us you were tired and not to be disturbed." walking towards her.

   "Good morning Min... err... Oppa." Mia replied back, moving away from the now approaching Minho. "You're training already??"

   "I want to be ready. The competition is intense and the games are extreme for idols like us." Moving a little away from her to get a bottled water from the fridge. He can't help but notice the way Mia seemed to be reacting to his nearness. Not to make her uncomfortable, he decided to put a little distance between them.

   "I'll cheer for you! FIGHTING!!!" Raising her fist. "Will you be eating later?" Mia asked when she saw he was walking towards the door.

   "Uh huh. I"ll wake the rest up when I get back from my run. We have a meeting with our manager hyung." Minho saw what he thought Onew and Key hyung must have seen when they found her asleep for dinner, there was still a trace of dark circles around her eyes and fatigue is apparantly evident on her face that is devoid of make-up. Since she did not answer his earlier question, he asked again. "Did you sleep well?"

   Flustered and unable to meet his eyes, "I did." And to avoid more questions she headed back to the kitchen, "I'll set up the table and dress up for school after I eat. Maybe... I can join all you later tonight. I have something very important to ask all of you."Can you please tell them Oppa?" Giving a shy smile.

   "Okay. Take care Mia." And he stepped out the door.

   "Bye... Oppa..." She whispered to herself.



   "EUN SUN!!! JIN AE!!!" Mia shouted happily, running towards her friends. She texted them before leaving the dorm to meet her early at school. "I have exciting news. You guys won't believe it."

   "What!? Tell us already... you're making us all tensed up." Eun Sun and Jin Ae eagerly met her.

   "I got to stay at a temporary dorm, and the moment I'm not allowed to tell you till I get permission first. I was already packed and decided on staying with either one of you when I got the news."

   "That's great Mia though we would really want you to stay with us but if it makes you happy, we understand." Eun Sun hugged a very happy Mia.

  "I was really hoping that you you guys would understand and I'll make you both proud." She was starting to tear up.

   "Silly girl!" Jin Ae hit her lightly on the arm before pulling her in for a hug. "Come on, tell us whoelse you saw in the SM Building! I bet you've already met all the idols and haven't said anything to us."

   "As if I could keep anything from the two of you." Mia told them but kept the secret to herself for a while. 'I'm asking permission tonigth, aren't I.... so I'm not really lying to them.' She thought to herself.

   And as they entered the school premises, she recalled the idols that she has already seen but have not met being a trainee but she kept the fact of meeting SHINee and being friends with EXO for a while till she gets their okay.



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MinaMay #1
Chapter 24: Ahhh I'm looking forward for this story.

Please update more Author-nim. ^_^ Fighting!
Yeaaa I like this!!
Jonghyuncutie #3
Chapter 16: Thnx 4 the fast update continue 2 do that
pedobear_143 #4
Nice one! :)