Chapter 18

Second Chances


   Staring at my open locker in school, I go over in my mind the incident at the stairs this morning. "I know them somehow....". "They look familiar in a way...." It made me distracted the whole day, just thinking about those guys made my head hurt. It's like I'm missing something important.

   Letting out a loud sigh, I close my locker slowly. School is over and I have to be on my way for training.

   "Mia, we want to talk to you." Eun Sun and Jin Ae stopped in front of my locker. "We wanted to tell you something for the past few days but we don't know how to tell you..."

   Eun Sun and Jin Ae looked at each other, making me nervous on what they wanted to tell me. "Have they found out that I lied on where I'm staying?"  "Has the whole school know that I'm a trainee at SM Entertainment?"  "Have I failed my math test?" I thought.

   Gathering my courage, I looked at them to know what they wanted to say but concern and sadness show out in my eyes.

   "I think we overdid that." Jin Ae said to Eun Sun.

   "Here!" Jin Ae handed me a box. "It's your early graduation gift... From us."

   I eyed the box curiously, not knowing what to say to them.

   "Well? Open it." Eun Sun excitedly ordered.

   I tore the simple wrapping paper covering the box. Lifting the lid, inside is a cellphone. I was speechless. Looking at the phone then at them, my eyes started to tear up.

   "You have to accept the gift Mia or you'll hurt our feelings." Eun Sun said to me. They were both waiting for my reaction to their gift, knowing that I would not accept an expensive gift from them.

   "Thank you guys." I said, crying openly now as I hugged them tightly.

   "I'm glad you accepted the gift without a fight Mia, I was ready to give you a lot of reasons to keep it actually and to force you if we have to in accepting it." Jin Ae whispered in my ear.

   Releasing them from my hug, they excitedly told me what they put inside the phone. "Our numbers are in there, so's our parents numbers in case of emergency that you need to call them. And lastly our pictures." When I opened the phone and saw our picture wallpaper, tears are falling again from my eyes. I wanted to have a phone again for so long, I missed texting or calling my friends.

   "How did you guys know?" I asked them.

   "Hey, what kind of bestfriends are we that we don't know what you wanted. And we actually saw you at a shop looking through the window display where those phones are sold." Eun Sun explained.

   "But this is expensive, isn't it?" I looked worriedly at them.

   "That is also the reason why our parents numbers are in the directory, we all shared in buying the phone and one of their request is to add their numbers. And we're tired of waiting for you to buy your own phone and we miss you calling or texting us." Jin Ae said.

   "I thought the same too. I miss you both! I really can't accept the gift but .... Thank You.... THANK YOU!!! Giving them a killer hug again. "And please tell Appas and Ummas that I like the gift very much." We were all crying now.

   "Go Mia! You still have training. Text us later. Okay!" Eun Sun and Jin Ae hurried me along.

   "I might text one of you earlier than both of you might think" I murmured to myself.

   "What did you say?" Jin Ae asked me.

   "I said I will certainly text you both early." I nervously answered before separating with them from the school gate.


_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _


   Tired after the dance training, I was looking forward to the vocal training.

   I really love vocal training even though it's harder than it looks like. I'm learning a lot with Trainer Unnie, how to control my breathing, how to prolong a high note and most especially to relax your face when singing. No one wants to look at a singer whose face is like it's contorted in pain.

   "Mia." Dance trainer Han oppa called me as I was picking up my towel from the floor. The other trainees were already leaving the dance studio.

   "Mr. SM wants to see you before you go to your other schedule. You remember the conference room? He's waiting there for you." After saying that, he motioned me to hurry out the studio. Nobody makes the president of SM wait.

   "Thanks Oppa." I said as I ran past him.

   "Please let it be good news!!" I repeatedly whispered to myself, making it sound like a prayer as I rushed to the elevator to meet with the president. Luckily no one was inside when the doors opened and I pressed the button to the 4th floor.

   I stood outside the conference room, I can hear him speaking. "Well, here goes nothing. HWAITING!!" I thought to myself and I knocked on the door.




I hope you readers enjoyed this new chapter. I will try to update again soon.

Thanks for reading!!!




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MinaMay #1
Chapter 24: Ahhh I'm looking forward for this story.

Please update more Author-nim. ^_^ Fighting!
Yeaaa I like this!!
Jonghyuncutie #3
Chapter 16: Thnx 4 the fast update continue 2 do that
pedobear_143 #4
Nice one! :)