Chapter 11

Second Chances


   "Finished!" I shouted out to no one in particular, being alone in the dorm can sure have some perks. "My schoolwork is done, all I have to do now is grab my bag and catch the train to Daegu." Now I feel stupid talking to myself, hahaha.

   There was a knock on the door and Kris head appeared as he opened it on his own. "I really must learn to lock the door next time." I muttered to myself.

   "Hey! Where are you going?" He saw the bag near the door. "Some of the guys and I are heading to SM Building to practice, want to join us?"

   "I'm on my way home." I said while checking my stuff.

   "I heard you're the star pupil with the voice lessons and rumor is that your dancing has improved a lot." He let himself in and laid back on the sofa.

   "I also heard that you turned down a lot of the guys who asked you out." He was looking straight at her face, wanting to see her reaction on his news.

   I made a face of disgust. "I'm not interested in dating anyone. With school, training and work.... who has time to go out with anyone or date." I turned away from Kris and looked around the dorm. I have less than a week to prepare myself on leaving this place. SHINee will be back and there is the problem of where will I stay. Mr. LSM still has not found a place for me to transfer. I'm getting worried.

   Should I move back to my friends house, I hate to be a bother to them.

   "What else have you heard?" I moved closer to Kris and looked suspiciously at him.

   "I said GO OUT WITH ANYONE NOT DATE. Nothing else important... except..." He said.

   "WHAT!!! OPPAAAA!!!" He is totally making me nervous.

   "Everyone loves your voice because it's different. There's a whole lot of feeling going on everytime you sing." Enjoying himself with Mia's reactions.

   "That's all!" Hitting him with a pillow. I was feeling panicked. I know I have a good voice but not that kind of good. I drew a deep breath and sat on the floor.

   Kris's mirth finally showed itself and reached my confused mind. I stared at him levelly making him laugh louder.

   I finally laughed with him also because of my nervousness. He can really make me laugh at myself, so does the other members of EXO. I haven't laughed this hard for such a long time. It's nice to feel I can laugh again.

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MinaMay #1
Chapter 24: Ahhh I'm looking forward for this story.

Please update more Author-nim. ^_^ Fighting!
Yeaaa I like this!!
Jonghyuncutie #3
Chapter 16: Thnx 4 the fast update continue 2 do that
pedobear_143 #4
Nice one! :)