Chapter 20

Second Chances


   I stood outside the conference room, I can hear him speaking. "Well here goes nothing. HWAITING!!" I thought to myself and I knocked on the door.

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   Mr. SM is indeed conducting a meeting inside when I stepped in the room. He was facing the door, I can only see the back of the heads of the persons he was talking to. Embarrassed at my rude interruption, I made a move to go outside again when he signaled me to join him at the front of the conference table.

   With my head down , I walked to where the president is. I can feel the eyes of the persons he was talking to look at me, making me feel more embarrassed.

   "Good Afternoon Mr. President." I greeted Mr. LSM and bowed from my waist. "I am sorry to have disturbed your meeting. Mr. Han told me to go here after my dance training."

   "Mia, your training is over for the day?" MR. LSM asked me when I stood straight beside his chair. My back is facing his visitors, I tried to take a peek at them when my head was down but I was afraid the president might see.

   "Oh, no sir. I have vocal training next."

   "Do you have time to attend to your studies?" His voice sounding a bit concerned.

   "Yes sir." I answered softly.

   He stood out of his chair and touched my shoulder to turn me to face his visitors. I was shocked to finally realized what was bothering the whole morning. I was in such a hurry that I failed to recognize them.

   "I want you to meet SHINee, the leader Onew, then Jonghyun, Key, Minho and the youngest of the group Taemin." The members stood up when their names were called. "I understand that you have not met each other this morning". Mr. LSM asked me, I could only nod my head at his question.

   "SHINee, this is Mia your former roommate."

   "FORMER?!" We all said at once.

   "I'm sorry we're not able to find you a dorm where you can live Mia. And you have already been informed before of the company policy." Mr. SM told me, his stance apologetic.

   "I know that sir, and I'm happy to have met SHINee." I smiled and bowed to them in greeting.

   "Sir, if I may." Onew started. "I speak for the group that could you please allow Mia to stay with us." He appealed to Mr. SM.

   I was surprised by what he said. I stayed quiet when the president told us to sit down. I sat a little in between the president and SHINee.

   Minho continued the appeal to Mr. LSM. "We had a meeting before going here and we have decided with your permission sir, to let Mia stay and live with us."

   "Kris of EXO mentioned that she lives quite a distance from Seoul and is about to graduate highschool." Added Jonghyun.

   "We can give her a room. Since Minho is training for the Dream Team, either Onew hyung or I will move to their room. Also, I will not always be at the dorm since there are rehearsals for the up-coming play." Key continued on the conversation.

   "We have only met today and from what Kris hyung said to us she is very responsible. She studies and trains very hard." Joined Taemin for his hyungs.

   The president looked at the sincere faces of the people in front of him, only Mia's head is lowered. He could not tell what she is thinking. "And what will you say when your fans find out a girl is in your dorm?" He finally asked the members of SHINee. "Or you have not thought of that situation before asking me to allow Mia to live with all of you."

   " We will be very careful that the fans would not find out." Onew answered for s with certainty.

   "Actually...." Mia said, getting the full attention of everyone in the room.

   Her face turned a little red from the looks they were giving her. Getting a little courage, she spoke up. "I have been very careful when I go out of the dorm. I make sure that there are no fans outside and sometimes EXO oppas check first if the area is clear of fans before they let me out of the building."

   Satisfied that all will cooperate with keeping her living arrangements secret. "Alright, I will give my consent." The president raised his hand before any one could celebrate.

   "This is only temporary. When a dorm is available, Mia will move immediately." Looking seriously at all of them. "And if word leaked out in the news of this.... you all know the consequences. Understood!"

   "Yes sir!" They answered  all together.

   SHINee shook hands with the president and said their thanks. I also thanked the president and took my leave for my vocal training. I bowed my thanks to the members of SHINee and agreed to meet with them later at the dorm.

   I don't know what else to say to them, except "Thank you." And I left the conference room running.


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sorry for the late update. I have been busy after the holidays.

i hope you enjoyed reading the new chapter.

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MinaMay #1
Chapter 24: Ahhh I'm looking forward for this story.

Please update more Author-nim. ^_^ Fighting!
Yeaaa I like this!!
Jonghyuncutie #3
Chapter 16: Thnx 4 the fast update continue 2 do that
pedobear_143 #4
Nice one! :)