Chapter 14

Second Chances


   "You boys ready to go? The van is up front, go straight on outside. No need to go to the desk." Their Manager Hyung is rushing them to move faster while he handles the transport of their luggage to the waiting van.

   The other manager is handling the check-out and the other manager is checking the rooms, making sure there are no personal things left behind by the boys. There are 3 managers in all, handling the different aspects of the SHINee's professional lives (Sometimes their personal lives as well).

   "All set Manager Hyung." SHINee is already moving towards the door, carrying their smaller bags. Going down the elevator, Their manager informed them of what to expect at the lobby.

   "The press and fans are waiting for you boys to come out, wave and smile at them. Don't go to sign authographs, or do interviews. Let them take pictures then get on the van." The harrassed Manager of Shinee told them. "the local police are having a hard time controlling the fans, so I suggest that Onew-sshi say a few words to the fans and maybe thank the securities."

   "Can't Jonghyun do it Manager Hyung?" Onew asked their Manager. The elevator finally reached the lobby. Holding the doors open for s to step out, he motioned for them to wait in the corner while he talked to their manager.

   "You are the leader of SHINee Onew-sshi, talking to the press and fans should be routine for you. Do it for the fans. I"m counting on you." With saying that to Onew, their manager led him outside the elevator to join the waiting group.

   "Alright Manager Hyung." Onew replied but his heart is not into making a speech, he's tired from the late finish of their recording session. "All of us are tired." He said to himself, he can't help to notice the sleepy face of Taemin and the dark circles under the eyes of Jonghyun and the rest of s.

   "Kids!!!" Onew called their attention. "We'll be leaving in a few moments, make sure to follow all that Manager Hyung has told us and help me to say a few words to the people waiting for us outside."

   "He said that you Hyung would talk to them." Taemin pointed out.

   "Yes, but I thought the fans would like it better if all of us say goodbye properly and thank the police formally and ask the fans to be good since the police are doing their job to protect us. It's not only me they are here for but for SHINee." Onew reminded them.

   "For the fans!" Jonghyun stated.

   "HWAITING!!!" They all shouted in reply and headed outside the hotel to their waiting fans.

   After formally thanking the police and saying their farewells to the fans, they took their final bow and went  inside the van.

   "Hyung, did you buy anything to give to our roommate?" Taemin asked Key as he sat between him and Minho at the back seats. Their manager is beside the driver, Onew and Jonghyun behind the driver. Their luggage and other managers went ahead to the airport.

   "No, why should I buy him something?" said Key as he tried to settle comfortably in his seat, planning to sleep on the flight.

   "Hyung, should we give him at least something..." Persisted Taemin to Onew. Thinking that as the oldest, his hyung should know what is the proper thing to do.

   "Taemin is right on this one. I"m sorry that I have not even thought of it in the first place." Onew looked back at them. "We can give him something from all of us... We are older than him so it's right as his hyungs to welcome him to the dorm."

   "Maybe we can buy something at the airport gift shop before we board the plane." Minho suggested sleepily to them.

   They all gave ideas on what to buy, from the simple to the foolish. They finally settled on a shirt around Taemin's size. Key said to decide now before they enter the airport to save time.

   "If I liked it, I might keep it." Joked Taemin.

   "If you do that, we'll give you to the trainee." Suggested Jonghyun.

   "NO!" He shouted at his hyung.

   "YES!" His hyungs answered back.

   They all laughed at the pouting expression on their maknae's face.





Belated Happy Birthday to SHINee's Onew and Minho!!!

Also, congratulations to SHINee on winning the Artist of the Year Award at SBS MTV Best of the Best.

And... WATCH the new MV of SHINee "COLORFUL", which is one of the tracks in the album "EVERYBODY"

And  I humbly apologize for my late (very, very LATE) updates and news. (*Bows)




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MinaMay #1
Chapter 24: Ahhh I'm looking forward for this story.

Please update more Author-nim. ^_^ Fighting!
Yeaaa I like this!!
Jonghyuncutie #3
Chapter 16: Thnx 4 the fast update continue 2 do that
pedobear_143 #4
Nice one! :)