Chapter 22

Second Chances


   Key finished up the final touches of the dinner he cooked. Looking at the other members and at his hyungs, he decided to let their leader have the honor of knocking on Mia's room. "Hyung, can you please call Mia. It's time for dinner, she may need to wash up before we start and as for the rest.... better to clean up too before we eat." Leaving them to go back to the kitchen, he began to set the table.

   Taemin and Minho decided to help Key set up the table and to place the different dishes he prepared for the meal. There was deep fried chicken, a vegetable salad and kimchi soup and assorted side dishes.

   Jonghyun still in the room he is now sharing with Key is busy stowing his things heard that dinner will be ready, hurried to finish quickly to eat with the group.

   Onew given the task of calling Mia, debated to knock softly or simply calling out to her. Deciding to do both, he was a bit surprised that no one answered. Giving the door knob a testing turn, he found that it was not locked. He thought to himself to remind Mia to lock her door at all times, it's not that he does not trust s but to protect her from their careless pranks sometimes.

   Looking inside the room, he saw Mia at the study table asleep surrounded with books. Letting his curiosity get the better of him, he took a peek at her notes. "Wow, she really studies hard. I wonder why she does not use a computer? She can easily get the answers she needed for her school work."

   Picking up a book, he turned the pages and saw the stamped logo of the school library. "She borrows the books?" Returning the book to its place beside Mia's head, he pushed her hair out of her face and tucked it behind her ear.



   Mia left the room in a hurry to get to her voice lessons, leaving behind the stunned faces of SHINee the moment they saw her smile. The President saw the boys reaction to the new trainee, cleared his throat to get their undivided attention.

   "Sit down boys before your eyes fall out." Sitting down himself, he looked at the 5 members of SHINee. Having the satisfaction of seeing their embarrassment evident on their flushed face, he continued on.

   "Your manager has informed me of your eagerness to keep your roommate in the dorm and that Kris has told you of her situation. I don't whether to commend or scold Kris of introducing to you Mia indirectly without asking me first, I do have grave concerns with regards to her welfare and SHINee's welfare as well."

   "All of you are aware of what would happen if word leaks out to your fans?" Giving them hard looks, he wants them to know of the actions that will be taken against them without telling them directly.

   "Mr. President" Onew spoke out. "We have taken serious thought of having Mia in the dorm and we will take precautions so that she will not be hurt by the fans. We have talked to EXO and asked for their help in protecting Mia as well as making sure she will kept a secret from the fans." Glancing at his group, Onew continued on. "Kris and EXO members have done an amazing job of protecting her, we believe we can do the same. All we can ask is that you trust us to do the best we can for her."

   Lifting up a letter from the pile on the conference table, the President gave it a cursory glance. Having read it before the meeting started, he did not read it again in front of the group. "I read the rules all of you made. I have to admit it was very inventive." Staring at the boys, he spoke of some rules at random. "No dating unless it's a group date... No skinship longer than a few seconds... Everyone takes turns in cleaning the dorm... Make less noise if possible, she could be studying..."

   "You boys better keep your word. I am making all of you responsible for her. I don't want to hear of any trouble or problem coming from all of you because a girl is living in your dorm. Am I making myself clear?!" His voice hard as stone.

   "Yes Sir!!!" They all answered at once.

*End of Flashback*


   Onew's thoughts were disrupted by the light knock and opening of the door.

   "What's taking you so long?" Key demanded from the doorway.

   "She's asleep and I'm not sure if I should wake or put her to bed instead."

   "Let me have a look." Gazing at her sleeping face, he noticed the signs of fatigue and the dark circles under her eyes. Letting out a soft sigh, "Help me hyung. You have to carry her to bed, wait a moment because I have to turn down the covers."

   Moving beside Mia, he prepared himself to carry her bridal style. Waiting for Key to give him the signal to move her, the other members arrived at the door.

   "What's going on?" Taemin asked Key.

   "Mia's tired out. All of you go back to the kitchen and eat, Onew hyung and I will follow in a bit." Key answered Taemin while he was fixing the bed. After being sure that the others followed what he said, he then gave his attention to Onew. "Hyung, you can move her now just don't drop her on the way to the bed."

   Lifting Mia carefully, he placed her gently on the bed and Key covered her with the blanket to keep away the cold. Onew moved back to the table and tried to fix the books neatly.

   Key waited for Onew by the door, holding onto the knob. Giving Mia one last glance, making sure she's still sleeping. Moving aside so Onew can pass by, he closed the light and gently closed the door.



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MinaMay #1
Chapter 24: Ahhh I'm looking forward for this story.

Please update more Author-nim. ^_^ Fighting!
Yeaaa I like this!!
Jonghyuncutie #3
Chapter 16: Thnx 4 the fast update continue 2 do that
pedobear_143 #4
Nice one! :)