Chapter 19

Second Chances

"SHINee's POV:

   Taemin and Minho were cleaning up after breakfast. Kris was busy opening the kitchen cabinets, clearly looking for something. The others were observing Kris for some time since they have finished eating, Key noticed that their friend has stayed in their dorm while they were away as he keeps on opening cabinets.

   "What are you doing?" Demanded Key, unable to help himself from asking. The other members were curious too.

   "Searching for cookies." Kris answered with his head looking up a higher shelf. "I know Mia keeps it up here." She learned to hide them when Kai and Kris ate hers the last time they came over with the excuse of keeping her company.

   "Do you plan to share if you found it hyung?" Taemin wiped his hands on a dish towel.

   "If I find it. It became a sort of game, and Mia is clever in hiding stuff if she does not want it found. Even if you beg, she won't tell until she's good and ready." said Kris.

   "You guys must have gotten some luck most of the time." Onew said.

   "Not really." Kris laughed. "We often give up, and Mia sometimes gives in because of the noise and mess we deliberately make in the kitchen. One time we took out all the stuff in one of the cabinets and when she found us messing with the groceries, she made us organize and clean the kitchen." He chuckled at the memory.

   "HA! Found it!" Quickly opening the canister, inside was a note.


   They all laughed after Kris read the note out loud.

   "You like Mia." It was not a question but a statement from Minho.

   "All of EXO like Mia, she's our little sister and her Ahjumma treated us like family so we feel bad if one of us dated Mia." Pulling out a tin from a shelf, he finally found the cookies. "AHA!" He shouted with glee. The tin was hidden within the canned goods. After taking one, he passed the tin to Taemin.

   "Tell us what you know about Mia?" Jonghyun questioned Kris after he sat down again with them at the dining table. The tin was passed around the group.

   "She's shy and doesn't talk to boys easily. It took some time for her to get used to us, not like Ahjumma." Taking another cookie, he continued. "Ahjumma confided to us while Mia's in school that she got her heart broken and have not yet gotten over him thats why they decided to finish her studies in Seoul."

   "Ahjumma took care of Mia when she was 12. Her parents are in the US and currently separated. Her dad is an American and wants Mia to remain in the US when she was 15. When she refused, he stopped sending her money. She earns by working in her neighborhood doing stuff. She used to visit her family during vacation but stopped when her dad demanded her to stay." Kris continued his story as the other looked on and eating cookies.

   "She didn't even invite her friends over because she believes that all of you won't like it to have other people here." The tin was empty when Kris finished telling them what he knows about Mia. "Uh oh... now we did it." Kris cried out looking at the empty tin then looking at the others.

   "WE?!" Shinee exclaimed.

   "You're the one who keeps on searching for the cookies!" Onew said to Kris.

   "I only ate one" Shrugged Jonghyun.

   "Hyung! You ate more than I did." Taemin shook his head at his hyung.

   They kept on passing the blame of the finished cookies.

   "Alright!!! We all ate the cookies." Key said laughing. "But Kris hyung was the first to eat one. It's good." He admitted to the group.

   "It was good." Minho burped loudly. Everyone laughed louder.

   "We have a meeting later with the President. Manager hyung told us before he dropped us off here. Maybe we can see Mia and give her our thanks." Onew said to Kris when they stood up and Kris was ready to leave the dorm.

   Kris picked up Mia's things before heading towards the door. "Kris wait!!" Shouted Key and went beside him holding on to the luggage. "Please leave her stuff here. It's okay, I'll take care of it." He was feeling guilty when he thought that Mia touched his things and grateful that she took good care of their dorm.

   "Are you sure? She already asked me to keep it till she talks to her friends."

   "Talks to her friends? For what?"

   "Staying with them. She can only stay in the dorm while SHINee's on tour and since you guys are here, she can't stay anymore. Pres. LSM have not yet found another dorm for her to stay in." Kris explained to SHINee in general since they don't have any idea of the conditions why Mia was allowed to live in the dorm.

   The SHINee boys were speechless in what they heard. "Just leave her stuff and I'll take care of it." Key repeated to Kris.

   "Okay. Talk to you guys later." Kris left the luggage beside the door before heading for his dorm.


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   "WHAT DO WE DO?!" Key asked out loud to his leader and the other members while they were in the living room. Kris already left a few minutes ago and what he said stayed in his mind. He kept on walking in circles in the room thinking of Mia's situation.

   "What can we do?" Jonghyun asked back to Key as he laid down on the floor.

   "Maybe we can asked the President to let Mia stay on with us." Taemin replied to his hyung beside him on the floor.

   "And what room will she use? We all know that Onew hyung doesn't allow anyone to use his. I'm actually surprised that he did not get mad when Mia stayed in his room." Minho said while he sat at the end of the sofa.

   "Why didn't you get mad Hyung?" Taemin asked.

   Onew was lying face down on the sofa beside Minho. He was also thinking of what Kris said. Taking a deep breath on a cushion, he caught a soft scent of feminine cologne. It was the scent he finally found missing in his room.

   "I don't believe she stayed in my room. I mean, she stayed when her Ahjumma was here but when she was alone..."He trailed off sitting up from the sofa and holding out the cushion to Key.

   Not understanding what their leader was trying to say, he took the cushion that was held out and looked at him. Onew motioned for him to smell it. Rolling his eyes before taking a sniff, he also smelled the soft scent. "You don't believe she slept in the living room!" Key's eyebrows lifted in surprise and disbelief said looking at Onew in the eye.

   "When I went in my room, not one of my stuff was touched in the cabinet. All is at the same place when we left only the room is cleaner. And if a girl did stay and slept in your bed, wouldn't she leave a scent on the pillow or something.... you know!!!" Not knowing how to explain further, he laid down again on the sofa.

   "I know what you're trying to say but you did not say what would we do!"

   All the members looked at their leader waiting for him to answer. As the oldest, he always knows what to do. They always looked up to him when they have to make big decisions.

   Feeling their eyes on him, he made his choice. Sitting up again, he looked at them one by one. Taking a soft breath he told them of what they will do.

   "This is a big step and major changes will happen and all of us will cooperate to whatever manager hyung and the president has to say. Now! I'll call manager hyung so he can go here now and help us with the meeting with the president. And hope he will agree to this." Picking up his phone, he prepared to call their manager.















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MinaMay #1
Chapter 24: Ahhh I'm looking forward for this story.

Please update more Author-nim. ^_^ Fighting!
Yeaaa I like this!!
Jonghyuncutie #3
Chapter 16: Thnx 4 the fast update continue 2 do that
pedobear_143 #4
Nice one! :)