Chapter 4

Sweet Connection

Jineul's POV


I am so freaking late. In fact, I'm so late that by the time I got there, everyone would've gone home already.

Okay, I'm exaggerating. 

But seriously, I can't break my perfect school record.

Stupid me just had to forget to do my Research Paper. Brilliant.

After running half a mile, I finally arrived. I checked my watch.

Oh god, I missed the first period.

My life. -________-

I quickly made a quick stop to my locker. I did this, only to get my stuff.

I don't even know what my next class is.

I closed my locker and walked away carrying with me a pile of books.

And then, you could've guessed what happened.

Yeah, I hit someone. And not just 'someone'. It happened to be the jerk king himself, Jo Youngmin.

So I bumped to him, fell on the floor -first and now all my stuff's scattered around me.

I looked up and saw him burning holes through my body.

"Yah!" He said then kicked a notebook that lay in front of me. It hit me on the arm, ouch. "Are you blind or just plain stupid?"

I didn't respond but continued on staring at him.

"Ah..." He smirked, probably realizing who I was. "It's the eavesdropper from yesterday. A klutz too, I see."

"I'm not an eavesdropper you bastard." I said in a low tone. "Your attitude's no better than mine!"

"What did you say?!" He said, anger rising out of his voice. I'm sure everybody is staring at us now. "You . Still bitter over that useless book?"

His words stung me. No, not the '' part, but the 'worthless' part.


That book... I can't believe it... he called it 'worthless'... something that's so precious to me...

"You," I said, gritting my teeth. "You wouldn't understand what it's like to lose something important, you !"

"That's it, I've had it!" He raised his arm, ready to hit me.

Stupid Youngmin, stupid life.

#3 Reason why I hate my life: too much drama.

I closed my eyes, bracing myself for the impact. But after 5 seconds, nothing came.

"Youngmin, stop it."

I opened my eyes and saw his twin, holding back the arm that was supposed to hit me.

"Wah, you scared her too much!" I looked behind to see Boyfriend at the scene.

How wonderful. They'll see how pathetic I am.

"You guys are on her side now?!" Omigod. Someone should get this on video. Jo Youngmin is throwing a tantrum.

He struggled to break free from Kwangmin's gras. He easily succeeded. "This stupid, miserable hag--"

He stopped when Donghyun held him back by the shoulder. "Quit it."

"Mwuh?! Guys,this--"

"I mean it, Youngmin." I stared at Kwangmin with wide eyes.

Is he... defending me?!

He then walked towards me and helped me up. "You okay?"

I slowly nodded. He gave me a micro-smile and picked up my books.

"Here you go. Sorry 'bout that."

After giving them to me, he walked back to his gang. "Let's go, hyung."

Hyunseong and Donghyun then dragged Youngmin away.

"Hyung, let me go! Yah!"

I stood there, feet forzen to the floor as I stared at the six retreating figures (Well actually five, one of them was being dragged...).

"Jineul-ah! Oh my god." Minah came running to my side. "Kwenchana?"

"Ne..." I replied softly. We started walking to class and Minah started babbling about something.

I'm not even listening though. I was still startled about what happened.

First, why is Youngmin so mean to me?! He was the one at fault! He's got a short temper, doesn't he? What an ill-mannered guy!

"Who's ill-mannered?" My best friend suddenly asked me. It was then when I realized that I have said the last part out loud.

"No one. Continue with your story."

She sighed. "Okay, as I was saying..."

Minah started talking again, non-stop. My mind drifted again.

Second, that jerk's twin, Kwangmin. I don't understand why he helped me. I mean, wasn't he supposed to be on Youngmin's side?

"Who's supposed to be on who's side?"

Dang. I should stop saying my thoughts out loud. I mentally slapped myself.

I looked at Minah and shook my head. "Don't mind me."

We entered the classroom and sat down on our seats. Luckily, we were both situated next to each other.

"Oh yeah, Jineul. You haven't told me what happened earlier. I heard everybody was talking about you and the school kingkas..." Suddenly, we heard all of the girl population in my class squeal.

Minah frowned. "Speaking of the devils..." 

I groaned and buried my head in my arms. "They were in our class?!"

Why is it that I don't see them?!

"They usually skip." My best friend said.

I peeked from under my arms and saw Kwangmin and Minwoo standing by the door.

Minwoo looked uneasy, while Kwangmin kept his cool composure.

After some time, the two walked towards their seats.

Minwoo sat on the other side of Minah and Kwangmin behind me.

What, desn't he and Youngmin share the same classes? Where's his bully twin then?

I am not a stalker, alright? I overheard some fan girls talk about it by the lockers.

And I'm not an eavesdropper either...


I turned to my right and saw Minah talking to Minwoo. Well actually, Minwoo was the one who talked and Minah had open, gaping at him.

"U-um... Hi." She stuttered.

"I'm Minwoo! I'll be looking forward to sitting next to you!" He flashed his biggest smile.

Minah would've died if she was a fan girl of his.

"I'm Minah." She replied.

"He smiled. "Yeppeo!"

I was expecting Minah to squeal or blush, instead, she narrowed her eyes but thanked him anyway.

"By the way, he's Kwangmin! He has a twin!" He exclaimed.

Then he mumbled, "But I guess he ditched again..."

"What?" Minah asked. Aish, is she deaf or something?

Minwoo shook his head. "Nothing! Yah Kwangmin, say hi to our classmate."

Kwangmin didn't even bother to look up from the book he's reading.

I frowned and faced front. Jeez. I guess the twins are alike after all.

"Sorry, he's always like that."

Minah smiled. "It's alright." Heh. Fake smile. "By the way, meet my friend!"

I froze. Oh no. Please don't say she's referring to me. Jebal...

Minah adjusted in her seat. "Yah, Jineul-ah," She whispered then afterwards nudged me.

I slowly looked to my right and faced them.

Minwoo's face had an immediate change of expression. "You!"

"Huh, you know each other?!" Minah gave me the, 'you're-not-telling-me-something' look.

I shrunk to my seat. This is one of the times where I wish that my teacher would burst through the door and start class. -_____-

"No," I shot back. "I only met him today..."

"Oh..." Minah said. "Well Minwoo-ssi, her name is Jineul, Ahn Jineul." 

I flushed.

"Oh, what a pretty name, Jineul~ can I call you that?" He asked.

"Uhh... sure." I replied. He was about to say something when prof. entered.

"Alright quiet down, I'm starting my lecture."

Thank you professor!"

End of POV

Kwangmin's POV

"Her name is Jineul, Ahn Jineul." 

I shot up from reading and looked at the girl who was just introduced to Minwoo.

She's... Ahn Jineul? She's the owner of this book?

I looked down and stared at the page I'm reading then I looked at her again. I narrowed my eyes.

And she's the one who threw me this book too...

I felt weird. Should I return this or not?


I don't know what pushed me to help her awhile ago.

End of POV

No One's POV

It was halfway 2nd period. By now, half the class is sleeping or daydreaming. Or both. Only 2 or 3 are actually listening.

"And now class," Still no one cared. "I will give you a project due in 2 weeks." 

Majority of the class groaned. 

"Now, now, I'm not a mean type of a person, so to make it easier, you'll do it by pairs."

Jineul and Minah looked at each other. Both were thinking to be each other's partner. The girls, however, were looking at both Kwangmin and Minwoo.

"Well this is scary..." Muttered Minwoo.

"I have already decided the pairings last night and for everyone's information, it's totally fair and unbiased."

Then one student blurted out, "He probably did it using 'eenie-minnie-miney-mo'."

The teacher fake-coughed. "Well anyways."

"Lee Hyemi and Choi Jukhae." He began announcing the pairings he 'randomly' decided.

Everyone is waiting in anticipation. They're all hoping to get a good partner since this project will count for more than half of their final grade.

Jineul's POV

If I flunk this project, I have to repeat this subject next year... I seriously can't fail now.

Please give me Minah. She excels at this subject more than anyone.

I kept my hopes up as we went down to the last five pairings. Luckily, Minah hasn't been chosen yet.

Here's me, hoping I get paired up with my best friend

"No Minwoo and Im Minah."

My jaw dropped. What?!

I looked at Minah and she looked surprised too.

"Yay, Minah-ssi~ I look forward to working with you." Geez, you look forward to many things. Weird guy. Minah smiled at Minwoo and nodded.

I propped my elbows on the desk and buried my head on my palms.

Goodbye A+...

"Next, Lee Myunjong and Kim Soosung."

I lost interest after that. So professor continued announcing the pairs until he got to the last one.

"Ahn Jineul and Jo Kwangmin."

I almost fell off my chair.

#4 Reason why I hate my life: Unexpected twists I don't even need.

It took forever for it to sink in.

I am paired with my number one nemesis' brother.

"By the way Jo Kwangmin-ssi, please tell your brother to see me tomorrow."

"Ne, seonsaengnim."

Well this ought to be interesting...

...not. T______T

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ChangingPhases #1
Chapter 25: Niel so cute!!!! Lol. Ooohhh bonding time!! Kekkee***
Chapter 24: Ooh all three bands are favorites of mine. This is getting good. You will update... right?
HanJiMun #3
Read first chapter and I already love it *___* Want more and more :3
ChangingPhases #4
Ooooh ouch smell trouble already! Aww, will comment. I'll comment every time you update with a new exciting chapter hehe! So have fun reading my comments. XD Kyaaa!~~~ Infinite so loving them like crazy at the moment especially Sungyeol! <3
I love it ^^
wah! I miss you author nim ^^
your updates are always good and exciting :>
Kyaa!! My 2 favorite bands are here.. Please update soon~
maxxichu #8
I love it (:
youngmin was jealous~~ nya nya~~
kwangmin was inlove ~~ mya mya~~

ChangingPhases #10
Finish reading the rest omg I love it so far! [: