Chapter 20

Sweet Connection

Before you know it, 3 days of school has passed. Kwangmin and I still continued to work on our project and we're already close to finishing it. I grew more comfortable with him. I don't see him as the 'cold kingka' anymore to be honest.

Youngmin, on the other hand, is acting very weird. One minute he's okay and then when he sees me, he freezes up and ignores me. I mean what the hell? I can't believe I'm saying this but, this is even worse when he was bullying me.

Anyway, on with the present. I am currently inside the car. We're on our way to my Mom's 'BFF boss's resort. I still can't believe this. 

"Hey sis, you want some?"

I looked at Niel Oppa who was offering me a few of the potato chips he was munching on. I shook my head. "No thanks."

"FIne. You don't know what you're missing." He said, eating another chip and chewing it loudly. 

"Niel, don't do that." Chunji Oppa said as he snatched away his bag of chips. Eating one for himself, he looked at me and grinned. "You sure you don't want?"

"Positive. Thank you Oppa." I answered.

"Jineul-ah, do you really have no idea where we're going?" 

I turned to my right and faced Minah, who was currently sharing a pack of Gummy Bears with Sungjong. Geez, why is everyone eating? 

"If I knew, I would've told you."

"Oh, I think I see it now!"

My Mom beamed at us from the front seat. "We're here guys!"

We all looked out from the window and had immediate change of expressions.



So as we were coming closer, a huuuuuge villa-slash-resort came into view. My eyes were boggling out of their sockets as I stared at the view. It looks very classy and extravagant.

I'm guessing my Mom's boss is rich?

Way to go Mom!!!

Our van stopped and we all scurried out.

"Ah finally, my legs fell asleep..." Sungjong mumbled as he shook his legs.

Minah finished the last of her Gummy Bears and threw the rapper to Niel who in return glared daggers at her. I chuckled. These two share a relationship similar to that of a cat and dog.

I continued gawking at the huge resort in front of me when I felt a presence approach me and fling an arm around my shoulder.

"This... is something, huh?"

I nodded. "Yeah." I glanced at the arm around me and rolled my eyes. "Chunji Oppa, stop with the unnecessary skinship."

Chunji grinned. "Shirro!" He now flung his other arm around me and pulled me into a tight embrace. "My baby doll!"

"Ack! Yah!!!"

"Omo, Sunhye my dear friend, you finally made it!"

"Yanghee-ah! It's so nice to see you!"

I froze. That's my Mom's boss right...? Why does her name sound oddly familiar? 

Chunji released me and I finally looked at my Mom's boss. 


Oh my god.

How I wish the ground would open up and eat me right now.

Eomma pulled Niel and I to her side and looked at us with a warm smile. "Yanghee, these are my children, Daniel and Jineul." Then he turned to the three who were awkwardly standing at the back. "And they are their friends, Sungjong, Minah and Chunji."

"Nice to meet you all!" She looked at each of us and gasped when her eyes landed on me. "Omona, Jineul-ah!"

My mom blinked and I can see Oppa shake his head. Oh no. 

"You know my daughter?" Eomma asked.

I gulped. Oh no. Oh no. Oh good heavens, no.

"Why yes! She came to my house with my son, they were project partners." Auntie Yanghee smiled. "There was even a storm and--"

"Yah, eomma! What's with the commotion?"

I looked behind and saw the Jerk King, his twin, Minwoo and Jeongmin walk to the scene.

Well this is getting better and better... not.

At the sight of us, the four of them froze on their tracks. I looked at Youngmin and he was exceptionally surprised. 

"Ah, Sunhye these are my sons, Kwangmin and Youngmin." The twins bowed in respect. "And these are their friends, Minwoo and Jeongmin."

"Minah-yah! Annyeong!" Minwoo said and waved happily.

Minah smiled slightly and shyly waved back. Tsk, these two.

"Oh yeah, you guys go to the same school right? You must know each other then?"

"Yep." "Well you can say that..." "No not really." "No." "I'd rather puke." 

I rolled my eyes. Way to be synonymous with your answers, guys.

Both our Moms blinked after hearing our responses but shrugged it off. Auntie Yanghee then clapped her eyes. "Anyway, let's get to know each other over lunch. I'll get your luggage sent in. Let's go?"

I sighed. This doesn't look so good.

We all sat on a long table with Sungjong on my right, Minah on my left, Niel beside her and Chunji next to Niel. I chewed my food slowly and looked at the monster in front of me.

This jerk. All he's done is poke on his food and stare at me. Weirdo.

"So how was your trip?"

I looked at Auntie Yanghee who in return was anticipating my answer.

"Tiring." I simply replied.

My mom laughed nervously. "It was fine, Yanghee."

The nice lady smiled. "After eating, we'll show you your rooms and you can rest afterwards. Then tomorrow we'll show you guys around."

"Wait Eomma, 'we'?" Kwangmin asked.

"Actually, we'll be fine on our own thanks." Niel said.

My mom glared at us both and we shrunk to our seats. Geez. My mom can be pretty scary at times.

"What do you mean 'we', eomma?" Kwangmin pressed further.

Auntie Yanghee beamed. "Well I was thinking Sunhye and I could go get a spa treatment tomorrow while the rest of you kids could go to the beach and have fun! My twins can give you guys a tour."

"Shirro/andwae." Youngmin and Niel Oppa glared at each other as soon as they said that simultaneously. 

Oh come on guys don't be so obvious. I stepped on Niel Oppa's foot and he broke eye contact with the jerk king immediately.

"Why? Is something the matter?"

"Aniya Eomma, we'd be happy to show them around." Kwangmin responded with a slight smile.

"I can't wait, honestly." I said. Kwangmin looked at me and we smiled at each other.

Youngmin sighed and said in a sulky tone, "If I have to..."

"Great then! Thanks kids." Auntie Yanghee said followed by planting a kiss on Kwangmin and Youngmin's heads.

I sighed as I finished the rest of my lobster.

Well tomorrow's gonna be a fun day.

Guess who's back? ;)

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ChangingPhases #1
Chapter 25: Niel so cute!!!! Lol. Ooohhh bonding time!! Kekkee***
Chapter 24: Ooh all three bands are favorites of mine. This is getting good. You will update... right?
HanJiMun #3
Read first chapter and I already love it *___* Want more and more :3
ChangingPhases #4
Ooooh ouch smell trouble already! Aww, will comment. I'll comment every time you update with a new exciting chapter hehe! So have fun reading my comments. XD Kyaaa!~~~ Infinite so loving them like crazy at the moment especially Sungyeol! <3
I love it ^^
wah! I miss you author nim ^^
your updates are always good and exciting :>
Kyaa!! My 2 favorite bands are here.. Please update soon~
maxxichu #8
I love it (:
youngmin was jealous~~ nya nya~~
kwangmin was inlove ~~ mya mya~~

ChangingPhases #10
Finish reading the rest omg I love it so far! [: