Chapter 15

Sweet Connection

Jineul's POV

I woke up the following day feeling sore and tired. Yesterday's 'search' finally caught up on me. This is why I rarely play sports. Last night, Kwangmin dropped me off here at my house (not before saying sorry in behalf of Donghyun for dragging me into this). As usual, I was greeted by Niel Oppa's nagging. Anyway, I headed straight to my room and opened my laptop.

Again, I chatted with PikaJo.

We talked about EVERYTHING. I ranted to him how tired I am, how miserable I was feeling and how confused I was.

Ahn_95: You know today, the jerk Kingka at our school was being nice to me.
PikaJo: What? I thought he bullies you?
Ahn_95: I didn't say he didn't.
Ahn_95: -___________-"
PikaJo: =)))))) What's up then?
Ahn_95: I'm not sure myself...

Then I remembered the line Youngmin told me. It was the EXACT same thing I told PikaJo 2 nights before. But I really didn't bother... I mean it's just a coincidence right...?

We talked for 2 or more hours then we decided to call it a night. I got even more confused. Everyday, each time I talk to PikaJo, I am slowly developing feelings for him.


Anyway, moving on.

I ruffled my messy hair and got out of bed. I barely took 2 steps when I stopped and collapsed on the floor. Ow... my feet hurts. 

Someone knocked on the door.

"Come in."

Niel Oppa peeked through the small creak and looked at me weirdly. "Did you fall down on the floor again?" He asked. "I thought you stopped when you were eight... I guess old habits don't change."

I glared at him. "Shut up. You're ruining my morning." I forced myself up and walked towards my closet, limping.

"So where were you last night, really?" He asked.

"Party." I replied. I pushed a pile of clothes away and frowned. My uniform's all wrinkly.

"Whose party?"

I looked at him as I laid out my uniform on the bed. "No Minwoo. You've heard of him right?"

Niel Oppa frowned. "Boyfriend's maknae? Yeah and I don't like him."

I rolled my eyes. "Oppa you don't like anyone from Boyfriend."

"True." He replied. "And since you know that you better stop hanging out with them!"

"I don't 'hang out with them' oppa," I said, doing air quotes on the phrase 'hang out with them'. "One of them is my project partner and another's my best friend's partner. That's all."

He looked at me, not believing what I said. I rolled my eyes and pushed him out of my room. "I'm fine Oppa, really. Now get out I have to get ready for school!"

"Fine! Just go downstairs if you're done." I nodded once and slammed the door shut.

I went downstairs and saw Niel Oppa sitting on the table. But he wasn't alone...

"Chunji Oppa!" 

The red haired man sitting beside Niel Oppa smiled at me. "Good morning Jineullie."

Stopping at the last step, I stared at him. "What are you doing here so early in the morning?"

"I came to visit you of course!"

I rolled my eyes. Next to my brother, Chunji Oppa is my closest friend in Teen Top. He and Oppa were childhood friends and along with Minah, they were my only playmates before. Compared to Niel, Chunji Oppa is a bit outspoken and playful. Whenever Niel Oppa goes all serious, he'll crack a joke and lighten up the mood. That's one of the things I like about him. But that annoys me sometimes too..."Sure. Now what's the real reason?"

"We talked about something. And since he's here, I asked him to stay over for breakfast. Then we'll go to school together." Niel explained. "That's it."

"Talked? About what?" I asked.

"None of your nosy business. Now get over here and eat breakfast. We're gonna be late." Niel Oppa said.

"Arasseo," I walked towards the table slowly. My feet are still sore.

I will never, EVER, wear heels in my entire life ever again. Stupid Jo Youngmin.

I sat down on my chair and started eating my food. Chunji Oppa looked at me with concern. "What's wrong with your feet?"

"Long story." I answered.

End of POV

Meanwhile, on the other side of the story...

"So am I doing it right?"


"Aish whatever, I quit!"

Minwoo tossed the PSP on the table and pouted. Jeongmin smacked him upright on the head. "Be careful with that!"

"It's annoying..." Minwoo muttered.

"It's not my fault you don't know how to play. I mean, how hard it is to sling shot a bird across the field?" Jeongmin shoved the black gadget back to Minwoo. "Here, try again."

Minwoo pressed a bunch of buttons as he furrowed his eyebrows. The screenplay turned black and he pouted. "Apparently very hard!"

Jeongmin snatched the PSP from the maknae's hands. He inspected it for a second. "Yah... yah, YAH! YOU BROKE IT!"

"Did not!"


"What's happening in here hmm?" Donghyun came followed by Hyunseong and the twins. Every morning, Boyfriend would meet with each other first at one of the tables at the back of the school. He stared at Minwoo and Jeongmin as he took a seat. "Stop making a ruckus. It's so early in the morning..."

Boyfriend took their respective places and did what they usually do.

"Ah Kwangmin, you're reading again?" Jeongmin asked.

Kwangmin nodded his head. "Interesting book."

Jeongmin had a 'loading-loading' look on his face before shrugging.

"Ah, hyungs, do you know..."

Everyone's attention turned to him. "What is it?"

"...It's true. What they say." Minwoo said. "Our worst nightmare's back."

Donghyun shot up from his seat. "Mworago?!"

"And I think they're going to study here in our school..." He added.

"What? How did you know?" Hyunseong asked.

"I saw one of their members yesterday. With my Mom." 

"Well this isn't good." Youngmin mumbled. "Should we do something or...?"

"No, no. Not yet at least," Donghyun answered. "Let's keep quiet and see if they're still after us. Only then will we make the first move."

The 6 lads kept quiet as they thought of the endless possibilities that might happen when they encounter their 'enemy'. However, something different is going on in someone's mind,


Youngmin and Minwoo walked together towards the school's lobby. Youngmin was called by the school chairman since he missed a lot of his classes. Of course, Youngmin forced Minwoo to go with him since he believes this will 'soften up' the chairman.

"I am in no mood to face your mom."

"You tell me. I was with her 5 minutes ago."

"So Youngmin, what is this about your internet sweetheart hmm?" Minwoo asked.

"What do you mean?"

"Oh please. Everyone knows you're in love with this chick you're chatting with."

Youngmin raised an eyebrow. "Everyone?"

"Duh, it was evident."

As soon as they stepped on the lobby, squeals and yells erupted. Soon after, it became louder. 


Youngmin and Minwoo looked at the entrance and saw Teen Top in all their glory. But they're not alone...

"Youngmin, isn't that Kwangmin's project partner?" Minwoo asked. "The one you always call nerd... Ah, Jineul!"

The two of them watched as Jineul faced Niel.

"Oppa, I'll see you guys later. Don't forget to fetch me again!" She said as she pouted.

Niel chuckled. "Mian dongsaeng-ah. I'll be here early."

"EWWW, the sibling love is really grossing me out!"

"What did you say Ricky? I think it's kinda cute!"

Minwoo's eyes widened. "Wait, siblings?! Jineul is big-lips's sister?!"

A realization hit Youngmin and he turned to Minwoo. "What is Niel Hyung's surname again?"

Minwoo thought for a while. "Um... Ahn. Wae?"

Youngmin froze and his eyes widened. "Ahn... and she's the same age as me... and her kingka-stories..."

"Wae, what's wrong?" Minwoo asked.

Youngmin snapped out from his trance and turned to the maknae. "Ani, it's nothing..."

They made their way through the lobby. Youngmin took a final glance at Jineul before he and Minwoo disappeared into a corner.

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ChangingPhases #1
Chapter 25: Niel so cute!!!! Lol. Ooohhh bonding time!! Kekkee***
Chapter 24: Ooh all three bands are favorites of mine. This is getting good. You will update... right?
HanJiMun #3
Read first chapter and I already love it *___* Want more and more :3
ChangingPhases #4
Ooooh ouch smell trouble already! Aww, will comment. I'll comment every time you update with a new exciting chapter hehe! So have fun reading my comments. XD Kyaaa!~~~ Infinite so loving them like crazy at the moment especially Sungyeol! <3
I love it ^^
wah! I miss you author nim ^^
your updates are always good and exciting :>
Kyaa!! My 2 favorite bands are here.. Please update soon~
maxxichu #8
I love it (:
youngmin was jealous~~ nya nya~~
kwangmin was inlove ~~ mya mya~~

ChangingPhases #10
Finish reading the rest omg I love it so far! [: