Chapter 17

Sweet Connection

I walked towards the gate and saw Kwangmin. I quickened my pace and sort of jogged towards him.

"Hey Kwangmin. Did you wait long?" I asked. Park Seonsaengnim asked me to run a few errands to the faculty room. Psh. That teacher. 

"Ani. It's okay." He answered. "Let's go?"

I nodded and we walked out of the school. Hm. We're walking today? Where's his luxurious car? Anyway, I decided not to ask him and went along. I prefer walking like this actually. 

I took out the list I made earlier and read it. "So I pretty much summarized everything up..." I looked up at him and saw him staring at me weirdly. "...what?"

His hands slowly reached up to my face and he gently pulled the band aid down. I froze. Oh crud.

Kwangmin frowned after seeing the ugly, throbbing purplish-black bruise. "Where'd you get that?"

"I... I um, I..." Jineul why the hell are you stuttering?! "I... ran into a... locker door" 

He raised an eyebrow. Locker door, really? Well, that's good enough. "Yeah, I was talking to Minah and didn't see it was open. Ehehe... clumsy me."

He didn't seem to buy it but he sighed. "Come, follow me."

Kwangmin pulled me by the wrist to a nearby convenient store and told me to wait outside. So what's he gonna do now? Anyway, I obeyed and patiently waited for him outside.

After 5 minutes or so he went out and stood in front of me. He moved closer until we were barely inches apart. His hands made their way to their face and he held both sides of my head. 

I blinked and gave him 'the look'. "Um... what up...?"

He moved his face closer... and closer... and closer... and god I can feel his breath on my face. 

"Kwangmin what're you--"

"Hold still."

I froze and my breath caught in my throat. He continued moving nearer and I closed my eyes. What's he gonna do what's he gonna do what's he gonna doooo?

Just then I felt something on my face. I touched it and...


a band aid...?

"There." He said smiling at me. "Next time, be careful."

I nodded, still dazed. I'm so stupid for thinking that he'll-- you know what, nevermind.

We started walking again until we reached Myeong-dong square. Now time to shop for supplies.

End of POV


"Aish Youngmin hold your horses!"

Minwoo desperately tried to hold the blonde male back into their hiding place. Youngmin struggled and lunged forward.

"No Minwoo, did you see that? How can he?! Aish, really!"

Minwoo rolled his eyes and smacked Youngmin upright on the head. "Yah, if you're not gonna control yourself then we better stop following them. What's the point of this in the first place?"

Youngmin sighed and fixed his shades. Now why did he do this in the first place...? Was it because of his brother, or the nerd? Realizing that he's thinking about Jineul again, he shook his head rapidly earning a weird look from Minwoo.

"For Kwangmin, of course." He answered. "I don't want him falling for the nerd. He deserves better."

"THAT or maybe you just don't want Jineul to be anybody else's but yours~"

Youngmin glared at the younger male and Minwoo coughed.

"Just kidding..."

Youngmin adjusted his shades and turned his attention back to his brother and Jineul. "They're moving. Kaja, Minwoo."

Minwoo rolled his eyes and wore his shades. "Here we go."

The pair  just exited the 3rd shop they visited and Jineul is hella tired. 

"Now we just need 5 more items and we're done." Kwangmin said after crossing out a few things on their list. "Let's go, the next shop is this way."

Jineul held onto his arm before he can even walk away. "Wait. Can we rest for just a bit?" 

Kwangmin noticed how stressed and tired-looking Jineul is and he nodded, grabbing the bags she was carrying. "Let's sit on a bench."

Jineul looked at Kwangmin weirdly as he took the bags from her but she found it sweet. He was already carrying loads of stuff but still he didn't want Jineul to suffer. She silently followed as he walked towards a bench and finally sat down.

"Ah! Finally. I'm beat."

Kwangmin stared at her and after some time, spoke. "Do you want something to drink?

"Ah no it's--"

"I'll be right back.

He quickly left and went to a nearby store.

"--fine. Oh."

Jineul smiled slightly and rested her head on the bench. She felt fatigue take over her body and soon she fell asleep.

Kwangmin came back a few minutes later with a bottle of water in hand. He was panting since he ran all the way to the store and back. 

"She's sleeping? She must be very tired..." He thought. He sat down beside her and adjusted her head, letting it rest on his shoulder. He decided not to wake her and so, he plugged in his earphones and listened to music as he watched the busy streets of Myeong-dong.

Meanwhile, two boys were hiding behind a street lamp watching it all.

"Waah... they're very sweet. Youngmin, do you think your twin likes her?" Minwoo asked as he continued on looking at the two.

Youngmin, on the other hand, can't last even a nanosecond looking at them. He feels something that he can't explain... jealousy? Hatred? Annoyance?

Minwoo and Youngmin followed the two wherever they went. Youngmin hated to admit this but, he noticed something in the way Kwangmin looks at Jineul. It's not the way a friend would look at someone.

It's more than that.

"Youngmin? Youngmin...?" Minwoo asked, waving a hand in front of the latter's face. "Yoohoo, Youngmin~"

Youngmin snapped out of his deep thought. "Let's go."


"I'm through following them. Let's go."

Youngmin glanced at the two one last time before walking away, leaving a confused Minwoo to trail after him.

Short update for my awesome readers! This is one of those things they call, a 'filler' chapter =)) The real drama/fun will start in the following chapters~ Everything's gonna be interesting soon I promise. ^O^
Thanks for bearing with my slow updates you guise T^T *virtual huuuug*

Anyway, mind following me on Twitter? Know what I do when I'm not updating and stuff. (Of course, spazzing about our Oppars kekeke~) and let's be friends! ^^ I love meeting fellow K-Pop fans. <3


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ChangingPhases #1
Chapter 25: Niel so cute!!!! Lol. Ooohhh bonding time!! Kekkee***
Chapter 24: Ooh all three bands are favorites of mine. This is getting good. You will update... right?
HanJiMun #3
Read first chapter and I already love it *___* Want more and more :3
ChangingPhases #4
Ooooh ouch smell trouble already! Aww, will comment. I'll comment every time you update with a new exciting chapter hehe! So have fun reading my comments. XD Kyaaa!~~~ Infinite so loving them like crazy at the moment especially Sungyeol! <3
I love it ^^
wah! I miss you author nim ^^
your updates are always good and exciting :>
Kyaa!! My 2 favorite bands are here.. Please update soon~
maxxichu #8
I love it (:
youngmin was jealous~~ nya nya~~
kwangmin was inlove ~~ mya mya~~

ChangingPhases #10
Finish reading the rest omg I love it so far! [: