Chapter 16

Sweet Connection

Jineul's POV

I skipped away happily after my brother and I parted ways. He always know how to make me laugh. And I missed his over-protectiveness.

I passed by a vending machine and stopped in front of it. Hm. Maybe I should get something to drink. I punched in the drink I wanted and dropped in the money. I bent down just in front of the hole where you're supposed to get the soda. 

"Um, Noona?"

I looked up and saw Minwoo hovering at me, scratching his nape uncomfortably. I got the can of soda I bought and stood up. "I'm not your noona, okay?"

"Oh, right. Sorry." He answered. "Anyway, Kwangmin's looking for you."

I sighed. Probably about our project again. "Okay. Where is he?"

"By his locker." Minwoo said. "Well see you around Jineul."

I nodded as he walked away. Now where is Kwangmin's locker again...? I walked towards where his locker is. As far as I remember it's... ah! Here it is. I saw him getting a few stuff from his locker.

I handed him a can of soda. “Hey. What’s up?”

He first opened it and took a sip before answering, “Listen, we have to get our project started if we want to finish it on time.”

“I know,” I replied. “I’ve started on some research. All we have to do now is buy the materials and organize everything else.”

Kwangmin nodded and took out his phone. “Alright. So… how does after school sound to you?”

After school…? I blinked. “What?”

“We’re buying our materials after school.” He said, looking up at me from his phone. “Unless you’re thinking about that popular girl group. You know, Neo ttaemune manhido ureosseo, maeil bam nan~

I groaned and looked away from him. And he’s supposedly the ‘cool and mysterious kingka’ everybody’s talking about? “Ugh no, stop doing that.”

Neo ttaemune manhido useosseo, geudae ttaemune~

Everybody’s looking at us weirdly now. “Yah, stop it. Everyone’s thinking I spiked your drink or something.”

He chuckled. “Right. So I’ll meet you at the school gate later.”

I nodded. And so, I hope nothing goes wrong this time.

The other members of Boyfriend arrived on the scene. Jeongmin eyed the two of us before nudging Kwangmin. “Yah, why are you always missing huh? Now let’s go.”

Donghyun turned to me and smiled. Yeah, so far, he’s the only member I like. “Hey Jineul.”

I smiled a little and nodded in return. At the back, I can see Youngmin stare at me rather… intensely. It’s like he’s figuring out how to crack a code or something. He caught my gaze and looked away. Huh. Weird.

“I’m not missing, hyung. I just had a business to attend to.” Kwangmin said.

Jeongmin rolled his eyes. “If that business is flirting with Jineul, then you’re definitely not succeeding.”

Kwangmin hit him on the back of his head and semi-glared. “That’s not it, hyung.” The he looked at me. “Later, Jineul.”

“Sure.” I answered and Boyfriend walked away. I saw Youngmin glanced over his shoulder. Still a weirdo.


I felt an arm on my shoulder and looked to my left. “Oh Minah.” Someone’s head popped behind her and grinned. “And Sungjong. What’s up?”

“Nothing. We just missed our best friend!” Sungjong said.

I chuckled. It’s so like them to miss me when we just saw each other yesterday.

“So, wanna hang out after school?” Minah asked.

“Can’t. I’ve got this project thingie with Kwangmin.”

“Hah! Told you so. Hand over the money.” Sungjong reluctantly handed Minah 3000 Won then glared at me.

Wait, what the heck is happening?!

“Yah, why is it that you’re always hanging out with that dude?!” Sungjong asked.

“Well he’s my project partner!”

“That’s no excuse!”

I scoffed. “You’re the one to talk. What is with the money?”

“Oh, that? Minah and I made a bet. She said you’re too busy with Kwangmin,” He said. “And that you guys are probably gonna end up together.”

“Well it’s true. You guys are the talk of the school right now. Along with his jerk brother.” Minah added.

Wait, his brother…? What’s he got to do with me? “Youngmin? Why?”

“I’ll tell you over chat.” Minah said.

“Anyway back to the bet. I told her you’re gonna end up with Youngmin instead!”

Some friends they are huh. “Why the hell are you guys betting over my love life?!”

They looked at each other, blinked, and then back at me. “It’s fun.”

I sighed. “You guys really.”

The bell rang and Minah grabbed my arm. “You still love us either way. Now come on future Mrs. Jo, let’s head to class.”

“Will you stop calling me that?!”

“Hah! Future Mrs. Jo is not amused.”

“And you too diva, aish!”

After school, I hurriedly ran out of the classroom to avoid Minah and Sungjong's questions. I just wanna get this over with. The more I stick to Kwangmin the more horrible my school life will be.


Okay, so where the hell did that 90 item quiz come from?! I'm so not prepared. I entered the bathroom and went towards the sink. I'm having such a major headache... 

I opened the faucet and splashed my face with cold water. Ah, now that feels nice. It would've been nicer if I answered even half of the quiz correctly...

"Well, well, well. If it isn't Jineul."

I wiped my face and looked up to see 3 girls looking at me, blocking the doorway. Wait... why do they look so familiar? Where have I seen them before?

The one in the middle stepped forward and grabbed my hair. Ow, ow. It hurts like heck.

I looked at the 's face closer and realized, it's that girl Youngmin dumped on the rootop. What was her name again? Kyungmi? 

"Yah, let go." I said, my voice struggling.

She smirked. "No. Now what's your relationship with Youngmin, huh?!"

My relationship with Youngmin...? "I don't know what you mean."

Her face twisted in a sick way and she smacked me hard on the face. That hurt double time. Why the hell is she wearing a huge and hard ring?! 

That's gonna leave a mark.

"Don't act dumb you fake princess," Fake princess?! "I saw you with Niel Oppa too. You're a , you know that?!

What?! Niel's my brother! "You're stupid, you know that?" I retorted.

Her grip on my head tightened. Ow, ow... I feel like all my hair's gonna rip off my head.


"Kyungmi, someone's coming."

The looked at one of her henchmen then backed at me. "Listen you nerd, stay away from Youngmin. He's mine." She then let go of my hair and left the restroom, not before shooting me a deathly glare.

The door shut close and I leaned on the sink for support. My headache's worse than before. There goes my peaceful life here in school.

End of Flashback

I went to my locker and opened it, looking at my reflection on the mirror. Ah, I have a big bruise. So that's why everyone in class was staring at me weirdly... 

After dumping all of my things in the locker, I took out a band aid and placed it on the bruise. This should cover it for the meantime.

Well okay, I look presentable. Now I'm off to meet Kwangmin!

If you guys are wondering, the song Kwangmin sang to Jineul (about the After School joke thing) is 'Because of You' by After School. You guys should check it out! ☺


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ChangingPhases #1
Chapter 25: Niel so cute!!!! Lol. Ooohhh bonding time!! Kekkee***
Chapter 24: Ooh all three bands are favorites of mine. This is getting good. You will update... right?
HanJiMun #3
Read first chapter and I already love it *___* Want more and more :3
ChangingPhases #4
Ooooh ouch smell trouble already! Aww, will comment. I'll comment every time you update with a new exciting chapter hehe! So have fun reading my comments. XD Kyaaa!~~~ Infinite so loving them like crazy at the moment especially Sungyeol! <3
I love it ^^
wah! I miss you author nim ^^
your updates are always good and exciting :>
Kyaa!! My 2 favorite bands are here.. Please update soon~
maxxichu #8
I love it (:
youngmin was jealous~~ nya nya~~
kwangmin was inlove ~~ mya mya~~

ChangingPhases #10
Finish reading the rest omg I love it so far! [: