Chapter 3

Sweet Connection

Jineul's POV

Going home was a struggle. For one thing, try walking in the streets of Seoul soaking wet while dragging a huge umbrella with you. (A huge umbrella, which you don't know where it came from.)

Add to that, try dodging the burning stares of the people around you. Well this is rich. Guess who's the next talk of the town now?

I took a deep breath before turning the door knob of our house.

"Mom, I'm home..." I said barely above a whisper.

No reply. Yes, my mom's out. Which means I'll save myself from explaining or worse, the never-ending scolding.

I shuddered at the thought as I placed the umbrella on the rack.

"What happened here?!" 

Oh great. I looked at my mom wo was equally glaring at me from inside the kitchen.

"Hi mom..."

"Don't you 'Hi mom' me Missy! Why are you soaking wet?!" I rolled my eyes. I hate it when mom's like this.

"Calm down Mom. It rained and I didn't bring an umbrella." I calmly explained.

"Oh really? Whose umbrella is that then?" She asked, referring to the black umbrella I once held.

I paused. "O-oh, that..." What to say, what to say?! "That's my um... friend's. Yeah, she lent it to me."

She nodded but I can still see the 'boo-you-I-know-you're-lying' look in her eyes. "Okay sweetie. Now go up and wash yourself."

I did as I was told and went up to my room. But instead of washing up I dumped my bag on one corner and layed down in my bed.

Flashbacks of what happened today came flooding back to me. I was only distracted from my train of thought when my phone suddenly rang.

"Ok girl~♫"

I lazily shuffled through my bag. Once I've found it, I flipped it open. Barely pressing my phone to my ear I said what turned out to be a muffled 'hello'.

"Jineullie~"  The voice on the other end of the phone said.

I smiled. It's my very close friend, Minah. We were both close to Jinyoung when we were little. "Hey, what's up?"

"Are you finished with the research paper prof. told us to do?"

I sprang up. "What research paper?!"

I heard her laugh at the other end of the line. "I figured just as much. Check your E-Mail. I've sent the guide questions."

"Komawo Minah-ah, you're the best!"

"I know~" Then she hung up. I placed my phone on the bedside table and walked to my desk. I sat down and flipped open my laptop.

Oh yeah. I have a thing for flippy stuff.

Well anyways, after all the shinnanigans from Windows, I finally opened my Yahoo Messenger (a/n: do not own) which redirected me to my E-Mail.

The first thing that greeted me was the mail from Minah. I quickly attached the printer to my laptop and printed the contents.

Afterwards, I opened the window for Yahoo Messenger.

Aha! Minah is online again. Well, as usual.

I clicked her name and an IM window popped up.


Ahn_95: Minah-ah~♥♥
LeeMinAh: Hey! I see you got my mail ;) Best friend saved your day huh? 

I chuckled. Aish this girl.

Ahn_95: Not quite... now I have a load work of paragraphs to construct 3
LeeMinAh: :(
LeeMinAh: Hwaiting!!!
Ahn_95: =))) How was your day?
LeeMinAh: Pretty normal. Yours?

I sighed. If only you knew what happened today. I narrowed my eyes as I typed in my response.

Ahn_95: Horrible! I just lost something special. :((
LeeMinAh: Omo! Don't tell me...
Ahn_95: Yah, if you're just gonna say something erted then don't.
LeeMinAh: Aniyo :p
LeeMinAh: Something special eh...?
LeeMinAh: Wait. Could it be, Jinyoungie's...?

That's Minah for you. She can quickly catch up to anything.

Ahn_95: Yeah. The book.
LeeMinAh: What?!!!!!1111
Ahn_95: Please type properly -________-"
LeeMinAh: What happened?!
Ahn_95: Someone threw it from the rooftop.
LeeMinAh: Mwuh?! Nugu (who)?!

I typed in, "That lame of an excuse for a person, Jo Youngmin." But before I can even press 'enter', a pop-up window appeared. It's some kind of a friend request from someone.

I blinked as I read the username out loud.

"PikaJo?" I laughed. What a very weird username. Nevertheless, I accepted the friend request.

Ahn_95: LOL Minah, you'll never guess what happened.
LeeMinAh: What?

I began typing my response again when another window popped up.

PikaJo: Annyeong.

Stupid, interrupting dude. 

Ahn_95:Um... hi?
PikaJo: You don't sound so sure of your answer. :))

I rolled my eyes. Well duh,

PikaJo: How's your day?
Ahn_95: Where did you get my E-Mail address?
PikaJo: That's for me to know and for you, never to find out. :)

Is he serious?! Then it hit me. The book. I was pretty sure I inserted a post-it in it with my E-Mail address just in case I lost it.

PikaJo: You there?

So, this is the guy who picked up my book? But anyways, I can't confront him yet. Not unless I'm 100% sure.

Besides, why not humor this guy/girl just once?

Ahn_95: Yeah.
PikaJo: Shall I repeat my question?
PikaJo: How was your day?
Ahn_95: Idk how to explain it. But I'm sure it's worse than yours.

Wait, what did I just say?!

PikaJo: Oh really? :))

I smied. So for the rest of the night we talked about random stuff, played 20 questions and so on.

You know, I don't really have a clue who this 'PikaJo' is (and his username still bugs me, mind you) but I feel really comfortable while talking to him. He made me forget all about that jerk, Youngmin.

Ahn_95: Hey, it's almost midnight. We should turn in.
PikaJo: Wait.
PikaJo: Just one question.
Ahn_95: What is it?
PikaJo: You do study at Seoul University, right?

I laughed. No I mean, LITERALLY laughed.

Ahn_95: Of course. Why?
PikaJo: Nothing. Go get some rest now. Sweet dreams.
Ahn_95: Alright. :) Sleep tight.

Hesitating, I signed off Yahoo Messenger. Wait. Why do I have the feeling, that I forgot to do something...?


End of POV

At the Jo residence, Kwangmin just got out of the shower. He looked at his twin who was currently doing something on the Laptop.

"Youngmin-ah, aren't you gonna take a bath?" He asked.

Not even taking his eyes off the screen, his older twin answered, "Why should I?"

Kwangmin shook his head. "You'll get sick."

"Yeah, sure."

Kwangmin raised a delicate eyebrow and looked over Youngmin's shoulder. "Yah, what are you doing?"

"Research." Then Youngmin looked back and glared. "Quit being nosy and mind your oen business."

"Arasseo, no need to be stingy..." Kwangmin looked at his twin weirdly. "This is odd. I know for one thing that Youngmin never does his homework on time."

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ChangingPhases #1
Chapter 25: Niel so cute!!!! Lol. Ooohhh bonding time!! Kekkee***
Chapter 24: Ooh all three bands are favorites of mine. This is getting good. You will update... right?
HanJiMun #3
Read first chapter and I already love it *___* Want more and more :3
ChangingPhases #4
Ooooh ouch smell trouble already! Aww, will comment. I'll comment every time you update with a new exciting chapter hehe! So have fun reading my comments. XD Kyaaa!~~~ Infinite so loving them like crazy at the moment especially Sungyeol! <3
I love it ^^
wah! I miss you author nim ^^
your updates are always good and exciting :>
Kyaa!! My 2 favorite bands are here.. Please update soon~
maxxichu #8
I love it (:
youngmin was jealous~~ nya nya~~
kwangmin was inlove ~~ mya mya~~

ChangingPhases #10
Finish reading the rest omg I love it so far! [: