Chapter 13

Sweet Connection

Jineul's POV

I entered the library tired and exhausted, clutching Kwangmin's note in my hand. I went through a maze of bookshelves until I finally reached the center and saw Kwangmin sitting on  chair, reading.

I sat opposite of him and placed my things lazily on the table which made a loud noise. The librarian didn't seem pleased and shot us dirty looks.

"Mianhamnida..." I said then turned to Kwangmin. "Hey, I got your note. What's up?"

He gave me a disapproving look. "Our project's up." I rolled my eyes. Great he's being sarcastic again. "I've done a few research and listed out the materials we need. We'll buy the stuff together this weekend. All you have to do now is put in details."

"Mmmm... okay. I'll do more research." I replied. "What's your problem?"

He sighed. "Nothing. Just tired."

Well you're not the only one. 

I sat back and nodded. Silence enveloped us in a very awkward way. The kind wherein you just wanna jump out of the room and scream.


I walked side by side with Kwangmin on the empty hallway. After discussing our plans for this weekend, we argued over something and the librarian forced us out. Not before she asked us to dust all the books of over 20 bookshelves.

My hands are sore.

“Thanks a lot Kwangmin…” I muttered.

He looked at me from the corner of his eye. “You’re not the only one who’s tired. I’m the one who had to step on a chair just to get the books on the top shelf.”

The nerve of this…!!

“You didn’t have to get mad over something so shallow…”

He glared. “Miss Ahn, the content, motion and main objective of our project is not ‘something so shallow’.”

I kept mum. “Fine you win.”

We turned at a corner and were greeted by a member of Boyfriend. I forgot his name um… the one with small eyes and light brown hair…

“Oh Jeongmin hyung,” Ah, Jeongmin! Now I remember… “What’s wrong, you look so wasted.”

“Ah Kwangmin,” Then he looked at me. “Shineul.”

I cleared my throat. “Jineul.”

“Oh right. Sorry Sooneul.” Kwangmin and I both glared at him. Can’t this guy get anything right? “Have you guys seen Minwoo? We’ve gone around the whole school but none of us has seen him.”

“Nope, haven’t seen him.” Kwangmin replied.

“Wae, what’s up?” I asked.

Jeongmin looked at me weirdly. “You don’t know? It’s his birthday today.”

Ahhh, so that’s why the ‘Solid No Minwoo Fans Club’ had gone haywire today.

“We’re planning a surprise party for the guy. It’s at Seoul Hotel.” Kwangmin continued.

My jaw dropped. Seoul Hotel?! Are they serious?! That’s like, the most prestigious hotel here in the country!

“We don’t have much time…” Jeongmin trailed off. “Can you guys help look for him?”

I don’t know why they are pulling me in this situation. Since when have I been a part of Boyfriend and Co.?!


I rolled my eyes. “Yeah… the ‘cute begging technique’ doesn’t work on me anymore.”

Jeongmin straightened up. “Whatever. So are you gonna help or not?”

“Hyung, don’t drag Jineul into this.”

“Hey, I can speak for myself.” I interjected. “Sure I’ll help look for him. It’s not like I have anything else to do anyway.”

“Yay! I win Kwangmin~” Jeongmin cheered. “Come on, we don’t have much time left.”


YEP. I shouldn’t have agreed to this. I leaned on a wall panting, trickles of sweat running down my face. Jeongmin, Kwangmin and I decided to split up so that we’d cover bigger area. I’ve ran 248725365367780000 miles and still no sign of No Minwoo.

I’m beat.

“Oh, eavesdropper!” I looked to my right and saw the jerk king, his hair tied up. “You’re in the chase for the missing maknae too?”

I rolled my eyes. “Yeah, I’m forced. Found him?”

“No.” He replied. “He’s the most complicated birthday boy ever.”

From a distance, we heard a voice call out, “Youngmin? Blonde kid, where are you?”

Youngmin looked over my shoulder and yelled back, “Red head ahjussi, I’m over here!”

I turned around and saw Boyfriend’s leader walk up to see. I turned to Youngmin and smirked. “Nice pet names.”

“Shut up.”

“You know Youngmin, I still hate it when you call me ahjussi.” He glared at Youngmin first before turning to me. “Oh hey Jineul! Heard you’re helping us look for Minwoo too. Gomawo.”

I smiled. He’s the only one who said ‘thank you’ for my help. “No problem. Any luck?”

He shook his head. “I’ve checked up on the others, no avail.” I sighed. I agree with the jerk king now. He is the most complicated birthday boy and this is the most complicated birthday celebration ever.

“Otteoke?” I said. “Time’s running out…”

The three of us kept silent before Donghyun spoke once more, “Maybe he left?”

I groaned. “I’m not going on a wild goose chase around Seoul, no way.”

“Hey, isn’t your friend like project partners with him or something?” Youngmin said.

How did he know that, he doesn’t even attend class! “Yeah, so?”

“Maybe she knows where he is. Or maybe she’s with him right now, discussing the project or something.”

HEY THAT’S…… not a bad idea…… I hate it whenever he has a point.

“Good thinking Youngmin. Call her Jineul-ah.” Donghyun said.

I got my phone from my pocket. “Yeah, yeah.”

Youngmin looked at his watch. “Hyung, we really don’t have much time. Our reservation…”

“You can call her while in the car Jineul. We better get going.” Donghyun said.

Wait, wait!! “What, I’m going with you guys?! No way!”

“Well you might as well celebrate Minwoo’s birthday with us.” Donghyun said as he walked away. “The more the merrier, right?”

“No freaking way.” I said emphasizing each word.

Donghyun immediately had an evil look on his face and then turned to Youngmin. “Blonde kid, if you please.”

“Roger Red head ahjussi.” Then Youngmin scooped me up in his arms and carried me bridal style. I yelped.

“Jo Youngmin, put me down!” He ignored my yells and constant kicking as he led me to the car.

“Hyung go ahead. I’m gonna meet you in the hotel in a few minutes. I’ve to get some work done on this girl.”

I glared at him. “Thanks.”

Donghyun nodded. “Gotcha.” Afterwards, he went to his car and drove away.

Leaving me alone with the jerk king once more.

Yep. This is not good.

Minah sat on a bench grumpily. Swiping her phone out, she dialed Sungjong’s number and pressed ‘call’.

Sungjong’s hushed voice greeted Minah. “Yeoboseyo?”

“Lee Sungjong you ! Where are you, huh?”

“Minah, is this you? Look, I can’t talk right now.”

Minah frowned and clenched her teeth. “What do you mean ‘you can’t talk’? You’re the one who called me out here a while ago! It’s been 30 minutes, where are you?!”

“I’m taking a make-up text at Kim Seonsaengmin’s class. I’m gonna be a bit late…”

“Mwuh?! Yah, Lee Sungjong!”

“I’ll call you later. Bye!”

“Sungjong you can’t just—” The line went dead and only the sound of beeping can be heard. “Yeoboseyo? Sungjong? Aish, this kid!!!”

Minah gripped her phone angrily before keeping it back in her pocket. She took in a greedy amount of air and closed her eyes. “Calm down Minah, calm down…” She pinched her nose bridge slightly before opening her eyes again. “That’s just Sungjong’s usual attitude… you’re used to it…”

Minah watched as a couple passed in front of her. Ew, she thought. Ever since that unfortunate incident, she promised herself that she’d never fall for anyone again. Her only priorities right now are her family, Minah, Sungjong and her studies.

“Speaking of studies…” She thought. “I’d better start doing some research about our project. It’s not like that shrimp would do anything anyway.”

Minah got a book from her back and started reading. Not long after, she stretched her legs out because it started to feel numb. “How long have I been sitting here again? Apa… my legs hurt…”

She started reading a chapter in the book, when she heard a loud ‘thump!’ like a heavy thing falling on the floor.

“Ah, ah! Oww…”

She looked over her book and saw No Minwoo sprawled across the floor. He accidentally tripped over her stretched-out leg.

Her eyes narrowed. “Hello No Minwoo.”

Minwoo looked up and his troubled face brightened. “Ah, Minah! It’s a good thing that you’re here,” Faint screaming noises can now be heard and it grew louder and louder. “Quick, hide me!”

Minwoo stood up in a flash and ducked behind the bench Minah is sitting on.

“What? What’s going on?” Minah asked.

The shouting grew louder. And that’s when Minah figured out that it’s not shouting, it’s squealing. It’s a mob of fan girls, squealing Minwoo’s name.

“So this is what’s going on…” Minah peered over her shoulder and saw a frightened Minwoo. She softened a little. “Poor kid. Being chased by these monsters…”

The mob stopped in front of her. All were panting and frantically looked around.

“Where’s Minwoo Oppa? I saw him go this way!”

“He’s just around here. Oppa eodisseo?!”

One girl with an ‘I HEART MINWOO’ shirt approached Minah. “You, did you see Minwoo Oppa?!”

Minah scrutinized her from head to toe. She frowned. “Oppa? What Oppa? You look 20 years older than him!” She thought. “Oh that Minwoo guy? Yeah actually…”

From behind, she heard Minwoo whisper words like ‘please say no’ and ‘jebal’.

Minah pointed to a random direction. “He went that way.”

Without saying thank you, the girls ran off to the direction Minah pointed to. When they were out of sight, Minwoo came out of his hiding place.

“Wooh, that was close. Thank you Minah.” He said.

“Well your fan girls are a level meaner than usual today. I wonder why…” Minah replied.

Minwoo remained silent as he sat down beside her. Minah decided to ignore him and continued on reading her book. After a while, she looked at him and found an intense stare being sent to her.

“What’s with you?” She asked.

He continued to look at her before saying, “Say, what are you doing today?”

“What? Why?”

“Can you come with me?”

Minah raised an eyebrow. “Where?”

“Anywhere…” He sighed. “I’m feeling kinda down…”

Minah paused for a while before agreeing. “You know you’re being burdensome on my free time.”

Minwoo beamed. “So that’s a yes?”

“No, it means ‘what’s in it for me?’” She replied.

“Um…” He bit his lip trying to look for an answer. “Uhh… I’ll do 75% of the project?”

Minah thought for a while before answering. “Fine.”

Minwoo smiled happily and stood up. Minah followed after him and tucked her book away. “So where are we going?”

Minah looked at Minwoo and saw him staring at something. She followed his gaze and saw a figure of 2 men walking away. She looked at him and he bore a surprised mixed with confused expression.


He snapped out of his thoughts and turned to her. “Huh what?” Then he scratched his head. “Ah, mian mian. Shall we go?”

“Minah! Minaaaah!”

They looked behind and saw Sungjong running towards them. Minah immediately grabbed Minwoo by the arm and ran. “Ppali Minwoo, let’s go!”

They ran out leaving Sungjong behind, panting. “Minah! Yah, where are you going?!” He stared after the retreating figures of Minwoo and Minah. He stomped his foot. “Aish! And we were supposed to go shopping today! Yah Minah!”

When they were at reasonable distance, Minah let go of Minwoo’s arm and slowed down. He kept up with her pace and slowed down too.

“What was that about?” He said while catching his breath.

“Payback.” She replied. “Now, where are we going?”

Minwoo smiled at her but didn’t reply. Instead, he kept on walking. Minah, seeing that she wouldn’t get a response out of the boy, shrugged and followed beside him.

They were walking for a while now. “It’s like we’re heading out of town. My legs are now feeling much more worse,” Minah thought. “Where exactly is this kid taking me?”

“Minwoo… can we rest for a bit? I’m feeling a bit tired…” She said.

“Oh? But we’re almost here.”

Minah looked ahead and saw a river. “What are we doing here? Are we going fishing? Or swimming?”

“Look, look Minah! We’re here!”

Minwoo pointed to a run-down shack just beside the river. Or that’s what Minah thought until she saw a sign board in front and a few chairs and tables. “An Ice Cream shop? Seriously now, an Ice Cream shop?! We walked this far just for stinking Ice Cream?!”

Minah followed Minwoo as he sat down on a chair. She sat uncomfortably opposite of him.

“What flavor do you want?” He asked.

“Vanilla…” She replied.

Minwoo nodded. “Got it. Be right back!”

As soon as Minwoo left to order, she looked around. “An outdoor Ice Cream Parlor huh… I don’t know if this is a great or bad idea. If anything, this doesn’t look like an Ice Cream shop. I even mistook it for an old shack.”

She gazed at the river and admired the fishes and the plants that grew on its shore. “Well it is pretty…”

She was so engrossed at admiring its beauty that she didn’t notice Minwoo come back. “Here ya go, one Vanilla ice… cream. Hey, what’s wrong?”

Minah snapped back to reality and looked at Minwoo. “Huh, what?” Then she shook her head. “I’m sorry, you were saying?”

Minwoo smiled as he took a spoonful of chocolate ice cream. “Nothing.” He replied. “It’s pretty isn’t it?”

“The river? Yeah, I guess…” She replied. “But why here? Aren’t there loads of Ice Cream Shops near our school?”

“This place is special….” He said playing with his spoon. “My deceased Mom used to bring me here, every year… once a year…”

Minah raised an eyebrow. “Did he just say ‘deceased’?” She thought. “But I thought your mom was still alive… isn’t she our school chairman?”

Minwoo ate another spoonful. “Ah, that’s my stepmom. My dad married her 7 months after my Mom died.” He explained. “And I don’t like her.”

“Oh… I’m sorry…” Minah suddenly felt bad. She had an immediate change of expression as she ate her ice cream.

He smiled at her. “It’s no big deal! I’ve gotten over my Mom’s death…” Minwoo trailed off looking at her face.

“Why, what’s wrong? Is there something in my face or—” Minah was stopped when Minwoo reached over and wiped the corner of gently using a tissue. They gazed at each other’s eyes.

“Omo… when did his eyes become so beautiful?! Wait, wait… what are you thinking Minah?!! Pabo, pabo! You don’t like him right?!”

She coughed. “Um, t-thanks…”

Minwoo pulled back and grinned widely. “Sure! Anyway, thanks for accompanying me today… I’m feeling really sad. My dad’s busy at work and my hyungs didn’t even greet me.”

“This boy has serious moodswings,” She thought. “And moreover, what did he say? Greet? And it’s the first time I saw him sulking over his dad’s work…”

Just then her cellphone rang. “Yobeoseyo? Jineul?”

“Minah, where are you? Sungjong called me and he’s steaming mad.”

Minah smiled triumphantly. That’s what you get Lee Sungjong for making Im Minah wait. “Don’t mind him, he has issues. Why’d you call?”

She could hear other voices in the background. “And who’s that?”

“Yeah about that, have you seen Minwoo? The jerk king and his pack are annoying the hell out of me already. They’ve been around the school all day but hadn’t seen him.”

Minah glanced at Minwoo. “Yeah, I might’ve seen him… why?”

“Really? Yah, he says she saw him!”

“Good good! Tell her to bring him here!”

“And tell her to do it quickly!”

“Fine, fine I will jeez! Stop grabbing my phone!”

“Jineul, what’s going on?”

“Hello, hello Minah? Yeah I’m sorry, that was the jerk king and their pack leader.”


“Just bring Minwoo in Seoul Hotel in 15 minutes okay? It’s his birthday and Boyfriend has a surprise or something…”

“But don’t tell him! It’s a surprise!”

“She knows that, idiot!”

Minah froze. It’s his… birthday?!

“U-Um… okay…”

“Great, bye!”

Minah slowly put her phone down and looked at Minwoo, her eyes wide.



“Is it your birthday today?”

“Ah, yes. It’s my birthday today.” He replied casually then took another spoonful.

Minah was silent.



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ChangingPhases #1
Chapter 25: Niel so cute!!!! Lol. Ooohhh bonding time!! Kekkee***
Chapter 24: Ooh all three bands are favorites of mine. This is getting good. You will update... right?
HanJiMun #3
Read first chapter and I already love it *___* Want more and more :3
ChangingPhases #4
Ooooh ouch smell trouble already! Aww, will comment. I'll comment every time you update with a new exciting chapter hehe! So have fun reading my comments. XD Kyaaa!~~~ Infinite so loving them like crazy at the moment especially Sungyeol! <3
I love it ^^
wah! I miss you author nim ^^
your updates are always good and exciting :>
Kyaa!! My 2 favorite bands are here.. Please update soon~
maxxichu #8
I love it (:
youngmin was jealous~~ nya nya~~
kwangmin was inlove ~~ mya mya~~

ChangingPhases #10
Finish reading the rest omg I love it so far! [: