Chapter 9

Sweet Connection

Jineul's POV

The jerk king slowly walked towards me, his hands inside his pocket. I backed away until I felt myself bump into the wall. 

I'm trapped. Nice move, Jineul.

When we were only a few centimeters apart, he trapped me to the wall by using his arms as a cage. I silently wrote my last will and testament inside my head.

I closed my eyes and waited for whatever this monster is planning.

After a minute, I heard a snort. Followed by a series of laughter.

"Hahaha! Your face. Oh god, you should have seen your face." He said in between laughs. "Assuming, nerd?"

My jaw dropped open. Aish! I really can't believe this guy! You know what? I've had it.

I rolled my eyes. "Well thanks." I ducked under his arm and walked out of his room. 

Muttering dark curses under my breath, I walked away from Jo Youngmin's pig stine. The nerve of that guy. Assuming? Me?! Pfft. 

I sighed. Well how can I find Kwangmin's room now?

"3rd door to the right of the stair case." Then bam. The sound of a door closing rather loudly followed. 

3rd door to the where of the what...? Wait, did he just tell me where Kwangmin's room is? I stopped walking and looked back. The door to his pig stine is closed. Huh.

Pushing my luck, I followed the directions of the jerk king. I reached the end of the hallway, facing a door which has a "don't DARE enter!" hanging on the door knob. 

This is indeed Kwangmin's room.

Now that you think of it, it's ironic how the twins' rooms are both at the end of the hallway, far from each other. Extremes. I should ask Kwangmin about this later.

I knocked three times. "Kwangmin-ssi? Are you here?" 

No reply.

I knocked again. And knocked and knocked over and over and over and over again. Nope. Still no response.

Maybe he's not here? Gaah. I should've just waited in the study room.

Last check. I held the door knob firmly and twisted it. Wowowowow. It's open! The door creaked as I pushed it forward and I poked my head inside.

Thank god. Finally THIS is what I can call, a bedroom. Finally everything's in its place. I entered and gawked at the neatness of his room.

There's a bed on the center and a small bedside table right next to it. To my right was a desk. A laptop and a row of books was on top of it. 

I bent down and read the title of the books, printed on its spine. Wow, he has a good taste. I scanned along the spines but stopped when I reached the very last book. 

'The Little Prince'...?

My eyes widened. Could this be...? Naah. He probably has the same copy as I do. I mean, a lot of bookstores sell this book right? 

But still. It wouldn't hurt to check. I slowly reached my hand out when...


I paused halfway and looked at the brown haired boy looking at me with a curious expression. I straightened up and faced him awkwardly. 

"What are you doing in my room?"

"Oh. U-Um... nothing." 

He crossed his arms over his chest. "Really now? How did you find it then?"

I puffed my cheeks. "Youngmin told me..."

"Well I've gotten the draft. Let's go?" I nodded and he led me out of his bedroom and back into the study room.


I fought with drowsiness as I rested my cheek on the palm of my hand, elbow propped up on the table. 

"...thus resulting to..."

Has he no idea what a 'break' is? I really need it right now. 

"...I wonder if that's enough? We might need more if we decide to..."

Speaking of break, I really will break Youngmin's neck if I see him next time!

"...I don't know if one page will be enough but we can always make the font smaller so..."

I felt my head drop to the desk. So sleepy! When will this guy stop talking? I mean, I understood it when he said it the first time. Why must he repeat it again for the 2nd, 3rd, 4th... 5th time? 

"YAH, ARE YOU LISTENING?!" Kwangmin semi-shouted.

My head snapped up and I saw Kwangmin glaring at me. 

"W-What...? Sorry..." I muttered. "Can you repeat what you said?"

He sighed. "Which part?"

"Um... the last one.... and the one before that... and the part before the one before the last part too... and the first part..." 

I could feel him glaring at me now. Then he dropped the papers he was holding on the table. "Alright, let's take a short break."

"Ugh, finally! I thought you'd never stop talking--" More glaring. "--not that I'm complaining or anything."

"Fine. What do you want to do then?" He asked.

I shrugged. "Why are you asking ME? Isn't this YOUR house?"

"I always stay in my room." He replied casually.

Oh yeah. "Speaking of room, why is it that you and your twin's room is both at the end of the hallway, away from each other?"

"What, do you expect us to share a room or something?" I nodded. "Yah, just because we're twins doesn't mean that we don't need our 'own personal space'."

"Oh..." Then it happened. What, you might ask? You know, the one in the movies. Wherein everything's perfect then suddenly, the sound of your stomach grumbling ruins the moment? Yeah that.


I looked at Kwangmin and I saw that he was fighting back a laugh. I sighed. "If you wanna laugh then go on," Then I pouted. "Stupid tummy..."

"Aniyo, I won't laugh." LIAR. "Pf-fft... Wanna eat something? Naah, don't answer. I know you want to."

Kwangmin you meanie.

He stood up and I followed. We entered the kitchen and saw a woman around her mid-40s drinking a cup of coffee.

Is this...?

"Hi Mom." Ah, so that's why she resembles the twins a lot. "Dad's still at the office?"

"Hi sweetie! Yes, he is. How was your day? Oh and... who's this?" She asked, looking at me from head to toe.

"My classmate."

I bowed. "Annyeong haseyo, I'm Ahn Jineul. Nice to meet you."

She smiled gently. "What a lovely young lady! So what is she doing here?"

"Project." Kwangmin replied. "We just finished discussing it."

"Oh. Is she staying for dinner?"

"I don't think so." I could hear a hint of annoyance in Kwangmin's voice.

"Nonsense! It's common courtesy to feed your guest." Then she turned at me. "Jineul, you'll eat dinner with us okay?"

"I-I... I don't know Mrs. Jo," I stuttered. Gah. I feel stupid.

"You call me, Auntie Yanghee arasseo?"

"Yah, Eomma!"

I was flustered. Auntie Yanghee?! Is she serious? "N-Ne..."

"It's settled then! You're staying for dinner. Oh wonderful! I haven't cooked a dish for a long time."

I heard Kwangmin groan. "YOU'RE cooking?!"

"Is it bad?" I whispered.

"Not really. Mom's cooking is just... extravagant." He whispered back.

"Come on Kwangmin, come with me to the grocery. We're going to buy ingredients." Mrs. J-- AUNTIE YANGHEE said while dragging Kwangmin by the arm.

"But Eomma--"

"No buts!" She said then turned to me. "Jineul-ah, feel yourself at home. We'll be back in a bit!"

My mouth hung open. THEY'RE BOTH LEAVING ME HERE?!

I heard Auntie Yanghee say, 'Oh! What a heavy downpour.' before the entrance door shut. At the same time, I heard one door upstairs open and down came Youngmin.

"Ah, you're still here?"

"Unfortunately." I mumbled.

He didn't seem to hear it. Still staring me down, he walked past me and took a can of root beer from the fridge. Without a word, he walked back upstairs again.

Feel at home eh...? How can I possibly make myself at home?

I was about to freaking pull my hair off.


I stared blankly at the TV Monitor. A movie's credits were being shown. I just finished a bloody scary japanese horror movie yet Kwangmin and Auntie Yanghee isn't back yet.

I wanna leave. But sadly, I made a 'promise' to Auntie Yanghee and I have to stay over for dinner. And Ahn Jineul DO NOT break her promises. Never.

I looked around the living room and shuddered. Why do I feel so alone? Now that you mention it, where are the maids and butlers? I distinctly remember them serving the Jo Twins like maniacs awhile ago.

I stood up and walked around the first floor of the house.

Please let me find someone to talk to.

After a few minutes of roaming around. I've realized.

HOLY I AM ALONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Clips from the movie came flooding back to me. What if I see something unpleasant here. Oh god somenone help me.

I leaped to the couch and sat in a ball-like position. Stupid TV for having nothing else to watch. TT^TT

But, they'll be back soon right...?

I watched the Evening News. Huh. Evening. Who would've known I'll kill so much time, just listening to Kwangmin talk? I remember that it was only around 10-ish when Kwangmin fetched me from the park.

My head snapped to my right when I heard some sort of crash. Oh no. It's the ghost it's coming to eat me alive oh shisus. Somebody help me!

I buried my head on my knees. This is why I hate enormous houses. -.-"

What should I do? Oh I know, I should focus my attention on something else until Auntie Yanghee gets home. Yeah, that's right. I looked at the Television screen and watched the news. Nothing like current events to keep me updated! Hehe... eheheh.

Strong Typhoon hits Seoul! Signal number 4. Streets are flooded!
We advise anyone not to leave their houses, at the same time, black outs and brown outs are expected to happen soon!
Stay tuned for more updates on--

Everything turned black, and was followed by a loud thunder. My eyes widened and I immediately covered my ears on instinct. Of all days, why now?! Why a thunderstorm?!

Auntie Yanghee... Kwangmin... Why did you leave me alone with a cold-hearted jerk?

Another thunder and I yelped. Tears are starting to form in my eyes.


End of POV

No one's POV

Youngmin just finished checking his laptop. "Still not online, huh..." He took another sip of his rootbeer when the brown out happened. "What the--"

He stood up and flipped the light switch. Up and down, up and down. Nothing.

Youngmin sighed and slowly took out the flashlight inside his bedside table drawer. "Bad timing." He muttered. "Wait, speaking of bad timing... I wonder how that Jineul girl's doing?"

He cautiously walked down and looked for Jineul inside the kitchen. But she wasn't there. "I wonder where that girl went. Ah, the living room."

Another clap of thunder was heard and Youngmin heard someone whimper. "Jineul...?"

He shone the flashlight around the living room. Then he spotted a fragile-looking girl curled up on the couch. Another thunder and he could hear her quiet sobs.

His eyes widened in realization. "Is she afraid of Thunder?"

Jus then, the phone rang. Youngmin lit a candle first before answering.


"Youngmin? Youngmin is this you? Are you kids alright there? How's Jineul? We heard there was a black out in Seoul right now!"

"Eomma, where exactly are you?"

"In a hotel somewhere on the edge of Seoul. But don't worry, the hotel's got a really strong and good generator."

"When do you plan to go home?"

"Well the streets are flooded dear. It's impossible for the car to drive through. We will as soon as the weather's back to normal, okay?"


"Oh and the maids and butlers went home early awhile ago. I'm so sorry for leaving you two alone."

"Well there's nothing we can do about that."

Another thunder and the line went dead.

"Hello? Hello? Eomma?"

Youngmin frowned and put the phone down. He then looked at Jineul whose eyes was shut tight.

"Great." He thought. "What am I to do now?"

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ChangingPhases #1
Chapter 25: Niel so cute!!!! Lol. Ooohhh bonding time!! Kekkee***
Chapter 24: Ooh all three bands are favorites of mine. This is getting good. You will update... right?
HanJiMun #3
Read first chapter and I already love it *___* Want more and more :3
ChangingPhases #4
Ooooh ouch smell trouble already! Aww, will comment. I'll comment every time you update with a new exciting chapter hehe! So have fun reading my comments. XD Kyaaa!~~~ Infinite so loving them like crazy at the moment especially Sungyeol! <3
I love it ^^
wah! I miss you author nim ^^
your updates are always good and exciting :>
Kyaa!! My 2 favorite bands are here.. Please update soon~
maxxichu #8
I love it (:
youngmin was jealous~~ nya nya~~
kwangmin was inlove ~~ mya mya~~

ChangingPhases #10
Finish reading the rest omg I love it so far! [: