Chapter 10

Sweet Connection

TEAL = Youngmin
GREEN = Jinyoung Flashbacks 

*Will use this system from now on, alright? :D

The whole house was quiet except for the sound of the clock ticking. Youngmin found a battery-operated lamp and to his relief, it's fully charged. The light emitting from it was enough to illuminate the living room. 

Youngmin was bored trying to get a proper signal with his phone, while Jineul is still sitting in a ball position, afraid of the thunder that you can hear every now and then.

Youngmin sneaked a glance at Jineul and he frowned. "This is sick. She's shaking because of fear!" Then he looked at her again. "But is it really fear...? Well it is kind of cold in here. Huh, I didn't notice that. Probably because I'm wearing a long-sleeved shirt."

Another clap of Thunder and Jineul whimpered.

Youngmin sighed. He stood up and left the living room.

Jineul's POV

This is bad. This is so bad. When will the thunderstorm stop? Another loud boom of thunder errupted and I desperately tried to muffle the sound by burying my head in between my knees.

It didn't help at all.

I looked at the jerk king from under my eyelashes. He's fidgeting with his phone and he looked pissed. He's probably annoyed from all the noises I make.

Now, the room felt colder than it was before. 

"Jineul-ah, my Mom always said that if you're afraid, someone will always be there to cease your fear! I'm always here for you Jineul, okay?"

Jinyoung-ah, you're not here anymore... what do I do?

I felt my body shiver against the cold. I saw the jerk king glance at me then back at his phone again.

Well, how's this for company?

I saw him sigh and then he stood up, about to leave the room.

No. No. He can't leave me here! I'd rather put up with his bad attitude than to be left alone!

"W-Wait!" I voiced out.

He stopped and looked at me. He still looks annoyed. "What?"

Oh great what do I say now? "Um... uhh..." Another thunder. I closed my eyes hard and once it was over, I opened it again. "W-Were are y-y-you g-going?" 

His eyes narrowed. "I don't see how that concerns you in any way."

"C-Can't you st-stay?" My dignity = down the drain.

"Why should I?" Okay, it's either he's SO SO SO SO oblivious or SO SO SO SO stupid.

"Please...?" I said in a small voice.

He in a huge amount of air and sat on the same couch I was crumpled on. He scooted far away from me as possible.

How rude.

But it doesn't matter. He stayed. I still have company. Thank god he still has an ounce of compassion left.

"Just to make it clear," He said. "I'm staying because Eomma told me to take care of you. I'd be in deep if I don't. Nothing else."

"Good enough."

The lamp blinked and the light grew fainter. Youngmin kicked it with his foot and the light completely went out.

"Stupid thing." He muttered. 

I giggled. "You shouldn't have kicked it."

"Sh-Shikkeuro (Shut up)!" He replied.

The room was dark but you can still make out our silhouettes from the lighting bursting through the window.

The thunder that came next was the worst one yet. I let out a small scream and unintentionally moved closer to him. I was surprised when he didn't shoo me off. I apologized anyway.

"You're saying sorry for being scared," He said in a nonchalant manner. "Pathetic."

That surprised me even more.

"But why are you afraid of thunder in the first place?" I blinked. "Not that I care, or anything." He added soon after.

I hugged my knees closer to my chest, remembering the dark past I desperately tried to forget. Along with the memories flooding back to me another clap of thunder roared simultaneously. 

I covered my ears with my two hands. "S-S-Stop..." I mumbled. "P-Please s-s-stop..." I felt tears cloud my eyes.

"Yah, what's wrong?" Youngmin said. 

I calmed myself down. "You asked w-why I'm afraid of the thunder r-right...?" I opened my eyes slowly. "I was k-kidnapped when I was 7... there was a thunderstorm t-that time--"

I was cut off again by another clap of thunder. I rubbed my arms. Why is it so cold in here?

"That's so unfortunate. Having experienced that on a young age..." He said. "But it's kind of stupid, isn't it?"

What? Stupid? How can he insult a very serious matter and take it so lightly?!

"Why does that memory keep on haunting you? Is it that hard to let go of the past?" He asked. "Shouldn't you be thankful right now? Shouldn't you feel secured, safe and protected with the people around you; your friends and family?"

I was stunned. I can't believe this. I can't believe he's right. 

"You dwell so much on that painful memory, you fail to notice that happiness is right in front of you." 

My shaking stopped. Right in front... of me? Minah, Eomma, Niel Oppa, Su--

I once again covered my ears.

That's right. He can say whatever he wants but this fear isn't something that can be erased that easily. 

"Eomma... Daniel Oppa... somebody... save me please!"

"That's useless little girl, no one's coming to save you now."

"Aniyo aniyo aniyo!!! They'll come for me... they wouldn't leave me alone..."

"Even if you scream so much, the thunder will overpower and muffle that, it's useless. A boat will come soon and we'll--"

"No I don't want to hear anything anymore! Oppa, Eomma, help me!"

"This brat is so annoying-- ah ah, she's trying to escape! Catch her hurry!"

"Come back here twerp! Aha, gotcha-- Ouch, she bit me!"


The sound of a gunshot froze everybody in place.

"You can't even handle a small kid? You weaklings. Take her away."

"Yes, boss."

I won't forget him, I won't forgive him. The bastard who wanted to sell his own daughter...

Another thunder. Somebody make this stop... Eomma... Oppa... Auntie Yanghee... anyone...

Youngmin stood up from the couch and left the room. So he really wanted to leave me alone here huh...

Alone, in this dark room.

It feels horrible; being alone.

Finally, I let all of my frustration, anger and sadness out-- I cried. I poured it all out through my tears.

I heard shuffling and footsteps. Why did he come back? Then, I felt something thick wrap around my shoulders and body, keeping me warm. A blanket?


I was stopped when he placed huge headphones on my head, the type that you use for recording and stuff. Gentle music played. Classical music. Thanks to this, I couldn't hear the thunder anymore. I felt peaceful. I feel... secured.

Slowly, I felt my eyelids dropping. This is probably the first time I could sleep properly through a thunderstorm.

I smiled.

Jo Youngmin, pabo.

End of POV

Youngmin's POV

And she fell asleep just like that. Well that was fast. 

I looked at her sleeping figure and fixed the blanked I laid on her. I felt sorry for this girl. What she went through was no joke. It really wasn't. 

Awhile ago, while she was narrating her story, I felt... weird. I had the sudden urge to make her stop crying, to hug her.

Wait... no no no no. I can't. Andwae. Jeongmal andwae. 

I just feel sorry for her. Yes, that's it. Pity, sympathy. I can't possibly be... falling for her? Falling for this fragile girl, whom I haven't any idea that a girl like her existed. 

No. No no.

This is going against all my values. No, Jo Youngmin must not fall for this kind of girl. Andwae.

I felt something heavy on my right shoulder and I saw Jineul's head resting on it. She's smiling. 

She looks pretty when she-- No. Andwae andwae andwae!

I must think of reasons that wouldn't make me fall for her.

Reason number 1, she's a loser.

Reason number 2, she's a nerd.

Reason number 3, she's annoying on so many levels.

Reason number 4, she's shallow.

Reason number 5, she's a big crybaby.

I yawned. What time is it? I feel so sleepy...

And before I knew it, my head fell on top of Jineul's and we drifted off to sleep.

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ChangingPhases #1
Chapter 25: Niel so cute!!!! Lol. Ooohhh bonding time!! Kekkee***
Chapter 24: Ooh all three bands are favorites of mine. This is getting good. You will update... right?
HanJiMun #3
Read first chapter and I already love it *___* Want more and more :3
ChangingPhases #4
Ooooh ouch smell trouble already! Aww, will comment. I'll comment every time you update with a new exciting chapter hehe! So have fun reading my comments. XD Kyaaa!~~~ Infinite so loving them like crazy at the moment especially Sungyeol! <3
I love it ^^
wah! I miss you author nim ^^
your updates are always good and exciting :>
Kyaa!! My 2 favorite bands are here.. Please update soon~
maxxichu #8
I love it (:
youngmin was jealous~~ nya nya~~
kwangmin was inlove ~~ mya mya~~

ChangingPhases #10
Finish reading the rest omg I love it so far! [: