Chapter 12

Sweet Connection


The car stopped in front of my house.

“We’re here, Miss.”

The driver looked at me through the rearview mirror. “Shall I you out?”

“No need.” I replied. “I can handle it from here, thanks.”

“Anytime.” Wow, nice driver. “By the way Miss, if you don’t mind me asking… what is your relationship with the young master?”

Ugh, why does everyone ask me that?! Do I look like I have some sort of ‘relationship’ with… with…

Yeah, who is this dude referring to anyway?

“Whoever ‘young master’ you’re talking about, I assure you, I have no relationship with him whatsoever.” I replied.

The driver chuckled. “If you say so Miss.”

I opened the car door and went out.

“Thanks again.” I said.

The driver looked at me, smiling. “Have a nice day.”

I watched as the car sped off. I sighed. Now for the real challenge.

I crept up our patio and opened the door using the spare key hidden under the mat. I slowly crept inside.

“Eomma…?” I called out softly. “Oppa…? Are you guys here?”

Please tell me they left. Please tell me they’re still asleep.

I tiptoed silently as I headed to the room. If I’m lucky and very careful, I can spare myself from my Mom and brother’s nagging.



I slowly turned around and saw Niel, looking at me sternly, his hands crossed over his chest. He had a scowl on his face.

I smiled nervously. “Uh… Annyeong oppa… Did you have a nice sleep…?”

I’m toast.

“Actually, no. I was up waiting for someone, who didn’t go home or even make a call, after what I ever-so-nicely did for her.” He said. “My god Jineul, where were you?!”

“Mianhe oppa!” I gave him a huge bear hug. “There was a storm yesterday and—”

“Exactly why I was worried!”

“Mianhe, oppa. But see? I’m unharmed! I’m safe!” I said. “Plus I was at Minah’s so I really don’t know what you’re worried about…”

“Well I guess so,” Niel replied, hugging me back. “What would I do with you, huh?”

“You’re the best, oppa! Thank you!” But wait… “Hey, you didn’t tell Mom right?”

“Be thankful she didn’t come home last night. Or else, you and I would both be in trouble.”

And this is why I love my brother.

I spent the whole afternoon chatting with PikaJo. He’s an interesting fella. And it became even more comfortable to talk to him when I found out he was around my age. The only annoying thing about him is that he asks so many questions. Either way, we never ran out of things to talk about.

My mom came home and the three of us ate dinner together. She told us she spent the night yesterday in the office because the streets were flooded and transportation was rough.

“I’m so sorry for not calling,” She said. “I hope you guys didn’t have a hard time last night.”

“Not really. I was basically alone—”

I kicked Niel from underneath the table and glared at him. This person, aish.

“—because Jineul was up all day resting. Uhuh. I even made her soup.”

‘Good boy.’ I mouthed.

“Aww, what a sweet brother!” Mom replied. “So Jineul, how’s school?”

And we talked about whatever parents like to talk about that evening.

My mom also mentioned about going on a trip with her boss. Turns out, my mom is kinda like BFFs with this person. They’re gonna have a bonding at Jeju island next week or something.  I don’t know I didn’t really pay attention to it. But I sure am not coming.

Dinner came to an end and it was Niel’s turn to wash the dishes. Hehe, poor guy. When will he realize that I’m undefeatable when it comes to Rock, Paper, Scissors?

“Good Night Mom, Niel Oppa.”

I walked up the stairs and into my bedroom. I am beat. Maybe I should turn in.

The next day, Niel drove me to school. I don’t know when or how he got it, but he has a driver’s license now.

“I’ll meet you here after school, okay? Be nice.” He said as we entered the building.


Niel ruffled my hair before we parted ways. I hate it when he does that.

Brushing my now ruined hair to place, I went to my locker to get my things.

“Ahn Jineul!” Uh-oh. That voice. “Just where do you think you were?! Did you not even miss me? And you call yourself my best friend!”

I spun around and came face-to-face with Lee Sungjong. He’s the only guy I can talk to aside from my Oppa and his friends. I met him when I was a freshman here. After that we started hanging out.

Sungjong, Minah and I are like a trio.

“Hey there Sungjong.”

He frowned. “Don’t you ‘hey there’ me missy! I was sick and you didn’t even visit me!”

Well in my defense, I didn’t know. I shrugged. “Minah didn’t tell me.”

“Lame excuse!” What a diva.

We walked together towards our classroom and Minah caught up with us. A few of our classmates greeted us.

“So Jineul,” Minah started as we sat down on our seats. Sungjong came over since he sat at the front row. “I heard you were at the Jo’s yesterday.”

My eyes widened. How did they know about that?! Kwangmin and I specifically agreed that we wouldn’t let anyone else know. “What? How did you know about that?”

“Everyone knows. Even Sungjong. Right, diva?”

Minah and I turned our heads to Sungjong and in return, he shrugged. “News travel fast.”

I looked around us and everyone seems to be murmuring to each other, speaking in hushed tones. I buried my head in my palms. This is going way beyond my principle. I told myself I’d blend in and not stand out!

“Yah, what are you getting shy for?” Sungjong said as he kicked me on the shin lightly. I glared at him. “It’s not like you guys did anything wrong right?”

“Well, you didn’t do anything wrong… right Jineullie?”

I rolled my eyes. “Yes, yes Minah I only went there for our project.”

“Good.” Sungjong and Minah said simultaneously.

Seriously, Sungjong and Minah can be like my parents sometimes; over protective beyond repair. But it’s not like I hate it. In fact, I think it’s very sweet.

The classroom erupted into squeals and yells and came in Minwoo. He smiled at every fan girl in our class then went to his seat. There he pulled out a cellphone and started texting. Sometimes, I wonder what Boyfriend take this school for. Their personal playground?

Wait, where’s Kwangmin…? He’s not attending school today?

Naah, maybe he’s just late.

Just then, the teacher entered. “Alright class, settle down, I’m starting homeroom.”

Yep. He’s ditching.



.I spent lunch surfing through the huge crowd gathered in the corridor. This school is like a jungle.

Amidst the crowd, I lost Minah and Sungjong. I shrugged. Oh well, they’ll probably go dilly-dallying around anyways. Sometimes I just can’t keep up with them. Even though they’re my friends, they’re too fast-paced for my type.

I ran up the stairs to the rooftop, clutching my lunch in my hands. Niel Oppa woke up early in the morning and made me food.

The cold wind greeted me as I reached the rooftop. I poked my head in and looked around. No one in sight. Perfect! I have finally regained the peace I once shared with this place.

I entered and sat down, leaning on the wall. Ah, my favorite spot. I missed you!

I opened the lunch box Niel packed me. It’s my favorite; kimbap! I silently prayed and dug in.

I almost dropped my chopsticks.



He can cook. When did this happen?! As far as I remember, he burned rice whenever he tried to cook us something…

Plus points for Niel Oppa.

I continued munching on my food until I heard the rooftop door open. Someone else is here!

I heard that person walk up to the ledge of the roof top. I peeked and saw the jerk king, sitting on the ledge.

Ugh, why is he here again? I quietly packed up my lunch, deciding that I should get out of here before he notices me.

My plan failed when I accidentally dropped my chopsticks making a loud ‘clinking’ sound.

“Hey eavesdropper.”


I slowly crawled out of my corner and smiled nervously. “H-Hey…”

“So you’re sneaking now? What, graduated out of eavesdropping?”

I frowned. “Haha, very funny.”

He didn’t respond but stared at a distance. He seems far off. Like, he’s thinking of something really deep.

I decided it’s probably the time for me to say ‘thank you’ for last night. I bowed 90 degrees. No words are coming out of my mouth. God what is wrong with me?!

“What is wrong with you?” He asked.

I stood up straight. “I’ve been asking myself that.” I mumbled. “But no, I want to say thank you. For last night.”

He was silent for a while before responding, “Don’t think I did that for you. Mom will kill me if she caught you moping in the morning.”

I rolled my eyes. This guy, really. “Look, you may be putting up a tough and cold act, but I can see right through you.”

He looked at me with cold eyes. Didn’t I just say I can see right through him? I turned around, ready to leave.

Still not facing him, I said, “You know I still hate you.”

I smiled to myself. This is probably one of the moments I wouldn’t forget in my whole student life. As I stepped out of the rooftop door, I felt troubled. For I know once I step out of this place, the cold, rude and selfish jerk king will be back once more and I’ll hate him again.

My smile faded.

Well it was good while it lasted.

End of POV



Youngmin’s POV

I watched as the eavesdropper left the rooftop.

Does she seriously know what she’s talking about?

Tch. That’s one of the things I hate about her. She acts like she knows me when in fact; she has only scratched the surface.

Still, a part of me says that she’s right. And she’s the first person who ever told me that. Whatever, I’m dropping this.

I looked at the scenery again. Everything’s just so peaceful up here… I watched as a couple walked down the street, holding hands.

I involuntarily shivered. I really can’t see myself with anyone.

Or at least I don’t.

I flipped my phone open and stared at the E-Mail Address written on a small memo.

[email protected]

Ahn huh... where have I heard that last name again? And I don't know why but I feel weird... like I actually care for someone...

I snapped out of my thoughts and shook my head rapidly.

No, no. Jo Youngmin doesn't fall in love.

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ChangingPhases #1
Chapter 25: Niel so cute!!!! Lol. Ooohhh bonding time!! Kekkee***
Chapter 24: Ooh all three bands are favorites of mine. This is getting good. You will update... right?
HanJiMun #3
Read first chapter and I already love it *___* Want more and more :3
ChangingPhases #4
Ooooh ouch smell trouble already! Aww, will comment. I'll comment every time you update with a new exciting chapter hehe! So have fun reading my comments. XD Kyaaa!~~~ Infinite so loving them like crazy at the moment especially Sungyeol! <3
I love it ^^
wah! I miss you author nim ^^
your updates are always good and exciting :>
Kyaa!! My 2 favorite bands are here.. Please update soon~
maxxichu #8
I love it (:
youngmin was jealous~~ nya nya~~
kwangmin was inlove ~~ mya mya~~

ChangingPhases #10
Finish reading the rest omg I love it so far! [: