Chapter 7

Sweet Connection

Jineul dragged her feet inside the house. It was past 6 when she arrived and the sky's slowly getting dark. Upon entering, the first thing she saw was the worried face of her Mother.

"Jineul, are you alright?! What happened?!"

Her Mom hugged her right away. Jineul blinked as she stared at her Mom. "C-Can't b-brea-the..." 

"Oops, sorry!" Then she released Jineul.

"Mom, how did you find out?" 

Her Mom smiled gently as she fixed and patted her only daughter's hair. "I got a call from your school. How are you feeling now?"

"Ugh, I hate it when Mom is so touchy-feely-cheesy..." Jineul thought. "I feel normal, Mom."

"Good. Don't overwork yourself. It's Saturday tomorrow, you don't have to worry about waking up early, okay? Rest now."

"Where's Oppa?" Jineul asked.

"Still on their school trip. It's a 3-day trip. He should be back tonight, I suppose."

Jineul nodded. Her Mom kissed her on the forehead, said 'goodnight' and then she proceeded right away to her room. 

After taking a long, warm bath, she opened her laptop right away.

Jineul's POV

Well this day didn't turn out right. I didn't even get to pass the Research Paper I worked hard on. -____- 

Frowning, I opened my Messenger and Mail to check if I got any reply from the cafe I applied. That's right, I wanna earn money on my own. Not just leech off my parents for the rest of my life. Well at least for now, while I haven't graduated yet.


And there goes my psychotic best friend.

Ahn_95: Yes, weirdo?
LeeMinAh: Really now -______-
Ahn_95: Just kidding! What's up?
LeeMinAh: You know that guy, Minwoo?

I paused. Wait, don't tell me...?

Ahn_95: Well, duh. You hate him right?
LeeMinAh: Well that's the case... you see...

My eyes widened. I knew it!

Ahn_95: Don't tell me... you like him?!
LeeMinAh: No, no! I don't like him, 'like him'.
LeeMinAh: But I don't hate him either. I don't know.

I sighed.

Ahn_95: Is there anything you actually know?
LeeMinAh: Well I know for one thing that he's a sneak.
Ahn_95: A sneak...? Wait, what?
LeeMinAh: You know. People who plan something thieving behind your back.
Ahn_95: Are you serious? I mean, Boyfriend's "cute" and "innocent" maknae, a sneak?
LeeMinAh: Well, we were in the Library earlier you see...

I read silently as Minah told me what happened earlier when she was in the Library with Minwoo.

LeeMinAh: And after coming back to supposedly 'check out a book' in one of the aisles, he looked a little pissed off.
LeeMinAh: But then, he was back to his usual bubbly, cheerful and cute self.
Ahn_95: Oh really?
Ahn_95: But wait,
Ahn_95: Did you just call him cute?

I waited for a few minutes before she replied.

Ahn_95: Want me to print screen it?
Ahn_95: You seriously have issues with the Caps Lock and number 1 key.
LeeMinAh: I know! It keeps getting stuck...
Ahn_95: Is it jammed?
LeeMinAh: I thibk so...
LeeMinAh: *think
LeeMinAh: Ugh, now I want some Pineapple Jam. Thank you so much.
Ahn_95:( ^_____^")V
LeeMinAh: Speaking of which, Mom made Strawberry Jam earlier today!
Ahn_95: Auntie is such a good cook, errr.
LeeMinAh: Want some? We've got more than 20 jars, I think.
Ahn_95: Ew, no I don't like strawberries.
LeeMinAh: Oh yeah, I forgot.

I paused. Wait...

Ahn_95: Look, we've SERIOUSLY gone off-topic here!!!
LeeMinAh: Oops~

I chuckled. This is what I love with my best friend. We will talk about stuff one after the other and yet, we never seem to run out of stories to tell. And we don't get tired of listening to each other.

LeeMinAh: Speaking of 'Oops',
Ahn_95: You don't have to relate everything to each other, you know. -.-"
LeeMinAh: Okay anyways,
LeeMinAh: A certain whiny, diva baby is missing you.

I giggled. What a very good description for our other best friend. You see we have another close pal.

Ahn_95: Oh really now?
LeeMinAh: It's beyond 'missing you' actually. I remembering hearing, "If she doesn't come see me tomorrow, I swear I'll march over the Ahn residence and kidnap Jineul!"

I laughed. Then, I imagined what my Mom's reaction would be if she sees her one and only daughter being kidnapped. I laughed even harder. She would call the whole Korean army and go after me.

Then... my laugh died. It was now replaced by a gentle smile. I suddenly remembered the person I miss the most. Probably he, after knowing I got kidnapped, will go look for me even if he doesn't have an army with him. It's only been days since he's gone but heck, I miss him already!

Suddenly, the door of my room flew open.

"You're weird, you know. Why are you laughing by yourself?"

My eyes widened and in an instant I flung myself towards that person and hugged him tight.


"Aww, my little sister missed me that much?"

"Don't assume, big-lips!"

He broke free from my grasp but I refuse to let go of him. He smiled at me as he fixed my bangs out of my forehead. "Me? Assuming? I don't think so." I frowned as he ruffled and messed up my hair.

"Niel Oppa, you meanie." I pouted.

Meet Ahn Daniel. Everyone in Korea knows him more as Niel. He doesn't like it when people call him by his real name. He says it's too 'un-korean'. Like most siblings, we tease each other a lot. And sometimes, we fight too. But at the end of the day, we would find ourselves laughing together like nothing happened. I can share almost all of my secrets with him. He's always there to the rescue when I'm in trouble.

All in all, I love my brother.

But don't tell him I said that.

Niel sat on the edge of my bed. "So, what's got my sister laughing so hard in the middle of the night?"



Bringing the laptop with me, I laid down on the bed with my stomache facing down. Niel Oppa did so too.

"Mind if I talk to her?" He asked.

I shook my head. "Go on."

Smiling, he shifted the laptop to his side.

Ahn_95: Annyeong, Minah! Niel here! ^____^
LeeMinAh: ...OH.
Ahn_95: What do you mean 'OH'? It's been a while isn't it?
LeeMinAh: I guess so.
Ahn_95: Hmm? So, what are you and Jineul up to lately? Not getting in trouble now, are we?
LeeMinAh: If you call being bullied and targetted by the school's heartthrob 'not getting in trouble', then yes.

Niel's head snapped up and he looked at me. Oh, I'm sorry. It was not 'look'. The right term was, 'glare'.

I nervously laughed. "Ehehe..." Then took the laptop from his hands.

Ahn_95: Hey, this is Jineul.
Ahn_95: LEE MINAH, PABO!!!!!

I looked to my right and saw Niel, still looki--glaring at me.

"Don't mind her, Oppa. It's nothing." I said.

Still glaring, he stood up from my bed and was about to leave the room. Upon reaching the doorway, he stopped and turned around.

"Yah," He started. "I know something's up. That Youngmin dude is giving you a hard time, isn't he? Say like, embarassing you in front of the whole school?"

I flushed. How did he know?!

"You wouldn't expect Ricky to just sit back and watch now, wouldn't you?"

As expected. Ricky told him.

"They care about you, you know. My friends." He added.

'His friends'. Known commonly as the famous Teen Top. They're very popular at school too. It's just that with Niel and the others gone for quite some time, Teen Top's popularity sort of died down. Sort of.

I smiled. "I've got everything under control, Oppa. Don't worry about me."

He sighed then smiled back. Afterwards, he went out and shut the door behind him.

Ahn_95: YAH!!! Why did you have to tell tha to Oppa?! He has enough to worry about!
LeeMinAh: Mianhe, Jineul. Niel's the only person who can help you right now. :(
LeeMinAh: I was only worried about you!

I sighed.

Ahn_95: Thanks but, no thanks.

Suddenly, another IM window popped up. A smile formed on my lips as I read who it is.

PikaJo: Yo.
Ahn_95: Hi!

Finally! I have been longing to talk to him. Okay, before you get any weird ideas, there's no hidden meaning behind my words okay? It's just that I feel very comfortable talking to him. It has been like that for quite some time now.

PikaJo: How's life?
Ahn_95: Still hard.
PikaJo: Can I do anything?
Ahn_95: I don't think so.
PikaJo: Really? Then... let me hear it. I'm willing to listen.

Ignoring Minah's constant 'buzzing', I ranted everything out to this PikaJo guy.

I felt happy. I didn't have to worry about my secrets spilling out, at all.

End of POV

Loud music erupted from the huge speakers. Youngmin flinched and covered one of his ears slightly with his index finger. Yawning, he scanned the room for something interesting.


Not that the party was boring, or anything. Hyunseong's party exceeded Youngmin's expectations, as a matter of fact. It's just that Youngmin was tired of parties... he attended one night after night.

Deciding it was a waste of time to just sit down and stare, he stood up and went to the study room.

Meanwhile, Kwangmin was outside of the house, enjoying the cold, night wind on the balcony of Hyunseong's room.

"Should I call her... or not?" Kwangmin slowly turned over the mobile phone which he held limply in his hand. "She might think I'm a stalker or something..."

He paced back and forth. "But then again, it IS for our project..."  He stopped then gripped the railings of the balcony. "Aish, I'm being stupid."

Kwangmin felt a hand grip his shoulder and to his relief, it was his hyung, Donghyun. "What are you doing here?"


"You're thinking out here alone in the balcony, your twin's doing something in the study room and Minwoo's missing." Donghyun chuckled. "Everybody downstairs think that Boyfriend members are anti-social people."

Kwangmin chuckled too. "Everyone's stupid then."

"So what are you thinking about, huh?" Donghyun asked. He glanced at the phone in Kwangmin's hand then smirked. "Going to ask a girl out?"

"Not exactly but... it's kinda the same thing."

"Then what are you waiting for? Go and ask her!"

Kwangmin sighed. "What if she thinks I'm being too straightforward or creepy?"

"Yah. You're Jo Kwangmin. Are you serious right now?"

"I guess you're right. It's not like I'm going to do anything bad to her." Kwangmin said.

In a split second, he pressed a name on his phone.

Ahn_95: So, what are you doing right now?
PikaJo: I'm at a friend's house. I'm bored, actually.
Ahn_95: Then get the hell out of there, lol
PikaJo: Good idea. Come here and take me away right now.
Ahn_95: I'd love to. But can't. House arrest.
PikaJo: Really? I know what I'll do now.
Ahn_95: What?
PikaJo: Help a friend break out of jail :p

Jineul laughed. Suddenly, she heard a voice outside her room.

"Jineul? Are you still awake? Turn that off right now and go to bed!"

Jineul covered abruptly. "Ne, Eomma!"

Ahn_95: Busted! Sorry, I have to sleep now. >_<
PikaJo: It's cool. Talk to you tomorrow?
Ahn_95: Maybe. Goodnight! Hope you have a good time there. :D
PikaJo: 'Good time' huh... -.-
Ahn_95: Hehe, night!
PikaJo: Sweet dreams.

Jineul logged out and shut down her laptop. Afterwards, she laid down on her bed to sleep. She could feel her eyelids slowly dropping when her phone rang.

She picked it up in a rather lazy manner.



Her eyes shot open. "Wait, is this...?"

"Um... you there?"

Jineul coughed. "E-erm, yes. Who's this?"

There was silence on the other end of the line. But Jineul could hear the faint sound of music playing.

"Jo Kwangmin."

Jineul's eyes widened. "No way!" She thought.

"K-Kwangmin-ssi... why are you calling in the middle of the night?" She asked. "Pfft. I should be asking how he got my number."

"It's about our project."

"What about it?"

"I wanna start early on it, you see. It contributes a big percentage to our grade."

"I know."


"Come by my house tomorrow. I have a few ideas I'd like to look over with you."

"Is this for real?!" She thought. "Um, okay, sure."

"Meet me at the park, 10 o'clock sharp. Well then. Bye."

Jineul stared at practically nothing. She listened to her phone's dial tone, still in shock.

"..........What just happened?!"

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ChangingPhases #1
Chapter 25: Niel so cute!!!! Lol. Ooohhh bonding time!! Kekkee***
Chapter 24: Ooh all three bands are favorites of mine. This is getting good. You will update... right?
HanJiMun #3
Read first chapter and I already love it *___* Want more and more :3
ChangingPhases #4
Ooooh ouch smell trouble already! Aww, will comment. I'll comment every time you update with a new exciting chapter hehe! So have fun reading my comments. XD Kyaaa!~~~ Infinite so loving them like crazy at the moment especially Sungyeol! <3
I love it ^^
wah! I miss you author nim ^^
your updates are always good and exciting :>
Kyaa!! My 2 favorite bands are here.. Please update soon~
maxxichu #8
I love it (:
youngmin was jealous~~ nya nya~~
kwangmin was inlove ~~ mya mya~~

ChangingPhases #10
Finish reading the rest omg I love it so far! [: