Chapter 8

Sweet Connection

Jineul woke up at exactly 8:00. No alarm clock needed. Everyone knows she wakes up at around this time. It may seem like a mystery but it's like her body has a built-in system.

Rubbing her eyes, she walked out of her bedroom and into the dining room.

"Morning, Jineullie." Niel said then took a bite of his toast.

"Where's mom?" She asked.

Niel took out a piece of paper from his pocket and slid it across the table to Jineul. It read,

Early meeting. Will be in the office all day 'til night. Don't wait for me.
Breakfast's on the table. Lunch and Dinner's in the fridge, heat it up when you're hungry.
Don't do anything rash now!

P.S. Daniel, don't let your sister out of the house. She needs to rest.

"I found that on the coffee table inside the living room." Niel said. "So I'm not allowed to let you out of the house now, hmm?"

Jineul took a seat across her brother and propped her legs up the chair, holding it close to her chest. "Mom's being paranoid..."

"She has a reason to be. You got sick yesterday."

"How did you know?"

"That was the first thing she told me when I entered the front door. That, instead of a 'Hello' or 'Welcome back'." He chuckled. "You're in house arrest for today, Missy! Here, have an omelet."

Jineul stared as Niel put a huge piece of Omelet on her plate. "But I'm fine now, really!"

Niel frowned. "I don't think so."

"But Oppa..."

"Why, do you have plans of going out today?"

Jineul nodded.

"Where to?"

She bit her lip and looked down. "What do I do? I can't tell him I'm going to the Jo Residence today! Surely, he wouldn't want me to go to the house of someone who caused me pain..."

Niel raised an eyebrow. "Well?"

She took a piece of omelet with her fork. "Minah's." And swallowed it.

"You just had a long conversation with her last night. You miss her already?" Niel said then took a sip of his juice.

"Don't be silly, Oppa." 

"Then you're going there for what?" He asked further.

"Project." She answered simply. 

Niel didn't answer. Jineul could see that he's about to change his mind.

"Please Oppa, pleaaaaaaaaaaaaase!" Jineul said in a manner that would only suit a 5-year old.

"Well if it's Minah, then I guess there's no problem with that..." Niel mumbled. 

Niel sighed. "Fine. You may go."

"Yay~" Jineul exclaimed happily.

"Just don't stress yourself too much, arasseo? I won't tell mom." He said. "You know, you always have it your way."

"That is because you love me too much!"

"Shut up and finish your food."

Due to the long discussion Niel and Jineul had, breakfast ended at exactly 8:45. Washing of dishes and cleaning is included, of course.

"Should I put these back?"

Niel glanced at the stack of plates Jineul is holding. "Yeah, thanks."

Jineul carefully placed them back on the dish rack. Taking a look around, she smiled. Looks like everything's done.

"Oppa, I'll go get ready now."

Niel's focus didn't stray from the table he's wiping. "Mmmkay."

Jineul walked upstairs, skipping two steps at a time. Arriving at her room, she quickly picked out an outfit and brushed her hair into place. 

Looking at her reflection, she smiled. "Okay. I look decent."

With one last look, she left her room and went downstairs once more. 

"I'm leaving!" 

Niel looked at her from the Dining Room. "Yah! Wait,"

Jineul stopped. "Why, what's up?"

Her brother scrutinized her from head to toe. Then he frowned. "You're leaving with that?"

Jineul was puzzled. She checked herself once more. "What's wrong with it?"

Niel shook his head slowly and tossed her his jacket. "It's freezing outside. You'll need that."

"What a caring brother." Jineul smiled. "Thanks Oppa! I'll go now." 

"Take care!"

Jineul hummed to herself as she walked towards the park. She checked her watch. 9:30.

"Well there's nothing wrong with being early..." Taking two more steps, she stopped. "Wait. Where in this huge park should we meet? Aish. Did it ever crossed his mind that this is the biggest park in Seoul?!"

She continued taking a stroll around the park, admiring the people who were having fun there. One thing stood amongst the happy atmosphere of the park, and this caught Jineul's attention. A little boy was sitting on a bench, crying.

Cautiously, she walked there and sat down beside him. 

"Hello there... what's wrong?"

The boy didn't respong but kept on crying. That was when Jineul noticed that his knee was bleeding. Rushing, she pulled out her handkerchief and wrapped it gently. 

The boy's cry ceased a little bit.

"What happened?" 

"E-Eomma... w-where is my eomma..." The boy said in between sobs. "I need my Eomma..."

Jineul hugged the boy loosely. "Ssh, don't cry. I'll keep you company until she comes back, okay?" Then she started humming. 

After a minute, the boy calmed down. There, she learned that the boy's name is Kimsun and was in the park accompanied by her mother to play with his school friends. It was all good until one of his supposedly 'friends' bullied him and pushed him hard. That was the reason of his wound. Helpless, he tried to look for his mother but to his dismay, he lost sight of her.

"Poor boy..." Jineul thought. "I know exactly how you feel..."

"Noona, what's your name?" 


The boy grinned. "Yeppeo~"

"Komawo, Kimsun-ah!" Jineul said. 

"Ne Noona, do you have a boyfriend?"

Kimsun's sudden question surprised her. Jineul smiled and pinched the boy's nose. "You are too young, how do you know about things like that, huhhh?"

"Noona, stop that!" The boy giggled.

"Jineul?" A deep voice said. Jineul looked to her left and saw Jo Kwangmin in the flesh, standing there.


"Noona noona, is he your boyfriend?!" Kimsun asked in a whisper, but it turned out to be louder. "Introduce me, introduce me!!! Annyeong hyung, Noona's boyfriend! I'm--"

Jineul immediately covered Kimsun's mouth and laughed nervously. "Ehehe, he doesn't know what he's saying..."

Kimsun broke free from Jineul's grasp and stood up with a smile. "Eomma!" He then ran and hugged his mom tightly.

"Kimsun-ah, I am so sorry. I left to buy you food but when I came back you were gone. Forgive your mother okay?" His mom said. "My goodness, what happened to your knee? Are you alright? Does it hurt anywhere else?"

Jineul smiled sadly at the scene. "I miss you, appa..." 

Kwangmin noticed this out of the corner of his eye. For some reason, he felt sad too. 

"I tripped, but it's alright now! Jineul Noona helped me feel better~" Kimsun replied.

Kimsun's mother turned to Jineul and bowed. "Kamsahamnida. You're so kind."

"A-Aniyo..." Jineul replied. 

Kimsun said 'goodbye noona!' and left with his mother. She turned to Kwangmin. "Sorry about that, let's go?"

Kwangmin nodded. "My car's parked out front."

Jineul's POV

I looked at him curiously. "You can drive?"

"No. We've got a family driver." He replied.

"But you said, 'your' car." I pressed further on. Well forgive me for being a detailed person.  

He looked at me as if I'm missing something very obvious. "Each of us owns a car individually."

I nodded and didn't reply. We walked in silence as we headed to the park's main entrance. Parked there, was an elegent black car. Words can't even explain how expensive-looking Kwangmin's car is. 

He opened the door for me like a true gentleman. Embarassed, I entered. He followed after me and sat dangerously close. 

Jo twins = skinship -______-

I could feel his arm and thigh brushing against mine. I wanted to tell him to move but yeah, my 'scaredy-cat' side got the better of me.

His house was a little bit far from the park, and we both sat there in silence. Occasionally, I would steal glances at him, only to find out that he's staring out of the window with a blank expression. 

I sighed. This car ride is taking forever! 

"We're near." He finally said. I looked out the window and saw rows of huge houses. 


Are we still in Korea?


Maybe. Maybe not. I don't know.

I don't THINK so.

Gah. Moving on.

After a few more minutes, the car stopped in front of a BIG, white house. We sat there for a couple of minutes in silence. I coughed to at least ease the awkward-ness.

"Um, we're here." Kwangmin said.

Well the rumors are true. The Jo twins are hella rich. 

The driver opened the door for me I went out of the car. Kwangmin did so too on the other side. Then, he stood by me and led me inside.

Maids and butlers greeted him and he gave them a small bow. Their house was pretty spacious on the inside, and very clean-looking. I stared in awe at the intricate carvings and paintings on the wall.

Kwangmin followed my gaze. "My mom's a fan of antiques." 

I nodded slowly. "They're pretty..."

"Let's go to the study room." He said. "We can work on our project there."

We walked again when suddenly, one of the maids stopped us. "Young master," I stiffled a laugh. "Your twin's inside the living room. He told me he was waiting for you."

Kwangmin narrowed his eyes. "I see. Thanks."

Ugh. His jerk twin. -_____- 

Kwangmin looked at me over his shoulder. After a second or two, he looked away. "Let's go."

I braced myself as we entered the living room.

End of POV

No one's POV

"Well this is boring..." Youngmin sighed and messed up his blonde hair in a lazy manner. "Where the hell is Kwangmin anyways?!"

He propped up his feet on the couch. His 'bored' mood was changed to a lighter one when he saw his younger twin enter the living room. "Ah, Kwangmin! Where have you been?"

Then, his mood again changed. He scowled as he saw the small figure hiding behind his brother's back. 

"I fetched someone, hyung." Kwangmin replied. 

Youngmin ignored his brother's replied. He turned to the girl and took a step closer while glaring.

"What are you doing here?!"

"It's not like I want to..." Jineul muttered.

"Kwangmin, get this trash out of our house, now." Youngmin said as he turned to his younger twin. Jineul flinched at the word 'trash'. 

Kwangmin narrowed his eyes. "I don't think so, hyung. Now lay off."

Youngmin was dumbfounded. That was the first time that his twin spoke to him like that.

"Kaja, Jineul-ah." Kwangmin held Jineul by the hand and led her upstairs.

Youngmin's eyes followed them as they walked upstairs. Then smirked. "Time for a little fun."

Kwangmin didn't speak as he led Jineul upstairs to the study room. A maid was about to open the door for him but Kwangmin stopped her with his free hand. The maid scurried away. 

When they were inside the study room, Kwangmin turned to Jineul. "Sorry about Youngmin. He's ALWAYS like that..."

"O-Oh. I.. um... I'm used to it." Jineul replied.


Jineul glanced at her right hand. "Omo, he's still holding it!" 

Kwangmin noticed her flushed expression. "What's wrong?" He followed her gaze and immediately pulled away. "Sorry."

"No biggie!" Jineul said. "So, shall we start?"

"Alright. I'll go get the draft from my room." In one swift motion, Kwangmin was out of the room. Jineul was half glad that Kwangmin was out of her sight even for just a short while. She couldn't take the awkward-ness anymore.

Jineul looked around the study room. She admired how neat and organized the place was and how high-class the furnitures look. One side of the room was occupied by 2 desktops, and the rest of the sides were occupied by tall bookshelves. On the center, were 2 study tables, of which a lamp was situated in.

Jineul waited for Kwangmin to return. About 20 minutes have passed, and still there was no sign of him. 

"I wonder what's taking him so long..." She thought.

She opened the door and poked her head outside. The hallway was empty.

"Should I look for him?" 

End of POV

Jineul's POV

I mustered up all the courage I can and stepped out of the study room. I wonder what's taking Kwangmin so long? Did he get lost? I slapped myself. Now that's just stupid. He can't possibly get lost in his own house.

I kept on walking, asking some maids as I pass by. They said they have no idea where Kwangmin went. Just great.

I spotted the staircase where Kwangmin dragged me up awhile ago. I wanted to go down and check the living room when I spotted a huge blue door at the end of the hallway.

Kwangmin's room? Is it not? It's the only door that was different from the rest... Pushing my luck, I slowly walked towards it and knocked thrice.

No answer.

Wrong door, I guess? 

I knocked again and twisted the door knob. To my surprise, it was open. I looked inside. A boy's room? Yep. No doubt. It smells weird. Like, a boy's scent. And the color of the walls and bed sheet looks masculine.

I entered. How messy! Clothes were scattered on the floor, a half eaten box of pizza was left open on the table, a laptop was on...

Speaking of table, I saw one picture that made me gasp in horror and urged me to run out of the room. I finally knew the identity of the owner of this... pig stine! Yes, pig stine! No way am I calling this a bedroom! Too gross.

So, what is this picture you might ask? 

A self-portrait of no other than Jo Youngmin.

Yes, Youngmin. The jerk king.

"What are you doing here?"

I froze.

Oh no.

I did not just hear that. I did not just hear that. I only imagined it... yes. It was only my imagination.

I spun around and came face to face with a gorgeous monster.

Alright. Forget I said that, okay? OKAY?

Look, I don't want to sound like I really hate this guy (given the fact that I don't know much about him) but the incident about Jinyoung's book keeps on replaying in my mind. Unless I find my book, I can't forgive him. I WON'T forgive him.

"Sorry. Wrong room." I said. "I'll leave now."

"Wait, not so fast." He said and held my back by the arm. 

I glared at him. "Let go."

"Do you think I'll let you go that easily when you just enteredd my room without permission? I don't think so." He looked at me with intensity. 

I gulped.

I hate myself. I always get in trouble. 

BORING CHAPTER UGH. -________- Really sorry! I have an excellent plot/sequence coming up but I need like, a connecting scene for that. And I can't think of anything right now. Minor writer's block. Sorry readers!


Now for a little treat! A good friend of mine, Jeongsmint, made an awesome trailer for this story. Check it out, whee~♥ 



Will update soon. Promise. :")

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ChangingPhases #1
Chapter 25: Niel so cute!!!! Lol. Ooohhh bonding time!! Kekkee***
Chapter 24: Ooh all three bands are favorites of mine. This is getting good. You will update... right?
HanJiMun #3
Read first chapter and I already love it *___* Want more and more :3
ChangingPhases #4
Ooooh ouch smell trouble already! Aww, will comment. I'll comment every time you update with a new exciting chapter hehe! So have fun reading my comments. XD Kyaaa!~~~ Infinite so loving them like crazy at the moment especially Sungyeol! <3
I love it ^^
wah! I miss you author nim ^^
your updates are always good and exciting :>
Kyaa!! My 2 favorite bands are here.. Please update soon~
maxxichu #8
I love it (:
youngmin was jealous~~ nya nya~~
kwangmin was inlove ~~ mya mya~~

ChangingPhases #10
Finish reading the rest omg I love it so far! [: