Chapter 14

Sweet Connection


“This place is special….” He said playing with his spoon. “My deceased Mom used to bring me here, every year… once a year…”

“Why didn’t you tell me?!” Minah exclaimed.  “He used to come here every year on his birthday with his mom huh…”

“I thought you knew,” He replied a sly smile forming on his lips. “Everyone knows. After all, I am Boyfriend’s famous hot maknae.”

Minah pouted. “You’re too mean.”

Minwoo chuckled. “So who was that, my hyungs?”

“Yeah they said…”

Minah paused. “Oh crap, I forgot it’s a surprise.”

“…actually no. It’s my Eomma. I’ve got to meet her right now. It’s urgent.” He blinked at her and waited for her to continue. “Come with me?”

For a second, Minwoo looked puzzled. “Um, sure…?”

Minah stood up followed by Minwoo. Minah hailed a cab and they both got in. She secretly told the driver where to go and thanked god silently when Minwoo didn’t get suspicious.

“So where are we going?” Minwoo asked.

Minah smiled to herself. “You’ll see.”

Her silence bugged Minwoo but he shook it off. “This girl’s weird…” He thought. “Ah, I didn’t finish my ice cream…”

The ride was short and soon after, they arrived at Seoul Hotel. Minah saw Boyfriend’s ‘surprise’ for Minwoo at the entrance and can’t help but feel happy for the boy.

“Yah, why are we here?” Minwoo asked. He looked outside and narrowed his eyes for better view. “Wait, are those hyungs?!”

The cab stopped directly in front of the entrance and Minah paid the driver. Outside, Boyfriend and Jineul were waiting, all dressed formally. As soon as Minwoo opened the door, Hyunseong raised a bunch of balloons and the others snapped party poppers and threw confetti.

Before going out, Minwoo looked at Minah with a hostile glare. “Minah……”

She laughed nervously and gave a crooked smile. “Ehehe… surprise?”

Minwoo’s glare slowly turned into a big, charming smile. It was enough to melt Minah’s heart.

The two of them stepped out and was greeted by Boyfriend’s cheers.

“Saengil chukha hae maknae!” Donghyun greeted.

“Yo Minwoo, happy birthday!” Hyunseong said as he finally let the balloons go. Minwoo watched as it floated up the sky.

“You’re turning older maknae!” Jeongmin added.

“So you’ve finally caught up on us, huh.” Kwangmin said then smiled. “Happy birthday.”

“Still troublesome.” Minwoo playfully punched Youngmin on the shoulder and he chuckled.

“Happy birthday.” Jineul simply said.

Minwoo smiled at her. “Gomawo. And thank you guys! I didn’t expect this, really.”

“We were so tired Minwoo. Where were you huh?!” Hyunseong said.

“Oh I was with—ow!”

Minah gave Minwoo a ‘say-anything-and-you’re-dead’ look and he immediately got the message.

“Was with…?” Jeongmin pressed further.

“Ah who cares who he was with? Come on, everybody’s waiting inside.” Donghyun said. “Come on maknae, let’s get you dressed up.”

Boyfriend walked away, dragging a confused Minwoo with them. Jineul and Minah were both left at the entrance.

Minah nudged Jineul and smirked playfully. “So why are you all dolled up, hmm…?”

Jineul smiled shyly as she fidgeted with the heels she was wearing. Awhile ago, Youngmin took her to a hair salon and told the stylist to give her THIS hairstyle. As soon as her hair and make-up were done, he brought her to the hotel wherein a DRESS was waiting for her in one of the rooms. She reluctantly changed.

“I don’t know how or why but I was forced to…” Jineul replied.

Minah laughed. “Don’t get worked up over something like this Jineul. You look great!”

Jineul rolled her eyes. “It’s too late for flattery.”

They were about to walk in when a long haired girl in a blue dress approached them. Both Jineul and Minah were awed at her beauty.

“Oh, you must be Jineul?” The girl asked. Jineul nodded slowly. “Youngmin told me to go fetch you. I’m Bora, Boyfriend’s friend, stylist and all-around Noona.”

Then she turned to Minah. “And you must be Minwoo’s date!”

Minah, still dumbfounded by her beauty nodded. “Uhuh…” Then it hit her. “Wait, I’m Minwoo’s what?!”

Jineul smirked. “Yes Bora-ssi, this is indeed Minwoo’s date.”

Minah glared at her best friend.

Bora clapped her hands together. “Perfect! Come on now dear, let’s get you ready for Minwoo’s party!”

“What?!” Bora held her by the arm but she broke free. “I’m sorry, I’m going home now.”

“Not so fast,” Jineul blocked her way and pushed her inside. “Can’t miss your date’s party now, can we?”

Bora smiled and helped Jineul by pulling Minah inside too. “No sir, we can’t. Let’s go I’ve my friends waiting upstairs!”

Minah struggled to get away but both Jineul and Bora were more than determined to makeover her.


At one of the rooms on the fifth floor, a boy looked at his reflection in the mirror as he fixed his suit.

“You guys are mean.” He said.

Jeongmin chuckled as he stood beside Minwoo and fixed his suit too. “Come on now, since when did you hate our surprises?”

“Just now.”

Donghyun entered the room. “Everything’s all set downstairs. Ready for your birthday celebration Minwoo?”

Hyunseong snorted. “’Ready’? That’s quite an understatement. That kid has never left the mirror ever since he changed his clothes.”

Boyfriend laughed while Minwoo uneasily cleared his throat.

Jeongmin looked at Minwoo closer and swiped a finger on the part of his forehead that isn’t covered by his bangs. “Omo, is our maknae sweating already?”

Minwoo’s eyes widened and he checked his forehead then he frowned upon realizing that he wasn’t sweating at all. Jeongmin laughed and was soon joined by the rest of the boys.

“Aish, hyung!”

Kwangmin looked up from the book he was reading. “Minwoo-yah, don’t tell me you’re nervous?”

“Is it because of the nerd’s friend?” Youngmin asked.

“What was her name…” Kwangmin started.

“Minah?” The twins said at the same time.

Minwoo was flushed. “A-Ani! That’s not it! Hyung, waegure?!”

“Look we’re only kidding!” Jeongmin said defensively. “We know she’s not your type.”

Minwoo remained silent.

Donghyun smirked. “Or is she?”


“Fine fine, mian.”

The phone rang and Hyunseong who was nearest to it answered. “Hello? …Ah ne, we’ll be down in a bit. Kamsahamnida.”

Hyunseong turned to the others. “Come on birthday boy, it’s show time.”

Minwoo walked down the grand stairs of the hotel’s function room with poise. He felt happy seeing that every important person to him had shown up.

As he reached the last step, greets and cheers greeted him. He graciously thanked them one by one, seeing the familiar faces of his friends, relatives and schoolmates.

“Yep, everyone’s here…” Minwoo thought as he looked around. He brushed his brown hair out of his face and looked down. “Everyone but one…”

Minwoo continued to greet some guests and Boyfriend did the same too. Youngmin kept his cool and put on a calm façade but on the inside, he’s getting more and more annoyed.

“When will they stop talking to me, aish. This is Minwoo’s party not mine.” He thought. “I want some time alone…”

He looked at the crowd and spotted a figure leaning against one of the room’s elegant posts. He excused himself then approached the person.

“Hey eavesdropper.” He earned a glare from Jineul. “Have you met Noona yet?”

“Oh you mean Bora Unnie?” She replied. “Yes, she’s nice.”

Youngmin paused for a second. “So where’s your friend?”

“She’ll be here soon.” Jineul said then smiled secretly. “And you better get ready. You’ll be stunned tonight.”

She walked away to get some punch. Youngmin’s gaze never left her. “But I already am…”

Minah took a deep breath and calmed herself down. As soon as she was sure she won’t die from extreme nervousness, she descended down the grand stairway. She felt all eyes on her, and everyone’s attention was focused on her as she made her way down.

“Jineul… I’ll seriously get you for this!”

“Ne, thanks for coming today!” Minwoo said to his 123864th guest. Jeongmin approached him and tapped him on the shoulder.

“Hey birthday boy, guess who’s here?”

Minwoo looked at the stairs and he was speechless. Everyone and everything didn’t matter right now as he stared at the beautiful figure in front of him.

Unconsciously, he made his way towards her and they both met the foot of the stairs.

Clearing , the girl spoke, “Hey shrimp—er—Minwoo…” She started. “Happy birthday.”

Minwoo was at loss for words as he stared at her from head to toe. Her HAIR complemented the petite shape of her face… her DRESS highlighted her good figure…

“Um, Minwoo?”

“I can’t believe I am looking at my scary project partner right now…” He snapped out of his daze. “R-Right. Thank you.”

Minah blushed a little. “Why are you staring at me like that? Do I, um…look weird?”

“No, no!” Minwoo said. “You look perfect.”

Minah felt all the nervousness and anxiety she was feeling melt away and gave him the brightest smile she could ever muster. “Thank you.”

Donghyun’s voice echoed through the mic. “Now now ladies and gentlemen, welcome to No Minwoo’s birthday celebration!”

Everyone in the hall clapped.

“It’s not every year our maknae turns a year older.” He added. “And Boyfriend kicked it up big time this year. We wanted to make his birthday special.”

Minwoo turned to his hyungs and mouthed ‘thank you’ to them. His friends grinned at him.

“I don’t wanna hog the spotlight this evening, so why don’t we ask the birthday boy to come up the stage and give us a few words?”

Everyone clapped again as Minwoo went up the stage and gave Donghyun a hug. “Thanks hyung.” Minwoo looked at the crowd in front of him. “Um, hi everyone… first of all, I want to say thank you for keeping up with my childish attitude up until now.” A few laughters erupted inside the room. “Now that I’m a year older, I’ll be better. Maybe I’ll learn to fight for the people I love. Maybe I’ll learn how to stand up on my own without my hyungs’ help.”

Boyfriend chuckled at Minwoo’s statement.

“There’s no way he could,” Jeongmin muttered under his breath,

“At first I thought this is gonna be the worst birthday I’ll ever spend but…” He trailed off with a soft smile on his face and gazed at a distance as if he remembered something nice. “It’s turning out to be the opposite. Let’s have fun tonight everyone, kamsahamnida!”

Everybody in the room gave Minwoo a warm round of applause as he walked off stage. Boyfriend along with Jineul and Minah greeted him.

“You were great Minwoo! I thought I was gonna cry…” Donghyun said as he dramatically wiped  fake tear off the corner of his eye. “You’ve grown so much.”

“And since when were you a drama queen?” Hyunseong asked.

The eight of them laughed.

“But seriously, thank you so much hyungs.” Minwoo said. “I—”

“Save the speech and thank us by enjoying the party, arasseo?” Kwangmin said.

Minwoo beamed and did a salute. “Yes sir!”

The night grew deeper and everyone enjoyed themselves. Even Jineul had fun watching what everyone was doing in a corner.

Taking a sip of her punch, she watched closely as Minwoo invited Minah for a dance. Of course, Minah being the easily-moved-girl she was accepted his invitation right away.

“Minah you pabo.” She mumbled.

Okay, it’s a given that Boyfriend are not entirely bad people. But still, the rumors and gossip circulating the school couldn’t be ignored. She promised herself that she wouldn’t get involve, nor would she let anyone dear to her get involve in that group.

It’s bound to end badly.

“So you’re cursing your best friend now?”

Recognizing the voice, her expression turned hard. “Go away.”


She sighed. If Minah can be easily moved, THIS is a man that no matter what you do cannot be moved. She turned to her left and there leaning on the other side of the post was Youngmin. “Look jerk king, what’s your problem? First you treat me like trash and now you won’t stop annoying me.”

“I’m bored.”

Jineul rolled her eyes. Figures.

“Just go toy with somebody else, will you?” She replied. “Being with you will only get me in trouble.”

“Why don’t you just accept that I have good intentions… sometimes.” She rolled her eyes once more. “You won’t enjoy life if you keep on looking at the negatives…”

Jineul stopped. Her eyes widened and she felt like she was struck by lightning. “That line…”

Youngmin noticed this and asked, “What now?”

“The one you said just now…” She spoke softly.

“What’s with it?” Youngmin asked. “The negative thing? A friend told me that sentence once. It seemed fitting so I shared it to you.”

“Naah… it can’t possibly be… I mean what are the odds, right?” Jineul shook her head slowly then faster. “Nevermind. Leave me alone.”

She walked away leaving Youngmin to ponder by himself once more.

As he watched her walk away, one thought played in his mind. “What was that all about?”


YAYY! Double update. :) It's to make up for the time I've lost~ Please do not hesitate to comment okay? It gives me motivation to update! Kisses~~*

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ChangingPhases #1
Chapter 25: Niel so cute!!!! Lol. Ooohhh bonding time!! Kekkee***
Chapter 24: Ooh all three bands are favorites of mine. This is getting good. You will update... right?
HanJiMun #3
Read first chapter and I already love it *___* Want more and more :3
ChangingPhases #4
Ooooh ouch smell trouble already! Aww, will comment. I'll comment every time you update with a new exciting chapter hehe! So have fun reading my comments. XD Kyaaa!~~~ Infinite so loving them like crazy at the moment especially Sungyeol! <3
I love it ^^
wah! I miss you author nim ^^
your updates are always good and exciting :>
Kyaa!! My 2 favorite bands are here.. Please update soon~
maxxichu #8
I love it (:
youngmin was jealous~~ nya nya~~
kwangmin was inlove ~~ mya mya~~

ChangingPhases #10
Finish reading the rest omg I love it so far! [: