Over Mistake /Jealous

MoNdAy CoUpLe HaPpInEsS

Photo: [新聞] 140101 宋智孝含淚捧獎 Gary趁機示愛  韓國人氣節目《Running Man》(RM)在前晚的《2013 SBS演藝大賞》頒獎禮掃走5獎,宋智孝獲獎時更喜極而泣,她的「周一男友」Gary就趁機公開表白示愛,此外,劉在石不敵《叢林法則》的金炳萬再度失落「大獎」。  韓國《2013 SBS演藝大賞》前晚在首爾上岩洞SBS電視台舉行,以頒發綜藝節目各大獎項,在加拿大遺失護照的池石鎮,趕及返回韓國與《Running Man》的其他主持一同現身頒獎禮。在亞洲大受歡迎的《RM》,這夜獲得「最佳節目」以及「觀眾投選最佳人氣獎」,主持宋智孝勇奪「最優秀女演藝獎」,她領獎時眼泛淚光,她的「周一男友」Gary在旁幫忙收花,頒獎禮上,Gary被問到可有話要跟宋智孝說時,他竟大膽表白:「想擁有你,宋智孝。」  《叢林法則》大贏家  另外兩名主持金鐘國、HAHA跟《Healing Camp》的成宥利分別獲得「優秀男、女演藝獎」、李光洙亦捧走「友情獎」,惟劉在石不敵《叢林法則》的金炳萬,失落最高榮譽「演藝大獎」,讓有份競逐三台大獎的他均空手而回,《叢林法則》最終奪6獎贏了獲5獎的《RM》成為大贏家。對於劉在石在「人氣獎」投票一直大熱領先,最終卻敗給《叢》的金聖洙與趙汝珍,讓網民質疑賽果。  News Cr: 東方日報 ---------------------- 140101 宋智孝奪優秀獎 「男友」做人肉花牌   韓國《2013 SBS演藝大賞》前晚舉行,女團少女時代(少時)成員秀英(Soo Young)及宋智孝分別獲頒新人獎及最優秀女演藝獎,先後激動落淚!致謝時,宋智孝獲「男友」Gary上台幫手收花變「人肉花牌」勁Sweet!  每年一度的韓國《2013 SBS演藝大賞》前晚在上岩洞SBS電視台舉行,頒獎禮由著名主持申東燁及今年憑韓劇《繼承者們》人氣急升的女團f(x)成員Krystal等擔任司儀。  《叢林法則》金炳萬爆冷登頂  亞洲大受歡迎的綜藝節目《Running Man》前晚獲頒「最佳節目」,而在節目中被稱為「Ace」的宋智孝則奪得「最優秀女演藝獎」,著名主持李京奎則獲頒「最優秀男演藝獎」。宋智孝得知結果後即時眼濕濕,《Running Man》一班主持齊齊上台送花慶賀,她的「周一男友」Gary則站在身旁幫手拿花,智孝發表謝詞時已不禁落淚。同是節目主持之一的HAHA與金鍾國及成宥利分別奪得「優秀男、女演藝獎」,李光洙則獲頒「友情獎」。  今年的榮譽演藝大獎由節目《叢林法則》的金炳萬奪得,他的對手劉在石、姜虎東及李京奎得知賽果後紛紛大方地送上祝福,而首次獲得大獎的金炳萬則淚灑當場。《叢林法則》亦打低《Running Man》奪得「最佳工作人員獎」。《Running Man》主持劉在石是去年的大獎得主,今年卻在三大電視台頒獎禮上失落大獎,但其大方表現則獲不少網民讚賞。  News Cr: 太陽報 ---------------------- 140101 河知雲 大熱姿態 橫掃3獎《奇皇后》大豐收 揚威「演技大獎」  SBS電視台的「演藝大獎」亦在前晚舉行,人氣節目《Running Man》獲得「最優秀節目獎」和「觀眾評選的最高人氣獎」,而其中3名主持人,金鐘國、Ha Ha和宋智孝更分別得「最優秀男、女藝人獎」,宋智孝發表感言時表示,「很感謝大會頒發這個大獎給我,在《RM》中我是唯一一名女性,好像總是給其他人添麻煩,感到很抱歉,非常感謝一直照顧我的隊友。」她的「周一情侶」拍檔Gary更一直站在她身旁為她捧花,頒獎禮司儀申東燁問Gary有甚麼話跟宋智孝說時,他表示「想擁有你,宋智孝」,引得全場大笑。  News Cr: 星島日報 ---------------------- SBS演藝大獎RM 不敵《叢林的法則》   過去兩年均贏得SBS 電視台演藝頒獎禮最高榮譽大獎的Running Man(RM)金牌司儀劉在錫,前日終於敗在《叢林的法則》金秉萬手下,不過RM 即使失落大獎,卻依然是觀眾心目中的最愛,獲觀眾投票選出的最高人氣殊榮,並且獲得最佳節目獎,RM 的宋智孝、金鐘國、Haha 等亦各自有獎,力保不失。  劉在錫今年在SBS、KBS、MBC 三大電視台演藝大獎中雖然未能獲得大獎,但仍獲現場觀眾熱烈歡呼及掌聲。  另外,RM 的宋智孝贏得最佳女星獎,金鐘國和Haha 則獲得優秀男星獎。而在頒獎禮上的「綜藝繼承者們」環節中,與宋智孝在RM 組成周一情侶的Gary,深情地望向宋智孝說:「我想擁有你。」大膽表白引來全場歡呼,雖然「戀情」疑幻疑真,但宋智孝羞澀表示:「謝謝。」盡現兩人的默契。  News Cr: 明報 Pic cr: Leessang HK Fansbase 轉載請註明 Leessang HK Fansbase

After a few week…..they were ready  filmed running man ep167, guest were kim min jung and chun jung myung…..

All the running man members were gathered in the waiting room except ji hyo she is late a bit…

When she came,she entered the room and she greet  the members happily..

“oppa(s) ,annyeonghaseyo..”she bowed and smiled widely…

“oppa?just oppa?noona,you don’t greet me?”kwang soo joking..

“you don’t need it…..”jong kook said…

“ann yeong~(hi)”she smiled widely ….

“wah,noona,annyeong,why you treat me so nice,first time you greet me happily..”

“yah!kwang soo,she not greeting you,she greeting to gary….pabo!”jaesuk said..

She looking at gary and greet him,he replied her greet by waving his hand….(hi)…everybody was just laughing of them, having a nice atmosphere in the morning….

“alright today our guest is kim min jung and chun jung myung,we will divided in three teams….”all the running men members clapping hands while the guest coming in….kim min jung is gary’s ideal type,that he said in running man when filming at Thailand with the guest nickhun…

He so excited of her coming,he smiled so happily, and ji hyo look at him smiled,feeling jealous….

“wooooo..woooo…yeah…min jung ah,long time no see…”

“yea,long time no see,annyeonghaseyo…”

“gary hyung ,you so good,your ideal  type come running man again….”haha said loudly..gary seem shy just laughing…

“oh?noona…noona…look at noona,she seem jealous….”kwang soo saw jihyo face look so disappointed…Everybody suddenly concentrated look at ji hyo,gary also…

She quickly made a fake smile, “anniya(no),not jealous,im just thinking something ….”

“eih~~~~”running man made the sound that dissatisfied of her explanation…

“alright,we had choose the team,one team one girl,because only two girls,so kwang soo ssi will be kwang ja~here the team list…Gary ssi,kim min jung ssi and kim jong kook ssi,next team ,ji hyo ssi,jae suk ssi and chun jung myung and last team is betrayal team…

Ji hyo look more disappoint of the result of team…(oppa look so happy ,what happen today,so unlunky)

Gary saw her expression,he made a brighter smile(cute,always so cute……Mong ji)

At the last mission tear name tags game,she teared gary’s name tag because of jealous…but gary sad because the one who teared his name tag not other but is ji hyo..

“me?why me?”he look so sad ….

After filming ,they ready back….

“hyung ,do you want to eat together later?”kwang soo asked haha..

“today I cant I need to back home,so missed my dream(his baby) now<3”haha said while looking the photo of his dream in his phone…

“gary hyung,you?how about you?…”

“keureu…ask ji hyo too….let go together..”kwang soo knew what he want ,make jihyo happy,she seems sad today…

“noona,wanna join us?”

“aniyo…I already had date with other later…you guys have fun…”she waved her hands…gary is the one  jealous now…(am I too over?)

“hyung!how?ji hyo noona maybe jealous you with min jung noona…”

“keureu?min jung ssi just my ideal type but not the one I like,ji hyo is different with her….i more…..more….like…….”

“ji hyo noona?”kwang soo laughed

“you!lets go restaurant,pali!”

Kwang soo and gary went to the restaurant ,but his mind thinking just ji hyo,he sent a message to her..

To:mong ji

           Where are you?who with you now?

                                                                   From :Gaelly

But she didnt replied,he was worried of her….

“hyung,are you messaging with ji hyo noona?”gary nodded his head…

“hyung,you two just don’t meet for 10 minutes,why you so fast missing her right now?”kwang soo said..

“anni(no)..i’m just worried her,just want to know what she doing right now,who she with right now but she didn’t reply me”he said it with sad tone and suddenly explode his feeling “…ah!jinja!fustrated!”

“hyung ,calm down,why don’t you just call her?”

“should I ?”

“just call her…”

He start calling her,waiting she answer the phone…

“yoboseyo?”a sound from a man…

“yoboseyo?who are you?”gary so curious now…

“baek chang joo…”ceo answer…..gary stunned at there he put his phone down he not yet hang up,he feel angry,but he more hurt and sad…..(why jihyo with her?why is he?)

Kwang soo saw him expression“why?who is it?”

“Baek……..”gary said it….

Kwang soo quickly took his phone.. “yoboseyo?baek chang joo ssi?”

“neh,its me”ceo baek said it..

“where is ji hyo noona?”

“wait,she just now went to toilet,now she come back”

Ji  hyo back from toilet saw ceo baek answering her phone,she take a look at her phone…

“gary oppa?”(how?what should I do?)

“yo…yo…yoboseyo?gary oppa?”

“noona ,its me kwang soo..”

“kwang soo?why is you?why you answering gary oppa’s phone?…”

When gary heard kwang soo is talking with ji hyo,he stand up and ran out…..

“hyung!hyung!where are you going?!hyung!!!!”kwang soo shouted..

Jihyo listened and asked“Wae?wae?what happen!?tell me!kwang soo!”

“noona,gary hyung is went out,I will call you later,bye!”kwang soo hanged up the phone..


“wae?what happen?”ceo baek asked

“just…”she so worried of gary right now..thinking about him…


When running man were going to the last mission place,ceo baek was called ji hyo..

“ji hyo ah…”

“oppa…im not free right now,I’m filming right now”

“can we meet tonight?”

“we?maybe cant?i had filming till night..”

“I will wait you come when you finish filming at xxx restaurant,bye!”

He hanged up the phone,ji hyo still thinking want to go or not…at last filming mission place,she saw gary so happy with kim min jung …she jealous,and she want to make him jealous again,so she decided go to dinner with ceo baek….

{End Flashback}

When they finished dinner,ceo baek send ji hyo home….outside is having heavy rain…she looking outside of the window…thinking of kang gary....(where are you?)

“oppa,I think we next time just meet at company and don’t meet at outside….”

“wae?ji hyo ah~,don’t be like that”

“just…don’t…I don’t want be like that any more…”

“so this is last time?”


They arrived ji hyo placed,outside still raining heavily,ceo baek take the umbrella came out at send ji hyo walk into house but jihyo refused it….so he left the umbrella to ji hyo..

Suddenly ceo baek hug her“this is the last time..bye”

And he arrived away…

Ji hyo holding the umbrella and walked to the way to her house but he saw someone standing outside of her house…

The someone’s body is all wet….

The someone is wating…..

The someone is looking at her…

Jihyo was looking at the someone,her eyes was fulled of tears,just not yet drop….

The someone walking one step….two step….getting near to her…..




*Sorry guys…so long time no update because I’m having at trip…

*And at here I want to say HappY NeW YeaR everybody…..

*Here I want to congrat to running man get the awards…..although too sad that Monday couple didn’t get couple award…..

High Excellence Program Award -Running Man-
Friendship Award -Lee Kwang Soo-
Viewers' Choice Popularity Award -Running Man-
Excellence Award (Male)-Kim Jong Kook n HaHa-
High Excellence Award (Female) -Song Ji Hyo-

Congratulation running man XDDDDDDDDD

*maybe you guys think why my fanfic Monday couple why still not yet start dating….because I was had a best moment that how they start date maybe in next chapter or next next chapter….

*Thank you support….sorry for any wrong spelling...who do you think the someone would be???

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Chapter 36: finally. i hv a time to read this fic properly T.T
meanbelon #2
Chapter 34: Love, marriage and friendship..let us fell the angst and happiness at the same time. Arrrghhhh can't wait. How about Kang Gary & Kwang Soo (Male) being pair with Ji Hyo & (*still need to think of)..hehehe.
Chapter 36: how about their married life? hihihi and i want the sequel hv a conflict/problem .-. maybe something like gary and jihyo hv a fight that cause they almost lose their daughter, maybe hahahaha my imagination in the early morning. aigoo.
poisedon #4
Chapter 36: of course i want that sequel... how about they married life... ^^
and i waiting for your sequel ^^
drunkennightxo #5
Chapter 36: Yes, make it please♥♥ about their marriage life with their children really love to read something like that^^ haha
deanadiaip #6
Chapter 36: Chapter 35: About their married life? XD
Zthiefatimah #7
Chapter 36: Yes . .yes please make it authornim. Could u make their live wth their daughter, and make ji hyo pregnant twins again
Chapter 36: I just re-read chapter 34 before I comment.. So how about you continue after they were married ? Well, you know, sometime in marriage will had a problem too.. That's all.. Looking forward to your next story.. ^^
poisedon #9
Chapter 35: thanks authornim for my winner and your update ^^
looking for your new fanfic again especially about mc ^^
Chapter 34: Joo jihoon