Chapter 4

You are my only love, oppa


‘YAH KIM NARA! Why are you shouting!  Wake up you crazy girl!’ Dan-bi slapped Nara face lightly for a few times. ‘Who bothered you in your dreams? Should I enter in your dreams and kick that person ?’ Dan-bi giggled as she said the sentence. She gave Nara another hard slap when she didn’t wake up. ‘YAH!’ Dan-bi shouted again.


Nara woke up, sweating profusely. She looked at Dan-bi and searched for her mobile phone. ‘No way! Jongup just admitted that he liked me. He sent me a text,’ Nara said in a wobbly tone. She finally found her phone and searched for the text message. She was surprised when she saw that the message was gone. She looked at Dan-bi and said ‘It’s not here.’



‘That’s because you are dreaming you pabo,’ Dan-bi pushed Nara’s forehead using he finger while laughing.



‘But I just read the text until you came in and …  wait … I don’t remember what happened,’ Nara scratched her head even though it’s not itchy.



‘My dear Kim Nara, it’s already morning. Don’t tell me you didn’t sleep if you’ve actually seen the text message. Don’t be crazy to think that Jongup likes you. He has Hara. And you know how deep his love towards Hara is. He wouldn’t leave her. Stop thinking about him already Nara-ah. You promised me you will move on,’ Nara looked down on the ground. She nodded her head after some time. She agreed with what Dan-bi said. She should move on. ‘Now get up and take a shower. Let’s go for a morning jog together!’ Dan-bi continued her sentence while pulling Nara into the bathroom.



‘So it was just a dream? But did he send in those posts at my website? I need to check soon …’ Dan-bi thought to herself while she was preparing for the morning jog with Dan-bi.



Before leaving, Nara checked the posts that were posted at her website. ‘It’s just a dream after all! Hais ... Move on Nara! Hwaiting!’ Nara shutdown her laptop, feeling a bit disappointed to find out that it was just a dream. She went out of her bedroom and to the kitchen to see her mother and Dan-di chatting happily.



‘What are you guys chatting about?’ Nara interrupted their conversation. She went over to her mum to give her a back hug and a light peck on the cheek.



‘We were talking about how you were shouting, asking somebody not to bother you in your dreams. HAHAH,’ Dan-bi teased Nara.



‘YAH, shut up Dan-bi. You’re acting like you never had a dream before,’ Nara gave Dan-bi a hard glare and beating on her shoulders.



‘You girls should go for a jog fast and come back for breakfast soon. The food might not taste nice later when it is cold,’ Nara and Dan-bi looked at each other, both giving signals that they should start their morning jog right away. ‘By the way, Nara-ah, don’t you want to bring your sister along? Maybe you guys might be able to get along if one of you takes the initiative to …,’ before her mother could finish the sentence, Nara shook her head.



‘No Omma. If someone has to make our relationship as siblings work, it should be her. She started all this unnecessary fight Omma. Let’s go Dan-bi ah,’ Nara waved at her mum before leaving the house.



‘You have a sister Kim Nara? I’ve been your best friend for almost a year yet I knew nothing about it. Why didn’t you tell me?’ Dan-bi looked down, disappointed that her best friend kept a secret from her.



‘Sorry Dan-bi-ah. She’s not really my sister. Actually my mother remarried with another man when I’m at the age of ten years old and that man turns out to have a daughter same age as me. But she is months older than me. Still, I have to address her as my sister. I don’t really like her because she hates me. After her dad passed away, she hates me more. I’m so sorry for not telling you this Dan-bi.’ Nara hung her head low, feeling guilty for keeping her ‘sister’ as a secret but she thinks that it’s better if people were not to know who her stepsister is. They will be completely shocked.



As they were jogging, a guy suddenly came and gave the both of them a hug from the back. ‘Good Morning girls,’ He shouted, shocking both of the girls.



Nara and Dan-bi turned to look at the guy who just scares them. He gave them an angelic smile. ‘YAH MOON JONGUP! WHY ARE YOU SCARING PEOPLE EARLY IN THE MORNING?’ Dan-bi punched Jongup’s chest.



‘Ouch! Sorry girls. I just missed the both of you. I’m so glad I met the both of you early in the morning. Hehe …’ Nara stares at Jongup. ‘Go and find your girlfriend. She must have missed you more,’ Nara mumble to herself but unfortunately, it was loud enough for both Jongup and Dan-bi to hear it.



‘Are you mad at me Nara-shii? I’m really sorry if I’ve hurt you. I won’t stay away from you already. You are way important in my life compared to anyone else,’ Jongup hugged Nara’s waist.



‘Yah, yah, yah. Do you want to die? If Hara sees this she’s going to kill Nara. Let her go Moon Jongup,’ Dan-bi pulled Jongup away.



‘Why is he treating me this way again. Moon Jongup, I’m going to kill you soon,’ Nara shut her eyes. Confused with Jongup actions again. ‘He is just your friend, Kim Nara. JUST A FRIEND,’ Nara reminded herself.



‘What? I’m not going to let Hara do anything to her anymore. There’s no way I’m going to let her hurt Nara. I’m going to protect both of my best friends, even you Dan-bi-ah,’ Jongup tries to assure the both of them and even gave a wink at Nara.



‘Ya right,’ Dan-bi said, not believing Jongup words. She then looked at Nara. Signalling Nara to get ready. At the count of three, the both of them ran. Dan-bi shouted, ‘If you were to finish last, treat us ice-cream, araso Moon Jongup?’ She then rolled her tongue at him and giggled.



‘Hey that’s unfair. Wait for me!’ Jongup, who was slow to understand what they meant, started running at a full speed to catch up with them.



After running 3 kilometres, the three of them sat down at the fitness area to cool down and catch their breath.



‘Where is Hara? Why didn’t you jog with her?’ Dan-bi who was panting heavily asked Jongup who was still running on the spot.



‘Erm, we had a fight. HAHA?’ was the only thing Jongup answered.



‘You can still laugh? I thought you loved her too much that when you fight, you will be the first one to apologise?’ Dan-bi questioned Jongup like a police officer. However, she was ignored by Jongup who was looking at Nara. Dan-bi turned to look at Nara who was playing with her shoelace. She then turned to look at Jongup again. She saw him smiling while looking at Nara. ‘I KNEW IT! JONGUP MUST HAVE LIKED NARA! WHY IS HE SO SLOW!! IT’S TOO LATE ALREADY MOON JONGUP!’ She shouted in her heart. ‘Yah, Kim Nara, why are you so quiet? Talk! Usually you’re the one who talks a lot,’ Dan-bi broke the silence between the three of them.



‘I … I’m worried that the food my mum cook will not taste nice if we get home late,’ Nara lied while looking at her watch. The reason why she kept quiet was because she felt uncomfortable when Jongup is around. She didn’t even dare to look at him. The statement Jongup made earlier on really bothers her. What does he meant by she is way important in my life compared to anyone else? ‘Aish, you are just a friend Nara-ah. JUST A FRIEND,’ she reminded herself once again.



‘Oh my, I forget. Let’s go to your house now Nara-ah. See you soon Moon Jongup!’ Dan-bi waved.




‘Hey, are you guys leaving me behind? Erm, can I tag along?’ Jongup asked shyly while scratching the back of his neck.



‘NO,’ Nara shouted. ‘I ... I mean I don’t invite any guys to my house. So you can’t go. Sorry,’ Nara said without looking at Jongup. ‘Bye!’ she said as she walked away.



‘Take care Moon Jongup!’ Dan-bi winked. Jongup was left alone at the physical corner all alone.



‘You girls are back! Sit down and have your breakfast! I’ve just finished cooking everything,’ Nara‘s mother said as she prepare the food on the table. They were about to start eating when somebody suddenly came running in the kitchen. Dan-bi looked at Nara. Surprised with what she sees in front of her eyes right now.



‘Omma! The girl came running into a kitchen, crying. My boyfriend wants to break up with me,’ She buries her face on Nara’s mother chest.



‘Aigoo … Who is that guy? It’s ok, my girl. There are other better guys out there. I’m sure you deserve other guys better than him. Don’t cry my daughter,’ Nara’s mother patted her shoulders and her hair umpteen times.



The girl then pulled away from the hug and look towards Nara, who was shocked to hear that news. ‘It’s all because of you KIM NARA,’ she shouted. Her eyes were burning with anger. ‘I HATE YOU!’ She continued.



Hello ! Yay ! Another update! Heheh ! Did I update too fast ? :P hehhe ^^ Do you find my story crappy? Cause after quite sometime, I myself find my story crappy and somehow lose the motivation to continue writing T.T but do comment and give suggestion if you have any idea on how i should continue my story!  i'll try to improve this crappy story ! heheh enjoy reading ^^

look how cute Jongup is oww ..

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its finally weekends ! gonna update my story soon alright ! ^^


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Chapter 19: stupid Nara being stupid why do you have to lie but wait if she didn't then what are conflicts im stories right? XD author-nim, HWAITING :-* and you better get rid of that Juhyun girl soon i don't care eh eh eh ㅋㅋㅋㅋ /fist pump in the air/
0.0 this is amazing. Good Job! Although i love Jongup, this is awesome. I almost raged when i found out that Jongup was helping Hara. Ugh, the feels. Finally, DaeNa is here!!
Chapter 16: I KNEW IT I KNEW IT I KNEW IT. But Nara-ah, you're one asdfghjkl stooopid girl ya na mean. She should at least be fair & think about dae's feelings. Gwenchana~ dae oppa, it's okay.. You still have me. ㅋㅋㅋㅋ xD author-nim fighting!!