Chapter 20

You are my only love, oppa


‘What? No! Nara-ah what do you mean by I have to pretend that I like her? I will never do that Nara-ah. You know I’ve always loved you and would do anything for you but please, this is totally a NO … Why do I have to go out with her? You’re not making any sense Nara …’ Daehyun snorted at her request.  Who would possibly pretend that they have feelings for the other gender when they clearly don’t?

‘Oppa … Please help me … Just this once … Then I’ll promise to tell her the truth. Just make her happy for once before we even reveal the truth … She can’t do anything if she knew that we’re engaged … Please … You know she likes you and …’ Nara tried to assure Daehyun but failed. Daehyun is firm with his answers.

‘What do you mean Nara-ah? Anyone can call off their engagement easily. Nara-ah, Juhyun is the type of person that will do anything to get what she wants. She might even harm any of us. You have to think of the consequences…’ Daehyun cut her off. He doesn’t know what else he can say to make Nara drop her plan.

‘Please … Oppa?’ Nara simply beg.

Well if that’s what you want then …’ Daehyun got cut off. ‘You will agree, Oppa? Really?’ Nara eyes brightened.

‘Yeah I agree … I will agree if that is what you really want but then don’t ever regret Nara… I might even fall for her, and leave you just because of this pretending game. Think twice, Nara-ah. Love is not a joke. Even if you pretend to love someone, you might really fall in love with them … I’m really disappointed in you Nara-ah … I thought we might be able to work on this relationship but it seems that something is going to happen again … I don’t know what else to say already … If you love or like me you would not do this to me … I guess it’s still hard for you to accept me… Well, have an early night.’ Daehyun gave up. It was no point arguing with Nara. He headed back to his room feeling very disappointed with that girl.

Nara led out a heavy sigh. ‘Not again…’


‘Good Morning Oppa!’ Nara greeted with a sweet smile on her face.

‘Are you ready? We might be late for school … Hurry up!’ Daehyun instructed as he make his way towards the door. He did not even bother to reply Nara greetings or even look at her.

‘Oppa … Are you really mad? I’m really sorry … Let’s just pretend that I didn’t say anything yesterday … I’ll make it up to you, ne?’ Nara looked down on the ground.  ‘I’ll bring you out to eat later! We meet outside the school gate, ne?’ She suggested.

‘Sorry, it’s all too late. I’m going out with Juhyun later. I’ll just see you at home and please go straight to sleep and no need to wait for me. I’m going back home late … Take care!’ Daehyun quickly excused himself.

‘Oppa!’ Nara shouted, hoping that Daehyun will turn to look at her but he just walked off and acted as if he heard nobody calling him.


Noona! Where are you going? Where is Daehyun hyung? Aren’t you going back home with him?’ Zelo who was looking for Daehyun approached Nara. He searched for Daehyun around but he was not there.

‘Eo? He has a … group discussion. Yeah he won’t go back home with me.’ Nara forced a fake smile. She was still upset about the fact that Daehyun is going out with Juhyun. She knew it was all her fault.

‘Are you sure? Then who is that guy walking out of the school gate?’ Yongguk raised his brow. Nara who was facing the ground looked up to see that person walking out with Juhyun. She was a jealous watching Juhyun wrapping her arms around Daehyun. ‘That’s my fiancé you’re touching!’ She screamed in her heart.

‘Nara-ah? Who is that girl? Do you know her? What happened to the both of you again? I thought it was all settled?’ Himchan asked out of curiosity.

Nara heaved a sigh ‘It’s all my fault, again.’

‘Why? What did you do?’ Youngjae questioned and stared at Nara intensely for her answer.

‘I … asked him to pretend to like Juhyun, because Juhyun like him. Juhyun was his past crush. Oppa, what should I do? I really regret telling Juhyun that Daehyun oppa was single.’ Nara looked at the ground again.

‘Well, I don’t know what to say Nara-ah. I’m really sorry to say this but you’re just being stupid. Start thinking for yourself instead of others! What if that girl succeeds in stealing Daehyun from you? You’re going to regret your whole life! Do what’s right and better fix this fast!’ Yongguk tapped her shoulders and left. Whatever Yongguk just said keep on replaying in her mind.


Nara looked at the clock hanging on the wall. It’s already 10pm and Daehyun has yet to come back home. What’s worse, it’s raining cats and dog outside. ‘Eish … Where is this oppa. Is he fine out there? Must he make me worry…’

Nara took out her cell phone and started to dial Juhyun’s number. ‘Juhyun-ah, where are you right now?’

‘Eo? Nara-ah? I’m at home. What’s wrong? Why do you call me at this timing?’ Juhyun was surprised to receive that phone call.

‘You’re at home? I thought you have a date with Daehyun oppa?’ Nara asked in a troubled voice.

‘What? Where did you hear that from? Daehyun oppa ignored me when I ask him to go for a date just now.. He said he has something on …’ She laughed at the end of her sentence. Nara was really shocked when Juhyun said that. ‘Then where did he go?’ she wondered.

‘I’m sorry to disturb you then, Juhyun-ah.. Bye!’ Nara hung up the phone and quickly went out to search for Daehyun. ‘Eish, why did he lie ...’ she mumbled to herself.

Nara walked out of the apartment to see Daehyun, who was soaking wet, lying down unconsciously on the ground. ‘Eo? Oppa! Wake up!’ Nara was so shock and worried that point of time. ‘Why didn’t you enter the house? Oppa! Wake up! Are you alright?’ She shook Daehyun’s body vigorously but that guy did not response at all. Nara used all her might to carry Daehyun in the house.


‘Oppa? Are you alright already?’ Nara who was lying at the side of the bed was awakened by the slight move of Daehyun. She touched Daehyun forehead and formed a smile. ‘Your fever has subsided. I’m so glad. Why do you have to make me worry about you? Why did you lie? Why didn’t you just enter the house and …’

 Daehyun used his left palm to cover Nara’s mouth. ‘Keep quiet! You’re being noisy early in the morning! I’m sorry.’

‘Eo? Why are you saying sorry? I’m the one who should say sorry … I’m sorry that I asked you to pretend to like Juhyun … I shouldn’t have done that … I’ll tell her the truth as soon as possible, ne?’ I promise!’ Nara lifted her right hand. Daehyun ruffled his hair and pulled her in for a hug.

‘Nara-ah … I’m sorry too, I really hope such things won’t happen again. It took me quite some time to finally be with you and if Juhyun were to bother our relationship, I don’t know what other problems we might face in the future. I really don’t want to lose you … You don’t know what type of person Juhyun is. She may look innocent and kind but … just stay away from her, ne?’ Daehyun planted a kiss on Nara’s cheek.

‘Stay away from her? But oppa, what has she done? She’s my friend how can I stay away from her?’ Nara asked in confusion.

‘Fine, then try not to spend most of your time with her. She’s dangerous. Listen to me, ne? And please, my dear … Reveal the truth soon. I don’t want her to keep on chasing after me. I feel so uncomfortable. I want to spend more time and act like a couple with you but since her presence, I can’t even do that!’ Daehyun pouts. Nara forced a smile and nodded her head. She really doesn’t understand what Daehyun was trying to convey. ‘Why is she dangerous? What happened between Daehyun oppa and Juhyun before this?’ She thought to herself.


‘Oppa! Shall we go out today? I’m bored at home!’ Nara complained as she flipped close the magazine and arranged it on properly on the table.

‘Where shall we go?’ Daehyun asked. ’Ding Dong!’ The both of them were shocked to hear the doorbell. ‘Who could be here early in the morning?’ Daehyun looked at Nara. Nara shrugged her shoulders.

‘Could it be Omma?’ Nara assumed. Nara ran to the door, followed by Daehyun. She was surprised to see the man standing right in front of her.

‘Hi… Nara-ah , Daehyun hyung … I came here to apologise once again … I’m really sorry about things that happened previously … If I was given the chance, I would really make it up to you but it seems like there is someone who is able to take care of you way better than me…’ Jongup made eye contact with Daehyun before looking back at Nara.

‘I’m leaving for New York, to a school where I can learn dance and even pursue my dream as a dancer … You know I’ve always love dancing right? Well, can I hug you for the last time before I leave, Nara-ah? You don’t mind right, Daehyun hyung?’ Both Nara and Jongup turned to look at Daehyun. He led out a sigh before even nodding his head as a response. Jongup mouthed the word ‘Thank You’ before pulling Nara in for a hug.

‘Nara-ah… You know that I’m always here if you needed me right? Call me any time you need. I will be right there for you! Take care, ne?’ Jongup her soft, silky hair. ‘I’ve always been longing for this warmth, Nara-ah …’ Jongup pull away and gave a faint smile to her. ‘Take good care of Nara ne? I know you will never ever hurt her but if you do … I won’t waste any chance. Bear that in mind!’ Jongup threatened with a serious face but it slowly turned into a smile.

‘Take care too, Moon Jongup …’ Nara finally speak up. She tried to contain the sadness that she was holding in. Even though Jongup did something wrong to her, she still loves him as a best friend.

‘I’ll take my leave first then … Annyeong!’ Jongup waved and got back in the taxi. Both Nara and Daehyun stayed until Jongup disappeared from their sight.

‘Well, aren’t you sad to see your best friend leaving?’ Daehyun asked Nara curiously.

‘What do you think?’ Nara replied as she sat on the couch.

Daehyun observed Nara who was sniffing. ‘I think you are sad! Look at your eyes... It’s all teary~ and you are even sniffing! Eish… Would you cry like this too if I am gone? I mean like if I were to die or something?’ Daehyun asked out of curiosity.

‘Oppa! Don’t spout nonsense! What do you mean if you were to die? You still have a long way to go! Don’t talk about dying! We’re still young!’ She raised her voice slightly. Nara really don’t like when someone were to talk about death with her.

‘We won’t know, Nara-ah … By the way let’s not talk about this already … Nara-ah … Do you want to go for a date with me today?’ Daehyun asked shyly. He was blushing real hard.

‘Hmm … Where do you want to go oppa? I want to go to the amusement park! It must be fun if we were to have a date there! Can we go there together?’ Nara mood immediately change when Daehyun asked her out.

‘Of course! I would go anywhere with you, Nara-ah. I don’t mind the place, as long as I’m with you …’ he winked.

‘Aww, why are you so cheesy oppa …’ Nara teased..

‘I’m just stating the fact …’ Daehyun laughed. The both of them was quite surprised when the heard the doorbell ringing again. ‘Eo? Who could it be? Don’t tell me it’s that Jongup guy again … Eish … What does he wants… Hugging you once is not enough I guess! Let me deal with him!’ Daehyun run to the door.

‘Oppa! Wait! I shall open the door!’ Nara pulled him back to the couch and reach for the door. She doesn’t want any fights to occur. But to her surprised, Nara saw Juhyun when she opened the door. ‘Eo? Juhyun-ah … What are you doing here? How do you know that I live here?’ Nara slightly frowned.

‘Nara-ah! I asked your address from our friends! I always forget to ask you for your address!’ Juhyun tilt her head to the side and take a peek inside the big apartment. ‘Eo? Daehyun oppa is here too? Daebak … Annyeong Oppa! Are you guys planning to go anywhere today?’ Juhyun brightened at the sight of Daehyun.

‘Yeah … We’re planning to go for a …’

‘Eo? We’re going to the amusement park to have some fun!’ Nara rudely cut off Daehyun. She doesn’t want Juhyun to know that the both of them are going for a date at that moment. She saw Daehyun glaring at her from the corner of her eyes. She could only afford to bow at him as an apology.

‘Great! Then I shall tag along! You don’t mind right?’ Juhyun grinned.

‘I …’

‘Of course we don’t!’ Nara cut Daehyun off again before he could even say out his sentence.

Daehyun let out an audible sigh. He wondered why Nara still didn’t want to tell Juhyun the truth that the both of them are engaged and is going for a date when they already had an opportunity right n front of them. ‘Why Nara why …’ Daehyun mumbled to himself. He then pulled Nara away for a moment to have a talk in his bedroom.

‘Kim Nara! Why don’t you tell her that we’re going for a date? Why don’t you just tell her that we are engaged? Why Nara why? I thought you promised to reveal everything already?’ Daehyun expressed his disappointments. He doesn’t really mind Juhyun tagging along but why can’t she just tell her that they’re engaged. She just wasted an opportunity!

‘Oppa … Tone down … It’s not that I don’t want to tell her but … Oppa, I promise to tell her but please … Not now. Let’s wait for the right time, ne? I promise …’ Nara hand out her pinky finger.

‘Fine! Make sure alright? I want you to tell her right after this date! If you don’t tell her … I won’t talk to you for a day!’ He threatened.

‘Eish… I don’t think you can bear not talking to me …’ Nara scoffed.

‘Well wait and see!’ Daehyun smirked.

‘What?’ Juhyun screamed a little but quickly close to prevent anyone from hearing her. ‘They’re …. Engaged?’ Juhyun screamed in her heart. Her jaws literally drop when she heard their conversation. She was totally shocked to hear all that. ‘I have to do something! I must do something!’ Juhyun ran out of the house and left without telling Nara and Daehyun.

MEEP >< Hi fellow subscribers and readers >< i'm so so so so sorry for the very late update ): first, i was quite busy with school and secondly, i actually lost my document for this chapter and i can't find it. it was fully wriitten >< pabo me T.T it's not silmilar already now T.T /cries han river/ i'll try to think of a better plot next chapter, ne? thank you for your patience. i love you guys a lot xx do comment and leave some suggestions or anything xp bye~ i'll try to update again soon :*

look at grumpy daehyun HAHAHAH XP

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its finally weekends ! gonna update my story soon alright ! ^^


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Chapter 19: stupid Nara being stupid why do you have to lie but wait if she didn't then what are conflicts im stories right? XD author-nim, HWAITING :-* and you better get rid of that Juhyun girl soon i don't care eh eh eh ㅋㅋㅋㅋ /fist pump in the air/
0.0 this is amazing. Good Job! Although i love Jongup, this is awesome. I almost raged when i found out that Jongup was helping Hara. Ugh, the feels. Finally, DaeNa is here!!
Chapter 16: I KNEW IT I KNEW IT I KNEW IT. But Nara-ah, you're one asdfghjkl stooopid girl ya na mean. She should at least be fair & think about dae's feelings. Gwenchana~ dae oppa, it's okay.. You still have me. ㅋㅋㅋㅋ xD author-nim fighting!!