Chapter 16

You are my only love, oppa



‘So she really accepted the proposal for the arrange marriage? Daebak … What happened to that Jongup guy then?’ Yongguk asked curiously.

Daehyun heaved a heavy sigh before answering Yongguk. ‘Well, she still loves him. I guess I’m going to get hurt, hyung. Without realising, tears were trickling down his cheeks.


‘Why … Why did you accept my Omma’s proposal? You could just reject it and admit that you have a boyfriend. Why do you have to make things complicated Nara-ah?’ Daehyun asked, totally confused by the decision that girl made moments ago. Daehyun knew that the girl is in love with Jongup and she should have rejected his Omma proposal but why did she decide to accept it and hurt him without her realising it?

‘I … I’m really sorry Daehyun oppa. I … don’t want to hurt our parents’ feelings. They look like they really want us to be together. I don’t want to make them sad or crash their hope to see us ‘together’. I know it’s wrong for me to accept the proposal just because I don’t want to hurt them … but if that’s the only things that can make the both of them happy then I think I should accept it. Let’s just pretend to be in love right in front of them, ne? You know whom I really love right? I promise you that I will fix things right in the time to come. We’ll just go on with the flow first. Ne, oppa? But please … I really hope other’s won’t find out about us. Let this be our little secret.’ Nara pleaded. To be honest, she was not in the right state of mind when she accepted the proposal but she can’t do anything about it already.

‘But you will hurt me, Nara-ah… You will make me fall in love deeply with you if we pretended to be a couple….’ Daehyun thought to himself as he slowly nodded his head.

*End of flashback*

‘I need advice ... I need advice …’ Daehyun thought to himself. He then turn to his laptop and began to pour out his feelings to the person he always turn to, his love guru or known as KN.

Annyeong, KN-ssi … I’m back for help. Well, what should I do, KN-ssi? I’m so confused. Right now, our parents set up an arrange marriage for us because she turn out to be somebody I knew quite a long time ago and my mother really like her ... If she doesn’t like or love me, why does she have to accept it? Doesn’t she know that she is actually hurting me even though she said she doesn’t want to hurt our parent’s feelings or even crash their hopes of seeing us together? Then what will her boyfriend think of this mess? Please give me some advices. To be honest, I’m more than happy to see that we’re getting engaged or maybe even married but knowing that we will be tying a knot with her having feelings for another man really hurts me… Jebal help me get out of this situation…


Daehyun buried his face on his hands and sigh loudly attracting Zelo’s attention.

‘Hyung! Are you alright? You seemed trouble. Do you have any problem? You can share with me …’ Zelo seemed hesitant to ask, afraid that his 19 years old hyung might scold him for being a busybody.

Daehyun looked at him and gave him a smile. ‘It’s nothing Zelo. I’m just tired I guess. So I’m okay.’

‘Are you sure, hyung? You’re definitely not okay … Come on, pour it all out. I’m willing to listen. Is it about Nara noona? It must be about her right …?’ Zelo raised his brows.

Daehyun rested his forehead on his fingertips, gathering his thoughts. It was quite difficult for him to tell his feelings or problems to any of s.

‘Nothing much Zelo. Can you leave me awhile? I want to be alone.’ Zelo nodded and left the room immediately.


Early in the morning, Daehyun and Nara went to school together. It was sure awkward between the both of them after she accepted Mrs Jung proposal.

‘So yeah, how’s your day yesterday?’ Nara broke the silence between the both of them.

‘Well, not quite okay. I’m actually confused. Nara-ah I’m really sorry to ask this but don’t you even have a tinge of feelings towards me? I mean like I’ve been thinking … if you don’t have the slightest feeling for me, you won’t accept Omma’s proposal to get married with me right? I …. I don’t know Nara-ah … I’m just bothered by all this …’ Daehyun sighed rolling his eyes upwards.

‘Oppa, I’ve already told you … I accepted all this only because of our parents. I really don’t have any feelings for you. I treat you as my Oppa. ONLY an Oppa. Please don’t get it all wrong. I don’t want to give you any hopes or anything Oppa. I’m really sorry if I left you in that kind of situation. I don’t intent to. I know you have feelings for me but Oppa, jebal … I already have Jongup … I hope I answered your question …’ Nara bit her lower lip. She actually felt guilty towards Daehyun.

‘But … Can I try to make you fall for me Nara-ah? I mean like, I can try my very best to make you fall for me and most probably we don’t have to cancel the engagement thing and proceed with the wedding? That will make everyone happy right?’ Daehyun turned her body to make her look at him straight in the eyes.

Nara’s heart beats rapidly. ‘Oppa please stop all this. Do whatever you want. But bear in mind, Jongup is still the one I love.’ Nara released herself from Daehyun’s grip and walk away quickly, leaving Daehyun behind.


‘So what’s this rumour I heard about you and Daehyun? Is it true?’ Jongup asked while feeding rice inside his mouth.

Nara choked and quickly gulped down some water. She shook her head repeatedly. ‘What? Of course NO! Where did you hear that from? Don’t believe it. It’s not true!’ Nara lied glibly.

‘Well, the whole school has been talking about it. Hara told us about it. Nara-ah is it true? I have a feeling that it’s really true.’ Jongup asked once again, trying to confirm whether the rumour was true or not.

‘Jongup, I’m your girlfriend. Obviously it’s not true. Please don’t believe anyone else except for me…’ She stuttered.

‘Alright. I shall believe you. Quickly eat your lunch. Lesson is going to start soon.’ Nara keeps on giving glances at Jongup. She felt bad lying to him but she had no choice. She really do not want others to know about this thing because she knew that the engagement is going to be temporary only. She’s going to call of the engagement at the right time.


Nara was walking toward her locker when she suddenly trip onto someone’s leg and fell. She looked up and saw Hara’s smirking at her.

‘Oh look at the girl who got engaged with other guy even though she has Jongup. What a …’ Hara raised her voice, gaining people’s attention.

‘What are you talking about? Stop it.’ Nara grab on to Hara’s leg pleading her.

‘Why should I? Isn’t that the truth Nara-ssi?’ Hara Nara’s hair and grin evilly.

‘Stop this nonsense woman. What are you talking about? Why do you have to disturb her? Oh … I see. I bet you don’t have a life. Or maybe you’re just jealous that there’s this rumour going on about her with other guys. You wished that it was actually you right because you want to be associated with other guys in this school. Or … maybe you’re just trying to get Jongup back. Oh my, too bad then. I don’t think all the guys wants a low woman like you. I suggest you should mend your ways first or even fetch some life first, ne?’ Daehyun coolly walk away while pulling Nara to follow her, leaving Hara all angry for his words.

‘Are you alright?’ Daehyun asked in concern. He took a look at the wounds at Nara’s knees. ‘Is that painful?’ He asked once again.

Nara shook her head. ‘It’s ok. I’m fine. Well, I need to go back to class for lesson …’ Nara hung her head low. She didn’t dare to face that guy yet.

‘Alright then. Let me send you to your class first.’ Daehyun hold Nara’s arm, supporting her while they walk towards her class.

After sending Nara, Daehyun walk towards the rooftop to get some fresh air before proceeding to his class. To his surprise, he saw two familiar faces that disgusted him when he peeked inside the opened door. He was about to walk away but immediately stopped when he heard what the both of them was talking about. Daehyun was not entirely impressed with what those two just said. All of a sudden, howls of outrage erupted and his fist came thundering down the rooftop door. He pushed the door opened and came to confront the two.


‘Eo? You’re home Nara-ah?’ Her Omma asked. She slowly nod her head. She wasn’t in the mood to talk to anyone at that point of time because she was upset that Jongup didn’t come to meet her when he was supposed to.

‘Omma who’s luggage is this? Who is moving in with us?’ Nara widened her eyes when she saw the luggage outside her room. Her Omma only gave her a smile.

‘Well, nobody is moving in. You’re moving out!’ Her Omma replied happily.

‘WHAT? WHERE AM I MOVING TO? DON’T YOU WANT ME ANYMORE?’ Nara raised her voice accidentally.

‘Mrs Jung and I decided to let you and Daehyun live together! So I’m going to send you there now! Come on!’ Mrs Kim pulled Nara in the car. Nara smiled bleakly but uttered not a word during the way to the house.

‘Well, hope you guys get to know each other well. You must adapt to living together with him, ne? Hwaiting Kim Nara!’ Mrs Kim winked at her as she went out of the car.

‘Why did I get myself in this situation …’ Nara thought to herself. She was devastated.

Nara entered the 2-level apartment and saw Daehyun who was already there watching the television.

‘Eo? You’re here already? Go and wash up. We shall sit down and discuss some house rule together later on…’ Nara ignored him and surveyed the whole house. ‘You’re room is on the first level, right beside the toilet. I’ll be sleeping on the second floor to prevent anything from happening.’ Daehyun continued before Nara even asked him about her room.

Nara looked at him again and gave a faint smile before heading towards her room to wash up.


‘Annyeong Jongup-ah … What’s up? Why didn’t you reply my text? Why didn’t you meet me after school just now? I missed you…’ Nara pour out her feelings. She really missed that guy because they met only for a while and he was nowhere to be found in school after their lunch.

‘Hi … Nara-ah … I don’t know how to start all this but … Let’s break up. I’m sorry …’ Jongup let out an audible sigh.

‘WHAT? Why are you breaking up with me out of a sudden? What did I do? Jongup-ah, don’t do this to me. Don’t leave me. You know you’re the only one whom I love…’ Nara wilted as the words sank in. She was speechless. She didn’t expect this day to come that fast.

‘Well, try asking your beloved fiancé … He asked me to leave you. Besides, you are already engaged to him so I see no reason why I should be the third party right? And I heard you were the one who actually accepted this thing so, yeah let’s break up.’ His voice was subtle but firm.

‘Jongup, you misunderstood things. LET ME EXPLAIN!’ Jongup words rendered Nara totally speechless and left her trembling.

‘Sorry Nara. It’s over between us. Bye.’ Nara broke down hearing those two words. She shook her head doubtfully, thinking all of this might only be a bad dream.

‘NO! JONGUP! HELLO? Daehyun where are you? Come down now!’ She wore a defiant face on her face. She was completely angry towards Daehyun at that point of time and she could not contain her rage at all.

‘Yah what’s wrong with you? Why are you shouting? It’s already late at night. Calm down.’ Daehyun who was half asleep went down the stairs. He was about to sleep actually but quickly rush down when he heard Nara shouting for him.

‘NOW ANSWER ME! Why do you have to ask Jongup to leave me? Why? You know I don’t love you and I only love Jongup… Why do you have to ruin and destroy our relationship? I’ve already told you we can’t be together even though we are engaged. Why can’t you bloody understand that Jung Daehyun?!’ She asked petulantly.

‘What are you talking about? I don’t get you …’ Daehyun scratched his head.

Don’t lie to me Jung Daehyun! Jongup said you met him and asked him to leave me. Why did you do that?’ She could not hide her anger and continue shouting.

Daehyun mind automatically flashed back to what happened at the school rooftop during that afternoon.


‘Can we just stop doing this Hara? I really don’t want to hurt her already. Enough of me making her have the mind-set that I really love her when I don’t. I only treat her as a best friend Hara-ah. Can we please stop all this? Please?’ Jongup pleaded.

‘Jongup-ah. This is really nothing compared to what she did to me. I promise you we will stop all this soon but not now, ne?’ Hara insisted. She really wants to make Nara suffer badly before she end all this. She knew Nara really loved Jongup and asked Jongup to put on an act for her. After Nara completely fall in love with Jongup, she will asked Jongup to leave Nara and come back to her.

‘Just why do you have to do all this to her Hara-ah. Can you please just cancel of this stupid plan of yours? I don’t want to see her hurt already. Please! I really beg you.’ Jongup kneeled down on the floor.

‘YAH! Stand up! Why do you care so much about her? Why? Do you love her? Who’s your real girlfriend now Moon Jongup?’ Hara face grew tight and bitter.

Before Jongup could even answer Hara’s question, a massive weight crashed onto his chest. He fell sideways, landing heavily on one side of his shoulders.

‘What’s wrong with you?!’ Hara widened her eyes as she helped Jongup up.

‘Don’t you dare hurt Nara! Leave her immediately. I knew right from the start you’re not being serious with her. Last warning Moon Jongup! Don’t disturb her anymore. If you continue to be near her, I will not hesitate to kill you!’

*End of flashback*

‘But Nara-ah he …’

Nara fell down on the floor, crying. ‘I really can’t take it anymore. I really regret all this things. I wish I didn’t accept your Omma’s proposal. I wish I didn’t get engaged to you Jung Daehyun …’

Daehyun chest heaved and fell with each breath he took. He was really hurt at those words Nara said to him. ‘It’s enough. I’ve had enough! I promise to let you go soon Nara-ah...I know it’s you who accepted my Omma’s proposal but I promise to let you go and be happy with the one you love no matter how big my love for you is. I’m really sorry to make you feel miserable. I’m really sorry being the third party in your relationship and I’m truly sorry for ruining your relationship. I’ll call my Omma tomorrow morning and said i want to call of this things. I’ll leave. Be happy …’ Daehyun sobbed as he head back to his room. Tears were trickling down his cheek. He was really hurt.


YAY! an update!

Well I was quite busy on the weekdays (school was quite hectic ..bleah) and can only afford to update today ...

So, here is a not so long update for you guys! i think it's kinda messed up chapter. Do comment and tell me if this chapter is kinda confusing or something... i'll try to review it again and mend it.

i'm really sorry fellow subscribers and reader. See you at the next chapter.

Most probably i'll update on a weekday cos I'm going for vacation next weekends! See you guys soon alright^^


Much lovee <3


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its finally weekends ! gonna update my story soon alright ! ^^


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Chapter 19: stupid Nara being stupid why do you have to lie but wait if she didn't then what are conflicts im stories right? XD author-nim, HWAITING :-* and you better get rid of that Juhyun girl soon i don't care eh eh eh ㅋㅋㅋㅋ /fist pump in the air/
0.0 this is amazing. Good Job! Although i love Jongup, this is awesome. I almost raged when i found out that Jongup was helping Hara. Ugh, the feels. Finally, DaeNa is here!!
Chapter 16: I KNEW IT I KNEW IT I KNEW IT. But Nara-ah, you're one asdfghjkl stooopid girl ya na mean. She should at least be fair & think about dae's feelings. Gwenchana~ dae oppa, it's okay.. You still have me. ㅋㅋㅋㅋ xD author-nim fighting!!