Chapter 1

You are my only love, oppa


‘Yah, why are you crying? Stop it! Jongup will never notice you Nara-ah. He has a girlfriend already. Move on. I don’t get you! You’re good at giving other people advices, even your enemy for goodness sake ... but you can’t even apply all that advices to yourself when you needed one,’ Dan-bi tried to comfort her best friend and scold her at the same time for crying over Jongup, who have been rejecting her again and got himself a girlfriend recently named Hara, Nara’s enemy.




Nara wiped her tears. She can’t help it but to remember those hurtful words Jongup threw at her when she confessed her feelings towards him for the second time. She thought Jongup will accept her by the way he treated her but she didn’t imagine that not only he rejected her with insulting words to hurt her, but he also kissed his new girlfriend in front of Nara to make her stay away from him. But what hurts her most is that Jongup was her best friend. Yes. Jongup, Nara and Dan-bi are best friends for almost a year already. But their friendship became dull since Jongup confessed his feelings towards Hara. Hara, being the most popular and pretty girl, asked Jongup to stay away from Nara and Dan-bi because he did not want Jongup to be close with any other girls if he wants to be with her. Hara do have feelings for Jongup but instead of treating him like a boyfriend, she treats Jongup more like a slave and orders him around every time. Even so, Jongup is still faithful towards her and never left her. They have been dating for almost a month now and recently declared as official couple.




‘Dan-bi ah, I promise I won’t shed anymore tears for Jongup after this. This will be the last time okay?’ Nara walked towards her best friend, hugged her tightly and buries her face on Dan-bi’s shoulder.




What Dan-bi said was true. She’s a love guru who has been giving heartbroken people advices on how to move on from all this hurtful love life. Yet she can’t even apply any of the advices she gave to other people. From that moment onwards, she is determined to forget about her feelings towards Jongup and just focus on her studies. It’s the best way she can think of right now. She can’t continue liking Jongup after what he said and did to her.




‘So what is going to happen next? Are you going to shut down your website where you have been giving advices on love since you’re ...’ Dan-bi stopped her sentence.




‘Rejected? Haha ... No. I’m still going to give people advices and be a helpful love guru. I’m going to help this people be strong and prevent them from suffering anymore heartbrokens. Hehe ...’ Nara continued.




‘I was going to say fail on love life. Haha ... I’m just kidding. That’s my best friend. Nara-ah all your advices are really good. Never stop giving people advices on love araso? I really love all your advices. I still remember the advices you gave me when I broke up with my boyfriend last month. You’re the reason why I moved on fast. But I just don’t understand, why didn’t you reveal your identity as the love guru who people have been talking about in the school? I’m sure you will get different kind of treatment compared to now. Right now, a lot of people disliked you because of Hara. But from what I know, you’ve been giving love advices to a lot of people in the school and they’re very grateful to you because you’ve saved their lives. Too bad they didn’t know your real identity,’ Dan-bi pulled away from the hug.




‘Not now Dan-bi-ah. I don’t want to be exposed. Let me keep this identity for a while more. If it’s the right time, I promise to reveal my identity. Just let me continue being people’s unknown love guru for a little longer alright?’ Nara winked, making her best friend smile.




The school bell then rang. They returned to their classroom for their last lesson, Mathematics. Nara completely forgotten that Jongup sat beside her during Mathematics lessons. ‘Aigoo, how can I completely forget that Jongup sits beside me during Mathematics lesson? How am I going to face him later? Dan-bi-ah save me!’ Nara thought to herself while walking to her class. Without noticing she accidently bumped into a guy outside her classroom.




‘Oh my goodness! I’m so sorry. Mian-he,’ Nara hang her head down, feeling guilty. She picks up the boy’s book that fell on the floor after apologising for quite a number of times. To her dismay, she saw Jongup’s name written on the book. She looked up and saw Jongup smiling at her. She frowned, gave the book to Jongup and entered the classroom, leaving Jongup standing outside the classroom.




Jongup was shocked to see that from Nara. She didn’t expect Nara to behave that way. He thought Nara would understand why he reacted that way whenever he is with Hara. He quickly entered the classroom and rushed to his seat. He didn’t want to lose a best friend like Nara. She is one of his best friends that understand him the most besides Dan-bi.




‘Nara-ah, are you mad at me? Look, I didn’t mean to hurt you but you know how much Hara mean so much to me. I can’t lose her and about me rejecting you … You know that I’ve once said that I only see you as a best friend and a sister. Not more than that and since then, I thought you would move on and look for other better guys besides me. I’m really sorry Nara-ah. Please don’t do this to me. You know I love you very much as a best friend,’ Jongup explained everything. Yet, Nara was busy reading her book. She could not be bothered by Jongup anymore.




‘Nara-ah please listen to me. Don’t ignore me ... Jebal,’ Jongup continue to beg her but Nara is still minding her own business until the teacher comes in.




‘Good Afternoon class, today we are going to do pair work to solve the questions in your activity book. Turn to page 56 of you activity book. Complete all the 18 questions in one hour. We will discuss as a class 30 minutes before the class end. Please discuss well with your partner because the pair who is unable to solve the question I assigned to them will be punished. Please start now. Good Luck!’ Mr Lee, their Mathematics teacher explained before leaving the class to attend to some problem.




‘Nara-ah are you still going to ignore me? You want to be punished? Don’t you love me? You know I’m weak in this subject and you don’t want to help me. We are definitely going to be punished,’ Jongup smirks to annoy Nara.




‘Yah Moon Jongup, just do your own work and don’t disturb me can? You are so annoying. The entire questions are so easy. You can solve it on your own!’ Nara scolded him because he was so annoying and that was the first time Jongup ever annoyed her.




‘Hehe … Finally you said something. Araso, continue with your work,’ Jongup ruffles Nara’s hair.




An hour later, Mr Lee came back and asked each pair to answer the question he asked. All the 17 pairs answered the questions well. The last pair to solve the question was Jongup and Nara.




‘Okay. Jongup and Nara, it’s your turn. How do we solve question 18?’ Mr Lee asked them.




Nara answered the first half of the solution well. When it’s Jongup’s turn he failed to answer it correctly. ‘Jongup and Nara, clean the classroom after this. Alright class, you are dismissed. Remember to study for your surprise test on Monday. See you tomorrow. Thank You,’ Mr Lee left the classroom. Nara turned to face Jongup and she gave him a glare.




‘YAH MOON JONGUP I REALLY HATE YOU FOR DOING THIS TO ME!’ Nara shouted at Jongup, making the whole class stare at them. Jongup only gave an angelic smile to everyone, even Nara, making her more pissed.




In the middle of the punishment, Jongup walked to Nara who is arranging the messy tables. He slipped a piece of paper on Nara’s pocket. Nara took it out and read the content of the paper.




Isn’t it great to be able to spend time with me after quite some time? I am always with Hara and it can be quite boring some time. I purposely did this to spend some time with my best friend. Please talk to me Nara-ah. Jebal :(





Nara looked at Jongup. He was pouting to Nara. He badly wants to talk to Nara. He can’t deny that he really missed his best friend. He spent his time mostly with Hara and he gets quite bored. Not that he don’t like to spend time with Hara but he needs to spend time with his best friends too. He doesn’t understand why Hara didn’t let him be close to Nara and Dan-bi. They are only best friends but Hara is unable to understand it at all.





‘YAH MOON JONGUP WHAT DO YOU MEAN THAT YOU PURPOSELY DO THIS?! HOW DARE YOU!’ Nara once again gave him a hard glare and ran towards Jongup to give him a hard beating.




Jongup ran to the other side, to make it hard for Nara to catch him. They both were so happy that their friendship is getting better after just now.




‘Catch me if you can!’ Jongup rolled his tongue out towards Nara.




Nara does not want to be defeated and ran as fast as she could towards Jongup. ‘YOU BETTER COME HERE YOU PIG!’ Nara shouted from across the class. She’s finally near Jongup but her unfortunately, she tripped and fell. Jongup quickly ran towards her to save her. Nara fell on top of Jongup’s body.




Nara and Jongup stare into each other eyes. Nara’s heart beat rapidly. She was blushing when she looked Jongup directly in his eyes. She can’t deny that she really love what was going on and she really hoped that the time will stop so they could remain that way for a longer period of time.




‘OH MY GOODNESS! What are you thinking Kim Nara. He is only your best friend. He has a girlfriend, idiot!’ Nara reminded herself.




Actually, Jongup felt the same way too. His heart beats rapidly. He can’t deny that on the angle he is looking at Nara, she really looked beautiful. What is he thinking actually? Without realising, Jongup touched Nara’s cheek. He cupped her cheeks and gave a light peck on Nara’s soft lips.




‘Moon Jongup, what are you doing? Are you cheating on me?’ Hara who have been observing them for quite some time came in the classroom and pull Nara away from Jongup. She stared at Nara and gave her a tight slap on her left cheek. ‘Wow not bad. You’re such a stealing other’s boyfriend,’ Hara continued.




‘Hara, stop it. Don’t call her a . I’m the one who started all of this. I’m sorry,’ Jongup pulled Hara away from Nara.




‘So, are you defending her now Moon Jongup? Who is your girlfriend right now? Is it me or … this ? If you choose her, we are so over right now,’ Hara threatened Jongup.




‘Of course you’re my girlfriend. Stop it already. Let’s go home now. I will send you home,’ Jongup took his bag and looked at Nara. He whispered into Nara’s ear ‘I will text you later. I’m sorry.’ He then took Hara’s hand and left the classroom.




‘Don’t you dare come near my boyfriend ever again,’ Hara said to Nara before following Jongup.




Nara was so shocked. Not because of Hara just slapped her but because Jongup gave her a peck on her lips just now. She really cannot contain her excitement. She then took her bag and walked home happily. ‘Am I dreaming?’ She thought to herself while smiling.

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its finally weekends ! gonna update my story soon alright ! ^^


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Chapter 19: stupid Nara being stupid why do you have to lie but wait if she didn't then what are conflicts im stories right? XD author-nim, HWAITING :-* and you better get rid of that Juhyun girl soon i don't care eh eh eh ㅋㅋㅋㅋ /fist pump in the air/
0.0 this is amazing. Good Job! Although i love Jongup, this is awesome. I almost raged when i found out that Jongup was helping Hara. Ugh, the feels. Finally, DaeNa is here!!
Chapter 16: I KNEW IT I KNEW IT I KNEW IT. But Nara-ah, you're one asdfghjkl stooopid girl ya na mean. She should at least be fair & think about dae's feelings. Gwenchana~ dae oppa, it's okay.. You still have me. ㅋㅋㅋㅋ xD author-nim fighting!!