Full House

It's you~
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[Your POV]

It’s already just past mid-2010, and Teen Top and Infinite’s is gaining popularity fast. I’m happy they are, I knew they would. After their songs ended, I quickly got ready to hand the boys their water bottles. They all came rushing in. “Good job, everyone!” I smiled happily at their efforts. I was wondering why two different bands from different companies share the same dressing room, where as everyone else has their own?

I handed L.Joe Oppa his water, “Thanks," he smiled crookedly. One thing’s for sure, I can never stop blushing when I see his crooked smile; thankfully the stadium was still dark getting ready to set up the next performance. It’s not that I like him, which I don’t, I’m still slightly afraid of men, but L.Joe, he seems different. I’m glad I’m his roommate. He’s like a big brother to me like the rest of the members. I got a towel and began patting his forehead dry.

“Better?” I asked.

“Yeah, ~~~~~. Thanks.” He grinned as he went off to change his outfit. It was a little over midnight, and all of us were heading home to great ready for another concert. Everyone looked worn out, but was still talking about how their fans cheered them on brought up their energy. I laughed and liked how everyone admired their fan’s support. I looked over at L.Joe and saw he was falling asleep. He was too tired, that his head slipped onto my left shoulder. I looked at him, unable to do anything but just sit and let him rest. The others were too busy talking lazily how well they did, and then I looked over to my right to see L Oppa on my other shoulder. I looked down with my hands on my knees trying my best to calm my heart down. I was able to calm down, but instead of staying awake, I began to doze off. Last thing I heard was, “Look, L.Joe and Myungsoo are sleeping on ~~~~~’s shoulders. Let’s take pictures before they wake up!” 

[L.Joe's POV]

I woke up from a flash, and lifted my head up from my comfortable spot; I looked down and realized I slept on ~~~~~’s shoulder. I looked over her to see Myungsoo Hyung laying his head on her other shoulder. I lightly pushed his head off of her shoulder, and he woke up not realizing what had just happened.

“Oh, seems L.Joe is jealous.” Woohyun slurred as he was looking at his camera, smiling smugly at the picture he had just taken.

“Hyung erase it, I’m too tired to fight you for it.” I mumbled, placing ~~~~~ on my shoulder instead.

“Yah, I know you want this picture. We took it just for you!” Changjo  said, acted as if he was deeply hurt. Myungsoo Hyung looked over at me, but I ignored his stare and looked out the window.

“Whatever.” Finally we arrived in front of our humble abode.

“~~~~~-ah,” I whispered slightly in her ear. She mumbled a little. After having her as a roommate for a few months, I realized she sometimes talks in her sleep. It’s rude, but I often listen to her talk about random things, like how she misses her Umma, how she was confused as to why she dated that jerk in America, and if she’ll ever feel safe again. I could tell that she wants to cry so much, even though all those things that happened are far gone as she started her new life here with us.

“~~~~~-ah, wake up we’re home.”

“Hm?” Rubbing the sleep in her eyes, “Okay..” As she stumbled out of the van, she ran to the elevator to get home quickly so she could use the bathroom first.

“No way, ~~~~~! I’m going to use the bathroom first!" Chunji Hyung shouted as he ran to catch up to her. I can hear her shriek as she runs then begins to laugh as she desperately tries to close the elevator, but all else fails, Chunji Hyung got in and the two went up first.

“Do you like ~~~~~?” Myungsoo Hyung asked out of the blue. He was staring hard at the ground as we made our way to the complex.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” I said while smiling.

“Then it won’t be a problem for me asking her out?” He walked past by me as I stopped smiling. ‘What was that?’ I stopped in my tracks, and looked hard at his back. I felt like he COULD take her away from me. What if she wants to move into Myungsoo Hyung’s room instead if he does make her fall in love with him? ‘There’s no way I could let that happen..’ I went up to the elevator to find Myungsoo Hyung there by himself. ‘Does he still want to talk?’ I looked up as the lights on the numbers above the elevator begin to move.

“So what if I do like her?” I casually brought up, not wanting to give up ~~~~~. He looked at me from the corner of his eyes, smirking, “I’d try and snatch her away from you.”

“Ding.” We both entered the elevator. His floor with some of the other members was one below ours, “You wouldn’t, and we’re all friends here. Remember?” I tried smiling; my tolerance is near its limit.

“It doesn’t seem like you remember, I’m confident you like her,” he paused, “I’ll be honest, I do like her.”

"What happened when ~~~~~ and I were making breakfast, was a lie too. I h

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wow good fic !!
Chapter 30: amazing ending!!!
Phi_Phi #3
Chapter 30: omfg that was amazing c':
I'm so glad I found this fic ~
ito #4
nocchidesu #5
congrats ^^
huehuehue #7
congrats! ^^
god l is so cute <3
elliptical #9
Congrats on the feature!
LikaDelson #10
Congrats ^^