
It's you~
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[L.Joe's POV]

Just two more weeks until its ~~~~~’s birthday, it’s November 15 to be exact. I manage to get all of us to work on something special for ~~~~~’s birthday. Woohyun hyung, Myungsoo Hyung, and Sungyu Hyung will be making the food for her birthday surprise; Songjong, Neil , and Hoya Hyung will be decorating ~~~~~’s birthday bash; CHunji Hyung, Ricky, and Changjo will be gathering money from everyone to buy presents for ~~~~~; Dongwoo Hyung and Sungyeol Hyung will be distracting ~~~~~ when her birthday comes, for now they’ll help everyone out. Thankful that everyone’s putting an effort for ~~~~~’s birthday, I wanted to focus on MY special present for ~~~~~. We’ve thrown birthday parties for everyone, but this birthday seemed extra special, like mine was this year since the two of us are together. I started lighting napkins on fire to try and perfect my surprise. Chunji Hyung noticed me on the balcony and walked over,

“What’re you doing?”

“Trying to perfect my special surprise for ~~~~~,” I said as I looked up at him.

“Ah, that,” Chunji Hyung nodded approvingly.

“Why’re you doing that?” Shungji pointed out.

“Well, I got her this necklace for last Christmas, but after that incident I wasn’t able to give it to her.” I said looking up at him with a regretful smile. He patted my back, “L.Joe-ah, you should add something to the necklace since you two are now together. If you had given her the necklace on Christmas, it would only have represented you two’s friendship.”

He was right; I needed something that could prove our love was forever everlasting. ‘That’s it!’ I thought.

“Want to go shopping with me?” I asked Chunji with a grin. He looked at me inquiringly, but quickly understood what I thought.

“Sure,” he smirked, “You need my help, what if you picked something hideous, eh?” I furrowed my brows at him, “I’ll never get ~~~~~ anything hideous!”

“Come on, lover boy. Let’s get going before the store closes,” he gestured as he chuckled. Hurriedly, I got up to grab my disguise and my wallet.

[Myungsoo's POV]

While I was with Woohyun Hyung and Sunggyu Hyung, being taught how to bake a decorous cake by a chef, my thoughts roamed to ~~~~~. I’ve realized I felt stupid for coming between L.Joe and ~~~~~. She seems a lot happier with him, and if she’s happy, then I should be happy, right? I still love her, but somehow that love shifted to more of a sibling love. I don’t know how or when it happened, but I’m glad it did as I was able to relieve myself from worrying the possibility of what I

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wow good fic !!
Chapter 30: amazing ending!!!
Phi_Phi #3
Chapter 30: omfg that was amazing c':
I'm so glad I found this fic ~
ito #4
nocchidesu #5
congrats ^^
huehuehue #7
congrats! ^^
god l is so cute <3
elliptical #9
Congrats on the feature!
LikaDelson #10
Congrats ^^