Just Promise

It's you~
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[L.Joe's POV]

I came back around midnight to find myself not greeted by ~~~~~. I looked around while the others went off to do their things and noticed she was missing.

“~~~~~?” I called out in the apartment. Then I remembered what I told her. To stay here; implying that she should stay away from Myungsoo Hyung. I quickly walked out of the apartment to go the floor below me. I ran, panicking if she was already swept away from me. I banged on the door, and faced Myungsoo Hyung who greeted me pleasantly for some reason. I came in rushing to find her.

“Where’s ~~~~~?” I glanced at him slightly irritated.

“In my room,” Hyung simply said as he went to get himself a drink of water. I stood there dumbfounded and peered over to see cake on the coffee table.

“For how long?” I asked icily.

“For a while.” He replied with an amused smile. Quickly, I rushed into his room to see ~~~~~ sleeping soundly in his bed. His scent engulfing hers; carefully, but rashly, I pulled the blanket off of her and carried her in my arms. Hyung was leaning against the doorway staring at me with a smirk on his face.

“L.Joe ah, guess what I found out?” He smiled. I just stared at him as I was holding her in my arms tightly; wavering.

“~~~~~ seems to have given me a chance with her,” his eyes didn’t lie; his sneer gave him confidence.

“Bull,” I whispered as I pushed him aside, carrying ~~~~~ in my arms. When I came back to my own apartment, I laid her on my bed as I sat on the floor to stare at her face. I caressed her cheek with my hand and outlined her face with my fingers, until my fingers met her lips. Warily, I softly traced her lips once more; then I leaned in wanting to close the gaps between our faces, but stopped.

“~~~~~ seems to have given me a chance with her,” his words still in my head. I pushed myself back and got up to get some water. As I was pouring, I heard the same phrase again: “~~~~~ seems to have given me a chance with her.” The water was now overflowing in my cup. I grabbed some tissues and wiped the table; his eyes, his grin. I shook the thought away when I heard a creak. ~~~~~ came out, rubbing her eyes, “Oppa, I’m home?” I tried smiling, “Yeah,” I looked away trying to hide the slight pain in my chest. ‘It’s you. I can’t lose you.’ I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist and something warm on my back. ~~~~~’s face laying against my back as she linked her arms together to prevent me from pushing away, “Welcome home.” I can hear her smile, her scent still mixed with Myungsoo Hyung’s.

“You should go change,” I tried laughing, “You reek.” She slapped my stomach and grudgingly agreed she’d shower. We seem to be the only one’s awake, unless the others are in their rooms playing Star Craft. I sighed as I sat down at the table thinking again what Hyung had said. ‘~~~~~ wouldn’t have agreed so easily.’ I folded my hands as I thought hard. I hadn’t realized ~~~~~ came out of the bathroom until she placed her arms around me once more.

“Oppa, what are you thinking about?” She tilted her head to meet my gaze. ‘Are you s

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wow good fic !!
Chapter 30: amazing ending!!!
Phi_Phi #3
Chapter 30: omfg that was amazing c':
I'm so glad I found this fic ~
ito #4
nocchidesu #5
congrats ^^
huehuehue #7
congrats! ^^
god l is so cute <3
elliptical #9
Congrats on the feature!
LikaDelson #10
Congrats ^^