Great Man

It's you~
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[Chungji's POV]

I saw Myungsoo Hyung go into his room. ‘Is ~~~~~ in there?’ I wondered. I quietly walked over and eavesdropped, “Don’t go.” I heard Myungsoo Hyung say to ~~~~~.

“Huh?” She said. I walked away and took out my phone to call L.Joe.

“Hello? Chungji Hyung what is it?” I heard L.Joe mumbled, he must have woken up.

“Yah, L.Joe. Seems like Myungsoo Hyung wants to take advantage of ~~~~~ again. Their in his room right n-“ He hung up. I grinned as I headed for the door, knowing he’ll arrive in a few seconds. Out, he comes from...’the stairs?’ He was panting, I wanted to ask why he took the stairs and noticed he wasn’t even wearing shoes.

“Where is she?” He panted. I pointed to Hyung’s room, and he ran in. ‘Ah, love.’ I smiled to myself as I closed the door behind me to see the drama.

[Your POV]

L was coming towards me. I didn’t know what to do, I just froze. ‘L.Joe Oppa.’ I wanted to say, but the words were stuck in my throat. Then all of a sudden just when L was an inch away from my face, he was pulled back by L.Joe Oppa.

“Oppa!” I exclaimed, almost relieved he came to my rescue.

“I told you to call me if he does something,” he mumbled. Sleep was still in his eyes, and I noticed his eyes had formed dark circles. ‘Has he been lacking sleep?’

“Oppa, are you tired?” I asked ignoring the situation we were in.

“I’ve been pretty tired; couldn’t sleep as well before.” He looked away, facing L who was beside him. I was sitting there awkwardly for them to do something, when Chunji Oppa came in too.

“Wow, what a show,” he exclaimed putting his arms around the both of them.

“~~~~~ go get some drinks L.Joe came running in panting so he’s probably thirsty!” I nodded, noticing L.Joe was slightly red when Chunji mentioned that, and went off to get drinks. 

[L.Joe's POV]

“What do you think you were doing to ~~~~~?” I said through my teeth. He looked away indifferently, “Nothing.” Chunji Hyung left us to discuss and went off to see ~~~~~, closing the door behind us.

“You said you’d snatch her away, but I don’t think it’s working, Hyung.” I glared.

“You think she’ll fall for you?” Arguing back at me, I grabbed his collar and pushed him into a wall.

“If you ever do that to her again, if I ever see one drop of tear from her eyes, I’ll kill you.” I threatened sharply. His expression unfazed, pushing me back as he walked out of the room. I sighed and sat on his bed trying to calm down. I took notice of Bada on my leg and picked her up. ‘Did you protect ~~~~~ for me?’ Bada began wagging her tail vigorously like she was trying to say yes.

“Good girl.” I smiled and began petting her. ‘That was close.’ ~~~~~ came in with a cup of water.

“Oppa, are you okay? I heard a thud in the room.” I looked up to see her worried eyes on me again. ‘Does she really not know what she’s doing to me?’ I grabbed the drink from her hands, which I presumed were shaking because I could hear the ices hitting against the glass.

“I’m fine. How about you? You seem shaken up.” I drank the whole thing, after putting Bada down. She was holding onto her hands trying to stop them from trembling. I put the cup down and grabbed her hands, trying to calm her down.

“Calm down. He wasn’t going to do anything anyways if that’s what you were thinking.” I felt her tense up, but slowly relax as her hand stopped trembling, and she slowly breathed.

“Better?” I looked up. She looked away and nodded furiously. I let go and smiled as I got up.

“Today I get to spend the whole day with you.” I declared. She looked up at me surprised.

“But, aren’t you supposed to go and get ready to plan Annie’s and Ellie’s goodbye?” She asked, slightly confused.

“I already made letters for them to read, and C.A.P hyung said I can take off.” I grinned, as I saw her smile again.

“Shall we go somewhere?” She pondered a little.

“Take me wherever you like to take me.” She giggled.

“I’ll wait for you to get changed, and then we’ll head back upstairs so I could get changed.” I beamed. She nodded as I left the room. Chunji Hyung was sitting on the couch with Myungsoo Hyung blankly watching the television.

“So why did you use the stairs? We have elevators you know.” Chunji curiously asked. I looked over at him and said, “The elevator wouldn’t budge, so I just used the stairs, you’re only a floor below us, Hyung.” He continued smiling and went back to watching some television show. I glowered angrily at Myungsoo who just ignored my presence. I looked forward as I said, “Remember what I said.” He just continued looking at the television. ~~~~~ came out, and said she was ready to go. We then bid our goodbyes and went upstairs to get myself changed. After I was done changing we headed out, “Ah, where shall I take you?” I put on my cap and shades to hide my identity; it was broad daylight.

“How about some breakfast? I’m hungry.” ~~~~~ groaned cutely. I laughed and agreed; I just realized I was starving myself. I was about to lend her my hand, when I forgot I wasn’t supposed to and she almost was taken advantage of, so I pulled back. Just as I was about to, I felt a hand grab mine. I looked down to notice it was ~~~~~’s. I looked up, but it seems she’s trying to act casual about it. She looked at me curiously, “Aren’t you going to lead?”

I stared at her dumbfounded, but laughed as I pulled her along with me. It felt nice having her hand in mine, even if they are sweating in the hot summer. We walked and walked, until finally I arrived at a restaurant I knew that had some Western food. We arrived and were seated in a secluded area. I just ordered my ‘usual’ and ~~~~~ ordered some pancakes with orange juice. I placed my elbows on the table and laid my head on my hands and just stared at her as she was sipping her water.

‘When will she be able to love again?’ I wondered. She noticed me staring and smiled at me curiously, tilting it.

“What?” she smiled, laughing nervously.

“Nothing.” I said as I was forced to look away and sit back smiling.

“Did you miss me?” I asked randomly teasing her. She looked at me like she thought I was mad, and scoffed, “I think you meant to say, did YOU miss ME?” She giggled, sticking her tongue out as she crinkles her nose.

“I did.” I said. She was surprised I answered, as she slowly stopped laughing.

“Really?” I nodded taking a sip of my water. We stared into each other’s eyes, wanting to know what we were thinking about one another until our food arrived, we hurriedly ate because we were starving. As I was eating my eggs, I noticed ~~~~~ was pouring a lot of syrup on her pancakes, more than it needed. So I stopped her. She looked up and noticed she overflowed her pancakes with syrup. “Ah!” She said looking sadly at her pancakes.

“It’s alright,” I chuckled, “It just might be too sweet to eat though.” She pouted, but began eating anyways. We laughed and began talking about random things that happened the past three months.

“Have you and Myungsoo Hyung been close lately?” I asked as I was cutting my sausages. She was silent again, swirling her pancakes with the syrup.

“I guess you coul

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wow good fic !!
Chapter 30: amazing ending!!!
Phi_Phi #3
Chapter 30: omfg that was amazing c':
I'm so glad I found this fic ~
ito #4
nocchidesu #5
congrats ^^
huehuehue #7
congrats! ^^
god l is so cute <3
elliptical #9
Congrats on the feature!
LikaDelson #10
Congrats ^^