Movie Night!

A Werewolf's Heart

We have decided that me, Dee and Pia should have sections where we just talk about random stuff.

That will be in the end section!

This is a special chapter because I'll be writing the first half of this chapter and Dee will be writing the second half

The fun thing about that is that we don't know what the other is writing.

And yes, to all those who guessed Sunmi's 24 Hours, I applaud you!

Narrator POV

It was morning, and yet you were still sleeping cozily with Lay still hugging you, someone had opened your door.

"Mina, wake up I brought food Kyungsoo had made and- WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO MY MINA?" Chanyeol had started. His loud shouting woke Lay up but not you, the Unicorn had glared at him.

"I wasn't doing anything, I was trying to find my way back to my room last night but the lights were turned off so I tried finding the light switch but I forgot where it was so I just went to the bedroom closest to me and it coincidentally turned out to be Mina's" he explained. Coincidence my Chanyeol thought and gritted his teeth, he growled at Lay who walked out of your bedroom to go and sleep in his bedroom. Luhan, who was already awake, walked up to the Reaction King and whined at him, "Why did all of you get to imprint on Mina so quickly?" "You're acting more childish than the maknae, hyung" Chanyeol said.

"We've gotta tell her someday" Tao said from out of nowhere "And it doesn't help that she doesn't remember us" Sehun had pointed out I wonder why though? the rest of EXO thought.

Your door had opened and out you came with bed hair, you looked at EXO and vice versa. You continued to stair at each other until you had enough and just went back to bed. EXO looked at each other and then shrugged.

Breakfast was awkward, you and EXO were eating in uncomfortable silence, well they were eating you were just poking your food. D.O looked at you and secretly fed you your food when the others weren't looking, of course there was always one member that would keep an eye on you and that was one who hasn't imprinted. You smiled at D.O as a sign of gratitude and his heart started to beat rapidly.

You went back upstairs after helping D.O with the dishes, the others were busying themselves with whatever since they had to take care of you and was granted permission out of school.

After you had taken a shower, you were drying your hair and turned around to see someone on your bed. "Sehun, what are you doing?" he looked at you and then lied down more comfortably on your bed. "Noona~" he cooed at you, Reminds me of Junhong you thought. You went over to him and patted his head "You okay?" you asked. He nodded his head cutely and gave you his eye smile. He then suddenly hugged you and you just hugged him back, I mean c'mon who can resist the adorably cute maknae of EXO? Not Mina for sure.

The door opened again, like seriously d'you know how many times that door has opened this chapter?

"If Mina gets to hug the maknae, I want in too! I'm part of the maknae line" Kai said as he went over and took Sehun's arms off you and then hugged you for himself, keeping you away from the pouting Sehun who wanted to grab you back but Kai just put you even further away Seriously, these two could not be more childish you thought. Sehun then suddenly started whining and went to Kai to try and get you back from him but Kai shook his head cutely and pouted then hugged you even more I stand corrected, these two are acting like a bunch of two year olds fighting over a toy you thought and chuckled.

Someone suddenly pulled you away from Kai and Kai had glared at the person "Mina~ Come watch a movie with me and the hyungs" Chanyeol said.

You went downstairs and sat down on the couch, Chanyeol was about to sit next to you when Luhan beat him and sat next to you whilst Baekhyun just sat down next to you not acknowledging a very annoyed giant.

"What are we watching?" you asked. "The Ring" Kris said and started laughing like a maniac, that should really be Chanyeol though..

Mina's POV

Kris put the DVD on whilst everyone else settled down in the couch, Sehun and Kai already stuffing the popcorn in their mouths from which mother D.O and Lay made. It was halfway through the movie when it was getting scary.

Narrator's POV

Then there was a part when someone screamed really loud and Mina clung onto the person on her right which was Baekhyun. Luhan saw this and started getting jealous and whispered something to Chen about scaring Baekhyun.

Mina's POV

The movie was really starting to get scarier and scarier. I really didn't like getting scared but at the same time I liked the thrill of watching horror movies so I hid my head into Bekhyun's shoulder to prepare myself for the monster which we knew was going to pop out soon.

...I waited for the louds scream...



That seemed louder than I thought wondered Mina. When I opened my eyes, there was a white sheet with someone lying under it lying on the floor, Baekhyun with his fist out and A LOT of spilled popcorn.

"OWW! Geez Baekhyun!" The white sheet turned out to be Chen who was gripping his shoulder in pain.

"Chen are you okay?" I asked worried, looking for ice.

"Yeah I'm ok" he answered.

"Oooops sorry ChenChen... BUT WHY DID YA SCARE ME?!!" yelled an obviously terrified but sorry Baekhyun.

"I was getting bored" mumbled Chen.

"Oh my god guys! Can't we just watch atleast ONE movie without anyone screaming, getting hurt or popcorn being spilled!!" D.O glared at the maknaes who were still eating popcorn from the carpet disregarding the chaos.

"Why don't we just get back to watching the movie?" I chuckled at the mad Umma whilst icing Chen's shoulder.

"Gwenchana Mina, I- AM OKAY!" Chen literally screamed out the last part because Mina had purposely pressed too hard on the bruised part.

"Just quit acting like a baby and stop moving. The faster the better" you said.

"That's what SHE said!" the two maknaes hollered at your last sentence.

"Dirty-minded much?" Xiumin said and flicked the maknae's forehead in which they just rubbed their foreheads and dind't complain.

At least they took it like a man, not like Chen who whined about it you giggled at the thought.

MEEESH IS LISTENING TO 2PM'S A.D.T.O.Y & Ailee's U&I & f(X)'s Rum Pum Pum Pum & VIXX's G.R.8.U. & 4minute's What's Your Name?

Short chapter, neh?

Well then I hope you enjoy it...

Bye bye~

I LOOOOOOOOOOOVE KATHNIEL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - Venice, another asian friend. We have so many asian friends! We're asian too!!!!!!!!!!!!!poo

MY MOTHER SAYS HI! - from Sarah, another asian friend.



HAPPY BIRTHDAY to our Honey Badger leader PIA! (Written on the 6/10) I love you! =) and i know your ultimate bias Lay's birthday will be in a couple hours so HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO HIM TOO! And btw YOU WILL LOVE ALL OF OUR LATE PRESSIES SO MUCH I KNOW YOU WILL! =D 

AYYYOOO!! How you doin'? My birthday is not today ;) ;) haha I love f(x)'s KRYSTAL TOO and OMG THE HEIRS!! WITH MINHYUK!! :P


ItsLaLaLaMC is Meeesh

itsSuperDee15 is Dee

Sonexoticaffxtion is Pia

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sabbyexotic #1
Chapter 34: Ahhh! Finally you made a decision to rewrite the story! AND YESS!!! I MISS YOUR STORY SO DAMN MUCHH! Hahahaha!! Please Update Soon!!!! :))
Chapter 34: Author-nim, i cannot open the rewritten version... What should i do?
lukaihyun #3
Chapter 33: it's up to you to rewrite or not..but the current story line is good though...will wait for your update! ^^
sabbyexotic #4
Chapter 33: I think it's up to you whether you want to rewrite the story or not. :) I thing the story now is already very good and awesome and it would be best if you could continue writing. Last but not least... Please update soon!
lucky9606 #5
Chapter 33: I think its good and doesn't need to be rewritten but if u feel u don't get the inspiration to continue this story as is then u should rewrite
ultimately it is ur choice
Chapter 33: Nooooo don’t rewrite it, maybe do it after the story’s complete, now just keep going.

Update soon!
Chapter 33: Your story is already good and I enjoy reading it even though you don't update that often^^ hehe.. So please do not rewrite the story and please just update more often ^_^! But if you still decide to rewrite the story I am also fine with that... I will still support your story because I know that your story has a good quality and I know that I won't regret reading it even though you will rewrite it :) thank you!
Sooyong #8
Chapter 33: Just keep doing how you've done authornim. I will support you in anyways!!
Chapter 33: I think your story is perfect just the way it is. Just keep doing what you do authornim~. ^u^
stephani_bap #10
Chapter 32: i already follow you. mind follback me?
thx for update~