
A Werewolf's Heart

Wassup wassup ma peeps!

Chapter 15!!!


Narrator POV

Zelo heard a knock on the door so he went to open it and was surprised to see EXO.

"We need to talk" Chanyeol said and Zelo nodded and lead him to his room.

"So, what did you want to talk about?"

"Why doesn't Mina remember us?"

"Ah. A few weeks after you guys had left when we were younger, noona got into an accident which ended up with her having amnesia"

"SHE WHAT?" they all yelled.

"Noona was hit by a drunk driver whilst she was crossing the road. She remembered everything but you guys, she had selective amnesia and I guess she 'chose' to forget you"

"Is there a chance she'll remember us?"

"Just keep doing what you're doing, you're triggering flashbacks from her childhood. By the way noona hasn't been with us for quite some time. I'm guessing she spends her time in that secret cabin in the distance." Zelo answered pointing at your location.

It's weird how Baby Jello knows all this information and he's been keeping quiet for quite some time...

As EXO was heading towards the door, Zelo said something that made them smile "Take care of her well. I trust you"



You were sittting on the window seat, a blanket covering you as you looked out and stared at the view which wasn't much. You looked at the time and decided that you should head back, you kept the blanket with you since you forgot to bring a sweater. You got a very bad headache and it felt like you would faint any minute.

As soon as you got out of the door, someone had pulled you away and covered your mouth, you suddenly felt drowsy then fell unconscious.



You woke up and found twelve pairs of eyes staring at you, deja vu much?

"What am I doing here?" you asked them tiredly, you snuggled into something and that something turned out to be Lay, you quickly stopped and distanced yourself, Lay frowned.

"Noona, you fainted after we grabbed you from the secret cabin" Tao announced.

"You're sick" D.O said as he put warm cloth over your forehead.

"Thanks but I'm going to go back to my lodge" you told them as you took off the warm cloth.

You made your way to the door but was pulled back by Xiumin.

"Stop avoiding us dammit!" he exploded and you shrunk back in fear.

"Xiumin! You're scaring her! Get out! As a matter of fact, you all get out!" Kris demanded as the others went out of your room. You were still shaking, but all Kris did was give you a kiss on the forehead "I'm sorry about Xiumin but we really can't let you go. Go to sleep"

You nodded as you went back to bed, Kris had left after he was convinced you were actually asleep. Oh how wrong he was. After he had left, you opened the window and attempted to climb out

Unfortunately, someone had grabbed you just before you could make your actual escape. "Where do you think you're going?" he whispered, breath tickling your ear. You were about to answer but he interrupted you "You're sleeping with me tonight" he said as he dragged you to his room. He pushed you onto his bed and you just went over to the opposite side, leaving a big gap between you and him.

"Mina" he growled and within seconds he had you pinned under him as he looked into your eyes. He then got off you, not wanting to continue the situation but kept an arm around your waist and brought you closer to him "Goodnight."



Luhan had woken you up, he was the one that you had slept beside last night.

You quickly got up and made a mad dash towards their door but once again your attempt remained futile.

"Noona, please just stop avoiding us" Sehun pleaded.

"...Fine..." you finally gave up, you sat on the furthest couch away. "Go on"

"We're not lying, we actually are werewolves" Sehun started as one of them then trasnformed into one which you assumed was Chanyeol. It was like all your doubt had been erased and replaced with cuteness, Chanyeol's wolf was too cute. It was messing about and laid on it's back. You went over to pat the wolf's head, it snuggled into the warmth of your hand. "Aww.. Kyeopta" you cooed.

"So do you not doubt us anymore?"

"I'm not sure"

"Zelo told us about your accident"

"He did?!"

"Yeah and he told us you had amnesia because of it and it made you forget us"

"I did? Must be why I feel like I've known y'all all my life"

"Zelo also said we're responsible for triggering the flashbacks you're having. Do you remember?"

"I've remembered quite alot but I don't think that's all of it"

"We better get working then!"

"Woah woah. What do you mean?"

"We're gonna help you regain your memories of us!" Tao said as he grabbed your hand and pulled you outside. "Can I go back to my cabin first?"  Tao then let go of your hand as Kai had went up to you "Hold on tight" he whispered and then within seconds you were in your cabin. You felt a little tipsy so Kai had to hold you to prevent you from falling. You heard footsteps come into your room.

"Mina? When did you get here?" IU asked.

"I got here a few minutes ago" you lied.

"Really? I didn't hear you come in, must be when I was in the shower. But anyway I'm glad you're here now, it isn't a pretty sight downtairs" she told as she went downstairs. You turned around to thank Kai but he was already gone.

You took a shower and got dressed then went downstairs. What IU said was partly right, but you thought that she meant downstairs was a mess not this.

"I SAID I WAS SORRY!" you heard Himchan shout.

"SORRY DOESN'T FIX EVERYTHING! TRY HARDER!" you heard Ailee shout back.




You saw Ailee stomp upstairs past you and slam her door shut. You gave Himchan a death glare but he was too shocked at what he just said to notice.

"What happened?" you asked IU.

"Apparantley oppa and unnie were hanging out but one of our classmates Han Eunkyung started flirting with oppa and then started to insult unnie. Unnie was calm at first but then started to insult her back. I'm guessing Himchan took Eunkyung's side and that made unnie mad" she explained and you nodded. "You know what to do, I'll just go talk to unnie first" you said to her and she nodded as she went to talk to Himchan.

As you approached Ailee's door, you heard her sobbing and couldn't help but feel sympathy for her. You opened your door and sat by her on her bed. She looked up then started to wipe her tears, you gave her a tissue. You gave her a hug which she returned.

"Here, squeeze it, punch it do whatever. It helps" you handed her a pillow. She just hugged it for comfort. "It's not your fault unnie. Himchan oppa can be a when he wants to be"

You heard a knock on the door and saw IU poking her head in "Unnie, gwenchana?" she asked. Ailee gave her a faint smile. You got up and walked out the door. IU pushed Himchan in who was still frozen but got back to his senses when he heard Ailee's sobs and the door being locked.

Ailee looked up and saw Himchan banging on the door for it to open.

"What are you doing here?" she asked coldly, wiping away her tears.

He sighed "I wanted, more like forced, to talk"

"About what? I mean you basically said everything back there so what more do you have?"

"I want to let you know that, I didn't mean what I said, you aren't a female dog nor are you any of those things that Eunkyung said. I'm sorry for sticking up for her instead of you"

"I trusted you, you were one of my best friends but I can't believe you stood up for her instead of me!"

"I still am one of your best friends and I already told you that I was sorry for taking her side, I was stupid in doing so"

"I seriously don't know how I fell in love with you" Ailee quickly covered after she said that That wasn't supposed to happen she thought.

"Y-you're in love with me?"

Ailee sighed and looked down There's no point in lying "Yes I'm in love with you, but I guess it's okay if you reject me. I'm not as pretty or skinny like the girls you flirt with. You know what? I better go" she stood up and was about to reach the door handle until she felt arms wrap around her waist, she felt Himchan nuzzle her neck. He turned her around and gave her a kiss on the forehead.

"Pabo-yah! I'm in love with you too! I didn't know how to react after that kiss we shared and I'm sorry if that made you feel rejected. The world's an ugly place but you make it prettier to me. You may think you're not skinny but to me you are, it's better to have meat on you than being a stick figure. Don't be insecure because to me you are perfect" he whispered to her "I love you" he confessed and before she could react he leaned down as her lips met his

Ailee was shocked at first but eventually kissed back, his arms tightened around her as her arms wrapped around his neck, fingers playing with his hair. She was the first one to pull back and he pouted. She leant her forehead against his as she whispered back "I love you too."

Yaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyy! I'm happy on how this chapter ended..

I dunno what else to write in this section :/

Bye bye~

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sabbyexotic #1
Chapter 34: Ahhh! Finally you made a decision to rewrite the story! AND YESS!!! I MISS YOUR STORY SO DAMN MUCHH! Hahahaha!! Please Update Soon!!!! :))
Chapter 34: Author-nim, i cannot open the rewritten version... What should i do?
lukaihyun #3
Chapter 33: it's up to you to rewrite or not..but the current story line is good though...will wait for your update! ^^
sabbyexotic #4
Chapter 33: I think it's up to you whether you want to rewrite the story or not. :) I thing the story now is already very good and awesome and it would be best if you could continue writing. Last but not least... Please update soon!
lucky9606 #5
Chapter 33: I think its good and doesn't need to be rewritten but if u feel u don't get the inspiration to continue this story as is then u should rewrite
ultimately it is ur choice
Chapter 33: Nooooo don’t rewrite it, maybe do it after the story’s complete, now just keep going.

Update soon!
Chapter 33: Your story is already good and I enjoy reading it even though you don't update that often^^ hehe.. So please do not rewrite the story and please just update more often ^_^! But if you still decide to rewrite the story I am also fine with that... I will still support your story because I know that your story has a good quality and I know that I won't regret reading it even though you will rewrite it :) thank you!
Sooyong #8
Chapter 33: Just keep doing how you've done authornim. I will support you in anyways!!
Chapter 33: I think your story is perfect just the way it is. Just keep doing what you do authornim~. ^u^
stephani_bap #10
Chapter 32: i already follow you. mind follback me?
thx for update~