
A Werewolf's Heart

WA$$UP! Another day, another chapter


BTW, it's Panda. ^^

Luhan HAS NOT imprinted

Narrator POV

"So, what's up?" you asked, breaking the silence.

No one actually answered you because they tried to remain calm, key word: tried.

Well that was until someone finally exploded, "What's up is hyung holding your hand! WHY?!" that person shouted in outrage.

"Actually, Mina did it, not me" Luhan admitted.

"Mina! Why would you do such a thing?" another person said.

"Yeah! Luhan hasn't even im-" the other person started but Xiumin covered his mouth.

The two people will be revealed in




"TAO! CHEN!" Kris finally burst "Give the girl a break, if she wants to hold Luhan's hand then so be it, but I'm curious, care to explain?"

"I just did it without thinking and besides if Luhan wasn't there in time I would've probably injured myself again" you explained and gave a warm smile to Luhan which melted his heart a little bit.

"Wasn't where in time?" Chen asked. "I fell off the ladder in the library trying to reach a book and Luhan caught me in time."

With what you said they, as in Sehun, Tao, Kai, D.O and Lay rushed towards you, the others just stayed behind controlling in their anger towards Luhan, they think it's Luhan's fault that you could've been nearly injured again.

"Gwenchana? You're not hurt anywhwere are you?" Lay asked, he looked like he was about to heal you but D.O nudged him back and gave him a subtle glare, well he was a healing unicorn afterall. D.O grabbed your wrist gently and that's when you noticed that you were separated from Luhan Sehun or Kai must've done it you thought.

D.O had brought you over to where the others were and you noticed that they were having a picnic and that's when you also realized that you were at the school's treasured rooftop garden. Although it was treasured, no one really went here They worked their way around the school fast you thought.

"Open up" D.O said as he fed you a piece of chocolated coated strawberry, Lay had tagged along and was sitting next to you just in case you hurt yourself Who hurts themselves whilst eating you thought as you reached for a knife to cut up some more pieces of strawberry, you were cutting when you suddenly cut yourself, it was oozing out blood How does a knife that isn't nearly as sharp as kitchen knives cut me so deeply? you quickly took a tissue and wrapped it around your finger so hopefully no one will notice but someone obviously did, there's always someone.

Suho stood up and quickly lifted you up "Yah! Put me down! I'm wearing a skirt!" you shrieked, Suho obeyed and quickly got the picnic blanket and wrapped it around your waist and then proceeded to lift you up again. Lay and D.O noticed your bloody finger but let Suho do the work, he hasn't really gotten much time with you during these chapters anyway. Chen and Xiumin, who brought some steamed buns with him just incase he gets hungry, tagged along just for the sake of it.



At the infirmary, the nurse wasn't there, then again when is she ever present during these chapters? She was probably aiding someone yet again. Suho set you down on the gurney and you fixed the the blanket around your waist.

Chen was looking for something and Xiumin was eating buns whilst Suho was writing down the notes onto the nurse's notepad.

"AHA!" Chen said as he held up an item.

"What is that?" you asked.

"I left my phone here the last time you visited the nurse accidentally" he gave you a sheepish smile.

"Mina-ah, here eat some some buns!" Xiumin offered you one of his steamed buns. You gladly took one and ate it happily.

Suho then came to you and brought you to the sink to wash up the blood and then bandaged up your bloodied finger. He then unexpectedly kissed it, you softened at the action.




You were playing tag when you didn't see a rock and tripped on the floor, you started to tear up as you scraped your knee, suddenly a boy went up to you with a plaster and bandaged up your knee and then cutely kissed it just like how mother's kiss their son's boo boo.

"Who put that rock there?!" you joked as the boy chuckled.




It was the end of the day, school wasn't as bad. You went back home, your original home, and packed up your stuff for the trip. The doorbell rang downstairs "I'll get it!" you heard Zelo yell.

You continued to pack as you heard someone knock on your door and then open it. You looked at the door and saw Zelo's head poking in "Noona, you have visitors" he pouted.

Who could it be to make Zelo pout? You'll find out in




You went downstairs to see the maknae line consisting of Sehun, Kai and Tao with Baekhyun who gave off an I-don't-want-to-be-here vibe or was that just another facade? Hmm... Who knows? I obviously do since I'm writing this story. ㅋㅋㅋ

"What are you doing here?" you asked them and gestured them to sit down on the couches.

"We wanted to help noona with packing" Kai 'innocently' said.

"Okay. Now tell me the truth. By the way d'you guys want anything to drink or eat?" you asked.

"We miss noona" Kai answered truthfully as Baekhyun scoffed, another facade or no? ㅋㅋㅋ

"A week wasn't enough eh?"

"I want hot chocolate!" Tao said changing the subject and Sehun nodded his head furiously too.

"I'll have the same then" Kai said and all eyes were pointed to Baekhyun who simply answered water in monotone .

Seriously, what is up with this guy? you thought.

You went into the kitchen and put the kettle on, someone had secretly sneaked into the kitchen to help. You heard mugs being taken from the cupboard and turned around and gasped "Chen, when did you get here?" you asked. "I was always here, it's just that myself and the others were giving ourselves a tour of your house, which by the way has a nice garden" he said as he stirred the hot chocolate he had made.

"You have any marshmallows?" he then asked, you nodded your head and opened up the cupboard and sighed, why must the marshmallows be so high up? you thought. Even though you are taller than average, Zelo just had to put the marshmallows out of your reach. You tried jumping for it but someone took hold of your shoulders.

"Stop jumping, you're only making yourself even more cuter than usual" the deep voice pointed out as he easily grabbed the packet of marshmallows and handed them to Chen. "Show-off" you muttered but blushed at his comment. "What did you say?" Chanyeol asked, smirking as he lowered his head to match your height. He was intimidating but not to you. The only person you found intimidating was Kris but that's slowly changing.

Someone then pushed Chanyeol's face away that you only noticed was dangerously close to kissing you and you giggled at the scene as you stirred the hot chocolate. Chanyeol had pouted and then ruffled his hair as he stalked back to the living room, you were holding four cups of hot chocolate, you made some more since you knew that the other members were here but someone had taken them out of your hands and you smiled at the person "Thanks Kris" "No problem" he replied and walked into the living room as you followed him, you saw suitcases by the entrance and wondered.

"Are you guys staying the night?" you asked them and you got an army of positive responses "I guess I'm fine with that but ya'll have to share rooms" you told them and they responded with "Yeah yeah" "That's fine" "Can't I sleep with you?" "NO!" you answered to the last one.



You were in the kitchen cooking up some dinner, you had used nearly all of your ingredients and made a mental note to go grocery shopping.

"Need any help?" a caring voice asked.

"D.O! You scared me. Sure, I heard you're a great cook" you pointed out.

"I usually am the one who cooks at home" he said as he helped stir the kimchi stew you were making. "It smells delicious" D.O complimented and you just laughed it off. "It's my speciality" you said and he chuckled.

Someone then creeped in and was about to sneakily take a bite out of the patbingsu you were making for dessert but you slapped the intruder's hands away as you turned around to face the eldest who looked like a deer caught in headlights, which should actually be Luhan instead of the Baozi. You felt a little sorry so you fed him a little bit of the remaining fruit that you had leftover. He gave you a childish smile and bounced up and down like a kid on Christmas day. You giggled at his cuteness and patted his head as he went back to the living room.

"FOOD'S DONE!" you announced "DINNER'S READY!" D.O then announced. They all ran to the living room, Zelo was first and he chose his seat which was next to yours.

"Noona, your cooking's the best!" he clasped his hands together like the true child he is.

"I can't take all the credit, Kyungsoo oppa helped me" you said without thinking. Kyungsoo Oppa? D.O thought as his heart was beating a mile a minute. The others were jealous of course, you had 12 of them to call oppa first and you chose D.O, who wouldn't be envious of the umma right now?

EXO stared in awe at the food you and D.O had cooked and then began to dig in, not before saying grace of course.

You were casually eating your food when Tao told you to open your mouth as he fed you a hoisin duck. Sehun saw this and fed you a hoisin duck of his own, this then began to be a contest as Tao made his even fatter and fed it to you. Sehun then made his even bigger and fed it to you.

They fed you so fast that you were chewing and gulping it down too fast that you started choking, EXO was alarmed as Zelo went over and patted your back and gave you a drink of water, after you had stopped choking, you were trying to get back to normal breathing. The other EXO members were burning holes into maknae's heads who just looked down at their plate and started to play with their food.

"Noona, you're really red" Zelo mentioned. You didn't say anything as you just went into the kitchen to start washing the dishes, Lay came over to help "Are you okay?" he asked and you just nodded and gave him a reassuring smile, he smiled back and went back to the table and continued to eat. Someone then came into the kitchen after him and spoke "Are you sure you're okay?" he spoke. You didn't need to turn around to see who it was Baekhyun... you thought. "I'm fine" you simply answered. "I swear I'm going to kill those maknaes!" he confessed as his fists were curled. You smiled, fortunately Baekhyun didn't see because you weren't facing him Even if he seems like he doesn't care, he really does you thought.


Infinite's Destiny, Ailee's Heaven, AOA Black's Moya, 15&'s Somebody, EXO-K's Growl, B1A4's Tried To Walk, 4Minute's What's Your Name, EXO-M's Peter Pan, Block B's NalinA, Block B's Mental Breaker, 2PM's Come Back When You Hear This Song, B1A4's Beautiful Target, Miss A's I Don't Need A Man, APink's No No No, B.A.P's  Badman, Younique Unit's Maxstep, NU'EST's Action, Soyou & Mad Clown's Stupid In Love, B1A4's Baby Good Night, 4Minute's Is It Poppin, Block B's Nillili Mambo, SNSD's I Got A Boy, Bangtan Boys' No More Dream, B1A4's Baby I'm Sorry, Bumkey's Attraction, EXO's D.O and Chanyeol's cover of Billionaire, EXO-K's Lucky, EXO'S Growl (Food Ver.), Ailee's U&I, Jay Park's Joah, EXO's Wolf, Block B's Is It Just Me, Bangtan Boys' N.O, EXO-K's Wolf, MBLAQ's I Don't Know, SISTAR19's Ma Boy, B1A4's What's Going On, B.A.P's One Shot, B.A.P's Dancing In The Rain, B2ST's Beautiful, EXO-K's Peter Pan, SISTAR's Give It To Me, EXO-M's History, EXO-M's XOXO, EXO-M's Wolf, Girl's Day's Female President, Block B's Tell Them, EXO-K's Machine, 2PM's Heartbeat, B.A.P's Excuse Me, EXO's D.O, Kris and Chanyeol's cover of Guilty, EXO's Wolf (Chinese Ver.), Wonder Girls' G.N.O


Longest chapter I think I've ever written! Yoohoo!

I'm gonna go revise on my sciece test so thank you for reading this chapter!

Bye bye~




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sabbyexotic #1
Chapter 34: Ahhh! Finally you made a decision to rewrite the story! AND YESS!!! I MISS YOUR STORY SO DAMN MUCHH! Hahahaha!! Please Update Soon!!!! :))
Chapter 34: Author-nim, i cannot open the rewritten version... What should i do?
lukaihyun #3
Chapter 33: it's up to you to rewrite or not..but the current story line is good though...will wait for your update! ^^
sabbyexotic #4
Chapter 33: I think it's up to you whether you want to rewrite the story or not. :) I thing the story now is already very good and awesome and it would be best if you could continue writing. Last but not least... Please update soon!
lucky9606 #5
Chapter 33: I think its good and doesn't need to be rewritten but if u feel u don't get the inspiration to continue this story as is then u should rewrite
ultimately it is ur choice
Chapter 33: Nooooo don’t rewrite it, maybe do it after the story’s complete, now just keep going.

Update soon!
Chapter 33: Your story is already good and I enjoy reading it even though you don't update that often^^ hehe.. So please do not rewrite the story and please just update more often ^_^! But if you still decide to rewrite the story I am also fine with that... I will still support your story because I know that your story has a good quality and I know that I won't regret reading it even though you will rewrite it :) thank you!
Sooyong #8
Chapter 33: Just keep doing how you've done authornim. I will support you in anyways!!
Chapter 33: I think your story is perfect just the way it is. Just keep doing what you do authornim~. ^u^
stephani_bap #10
Chapter 32: i already follow you. mind follback me?
thx for update~