

Krystal POV

Amber and I have been dating for a few months. It has been one of my most wonderful moments to spend time with my boyfriend. But recently, we have not been able to meet up because he's busy with his basketball trainings for the upcoming tournament as well as exams. I'm also focusing on my exams, I wanna do my parents proud. 

"Kai, please just stop bothering me!" he sat beside me while I was studying after school.

"Krystal, comeon give me a second chance, Amber it's even doing a goodjob as a boyfriend. How can he let you be alone studying."

"It's because he's focusing on his training now get lost" I raised my voice getting annoyed by him. I know Kai has been jealous that Amber has been doing well in the basketball school team and he's losing his spot in the team. 

He kept pulling me closer to him to attempting to hug me. "Krystal come here I miss you, let's hug"

I tried to push him away but he's too strong. He push me till my face hit his chest and he kept caressing my cheeks. 

"Amber, where are you. Help me" tears start to roll down my face

Suddenly somebody pulled me from behind and held my hand and walk away. It was amber. 

"Baby, I'm sorry are you alright?" he turn and hold my cheeks using his thumb to wipe my tears. 

"I'm really sorry that you had to stay up in sch to wait for my training to end." he broke the eye contact with me and look down.

"Baby, I'm really alright" I pulled my face closer to his chest and hug him even through he was all wet and sticky from training. 

I miss him alot, his manly scents. I didn't mind that he was sweating. All I want is to hold him tightly now.

"Amber you loser" someone shouted across. He broke the hug and I turn around to see Kai standing there. 

Amber pulled me and stood forward so that I will be at his back. He was protecting me from Kai

"Kai, what do you want?" amber said with his annoying tone

"Why not we challenge a basketball game? you win then i will not disturb your girlfriend anymore?" he smirk 

"No, I'm not going to waste time playing with you and don't you dare touch krystal again" 

"Why? are you afraid that i will win? afraid that i will snatch your girlfriend away?" he smirk again 

"Okay i'm up. Just promise me that if i win you wouldn't disturb her anymore"

"Don't think too highly of yourslf, loser liu" he smirk again


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Chapter 23: recover soon amber so that you can play in the tournament.... update soon author!!!
Chapter 23: Don't give up Amber... Hwaiting!!!
Chapter 22: Soojung being a good girl friend here... :) update soon author shi
Chapter 19: tsk!!! lucky Dino! you better treat her well uh
tingoo #5
Chapter 15: OMO..!!!dont die llama!!!
VanessaH2012 #6
Chapter 8: OMG I hope amber feels something for her too