TSENT Ghosties

This is not a story
“Please welcome your new co-worker, Jung Junhee or as her fans will know her, Jinah.” The CEO of TSENT introduced me to B.A.P and Secret. I was a new star and I was set to debut in two days with three other girls. Of course the rest of TSENT had met the other girls, I was last. I silently looked at B.A.P and Secret. One of the girls I was debuting with pushed me forward. She also happened to be my friend. I rolled my eyes. “Jung Junhee imnida, but you may call me Jinah.” I spoke coldly. I just wanted to push past the introductions and get to practice our new song. My unnie, Kwang Minhee, was the lead singer and the other girl, Lee Hanbyul, was the visual. I on the other hand had two jobs; Lead dancer and main rapper.
I also loved to paint but I never told anyone. It was one of my hidden talents. I looked up and the first to step towards me was a tall-ish dude with black hair. “Hm..” His deep voice vibrated and I felt it all the way to my feet. “Age?” He asked. “Seventeen.” I responded.
“What is this? An interview?”
“Just answer the question.”
“Fine. 165 Centimeters.”
“Family background?”
“A mother, one sister, and two brothers. As well as a nephew.”
“Rapping, dancing, skateboarding and painting.” I admitted. One of the guys behind him jumped when I mentioned skateboarding. “You like skateboarding too?! Ahhh I found myself a new friend!” He jumped up and down repeatedly, waiting for my reaction. As soon as he saw none he stopped. “Huh?” “Oh don’t worry about this lame one.” She swung an arm around me. “She’s really uh... shy when you meet her. And blunt. And sassy. She just doesn’t make friends easily becau- OUCH !” She yelped as soon as I pinched her arm off of me.
“Don’t go blabbing to complete strangers, Minnie.” I stated coldly. “Oh but we’re not strangers. We’re a family now!” I think the girl named Singer... No... Zinger? Yeah, Zinger said. I laughed a bit. “I’m not that comfortable around new people. Now if you don’t mind, I’ll be going to our dorm now. Bye” I bowed and my heels. I just wanted to get to my room and change since I wanted to dance a bit. I ran in and immediately took off my shoes. I slipped out of my dress shirt and took off these ugly dress pants. I was never even into looking ‘formal’, I hated it. I ran into my room in my undergarments since I didn’t want anyone to see me, and locked the door.
I put on some black shorts and slipped some grey sweats over them. I also got out a bandeau and put a sweater on over that. I really hope those dance rooms are covered because I don’t like to sweat and I sure as hell don’t want anyone to see me in shorts and a bandeau. Ugh. I snuck out of the dorm and scurried my way over to the second floor, where the dance rooms were. I opened a door and walked in. It was pretty hidden other than a huge open window but who would be here at.. I checked my phone. Nine PM. Yup. I should be alone.
I plugged my phone into the surround sound speakers and quickly took off the sweats and sweater. 4Minute’s ‘What’s your name?’ began and I got into position. “4minute. Whats your name wha-whats your name?” My body began to flow with the rhythm in the music. “La la la la la la la la la~” I sang along to the song and soon it finished. Sweat was starting to form on my head so I just wiped it off. “My love is like a red rose-“ I pressed ‘skip’ on my phone. I’m sorry hayi unnie but this isn’t the music I’d like to dance to right now. Next came on T-Ara N4’s ‘Jeon Won Diary’ I had a blast dancing to this song. A few songs later I decided to just rap.
Zico’s ‘Korean Psycho’ came on and I smirked. The words flew out of my mouth perfectly and when the song was over I decided to rest. “Ugh.” I slumped down and looked at myself through the mirror. “You really need to practice more, you .” My subconscious said to me. I just chuckled and nodded. I looked at the room through the mirror and suddenly something caught my eye. I-it was a- “AAAAHHHHHH!” I screamed and ran out of the room “HELP SOMEBODY HELP!” I shouted and ran into someone. “What’s wrong-“ “I SAW IT! IT WAS WHITE AND IT LOOKED LIKE A MAN AND IT WAS IN THE MIRROR!” I screeched and clung onto the person I fell on top of.
“Yah calm down Jinah!” I looked up and it was Jongup. “What did you see?” He helped me stand up. He took off his jacket but I didn’t know why. Then a sudden breeze hit my stomach. My bare stomach. . I gladly accepted his jacket and I realized I was shaking. Not from coldness but from fear. “What did you see?” He repeated. “I-I-I saw a g-ghost!” I spoke lightly. He just looked at me blankly and suddenly burst into laughter. LAUGHTER?! HOW DARE HE LAUGH I NEARLY DIED! “Oh stop playing jokes Jinah!” But as soon as he saw the serious look on my face the smile on his fell.
“S-seriously?! A GHOST?!” I nodded and I felt like I was lifted off of my feet. Which I was. “NUH UH I’M NOT BEING KILLED BY A DAMN GOHST TODAY!” He screamed and ran down the hall. “YOU LITTLE RAT PUT ME DOWN RIGHT NOW!” I shouted. I was wearing really short shorts and I bet anyone who he was running by could see my . “NO CAUSE THERES A GOHST, IDIOT!” He shouted back to me. I kicked my legs around and he ran into a room. “HYUNGS SHE SAW A GHOST!” He panted loudly and pretty much threw me onto the floor. I looked up and saw Minhee and Hyemi sitting on the couch with the rest of B.A.P and Secret, laughing. But as soon as we made our grand entrance they stopped.
“What? First of all, get up. Second, repeat what you said please.” Youngjae helped me up and I winced because when Jongup dropped me I landed on my wrist. “You ok?” I simply nodded and ran to my unnie. “What’s wrong hunny?” I was shaking in her arms and it scared me. “She saw a ghost!” Jongup came over and put his hand on my shoulder. “Huh? You saw it too? SEE GUYS I TOLD YOU THERE WAS A GHOST!” Himchan shouted.
“A GHOST?! OH MY GOD!” Secret all shouted. I just clinged onto my unnie. “Jinah, c’mon don’t joke around. Are you sure you saw it?” I looked up and Yongguk’s face looked worried. “I know I saw it!” Tears brimmed my eyes. I hated ghosts so much since I was a kid. “I left my stuff there too.” I looked up and minhee let me go. “Well we have to go get it now.” Hyemi said. “I’M NOT GOING BACK THERE!” I shrieked. Yongguk grabbed my hand gently and smiled. “We’ll go with you, right guys?” He turned around and no one responded. “Right, GUYS?!” He repeated. Now everyone nodded their heads rapidly.
“But first.” He went to the kitchen and came back with a bowl of sugar and a spoon. “Ah” He put the spoonful of sugar in front of my lips. “Why?” I asked. “Because, you were shaking so much –and you still are- I bet your blood sugar dropped drastically.” I just opened my mouth wide and he put the spoon in my mouth. I cringed when the sugar touched my taste buds.  “What’s wrong? Everyone loves sugar!” Youngjae said. I shook my head. “I have a low tolerance. I don’t have a sweet tooth.” I explained. “Yeah but you’ll eat all the desserts in a flash, won’t you?” I heard Minhee mumble. I poked her ribs with my elbow and she glared at me. “Shut up.” I simply said and looked around. Everyone was getting ready to go get my stuff. “Are you sure all of you want to go?” “We’re a family. We stick together, no matter what” Jieun said as she slipped on her shoes. I nodded and played with my feet. “T-thanks guys.”
Hyosung just ruffled my hair and held onto my arm. “Lets go!” She seemed more fearless than the rest of us. We all headed out the door and I was the last one to go out. I was walking next to.. Uhm.. Jaehyun. No that’s not his name. Uhm. Maybe Haejung. “Daehyun” He said, as if he was reading my mind. “H-huh? Oh yeah. Hey can you read minds?” I blurted out. He shook his head. “You just talk out loud.” I pouted and mentally punched myself. I’m so clueless most of the time. “Ah I see.. Well nice to meet you Daehyun-ah.” I smiled towards him. He nodded. That’s it. All he did was nod! Ah I’ve never met such a.. a.. actually, he was like me. I ignored that and we continued walking to the room. “N-number two” I sad and Yongguk opened the door.
We all entered and everything seemed fine. “Jinah tell us how it happened.” Himchan said. “Okay so I was dancing and stuff and so I got tired eventually. So, I lied down right here and looked at myself in the mirror, giving myself ‘encouraging’ words.” I explained. “So then, I looked around and examined the room through the mirror. That’s when out of the corner of my eye I saw the face! It was white and it was a face of a man.” I said. “Lets just go, this place is giving me the creeps.” Hyosung said and I agreed with her. “Yeah lets-“ All of the sudden there was a maniacal laugh and we screamed. “AAHHHHH! LETS GO!” I jumped on someones back and we started running but the door closed before we could get out.
“WHAT THE ?! WHOS OUT THERE? LET US OUT!” Zinger and Hyemi forcefully banged onto the door. I just clung onto whoever I jumped on. “Uh, Can you let go?” The person I was clinging onto looked at me. Oh it was Daehyun. “You will all pay!” A voice said. It seemed to be coming from nowhere.. yet everywhere all at once. “AHHH!” Hyosung fainted and Youngjae caught her. “We need to find a way to escape!” He said. We all looked at him with a ‘No DUH’ look. He placed her down onto the floor and let her rest.
I clung onto Daehyun tighter after the voice spoke. “Theres no use in telling you to let me go, is there?” He whispered. I shook my head and hugged him tighter. “Yah yah youre choking me woman!” He complained. I let go a bit and he took a huge gasp. “Oh shut up!” I hit his head and he chuckled.  And that’s when the worst thing possible could happen. The lights turned off. My eyes widened and I buried my face into Daehyun’s neck. “JINAH! Don’t cry! Don’t cry!” Minhee shouted. Too late. Tears were flowing down my cheeks already. Daehyun let me go and wiggled his way out of my arms leaving me alone, crying. Suddenly I felt his warm arms wrap around me and I hugged his body immediately.
“Why would Jinah cry, minhee?” I heard Jongup’s voice. “S-shes scared of the dark.” Minhee admitted. Oh how I wanted to punch her in the face for revealing my secret. “Its okay, lets sit down, alright?” Daehyun whispered and took out his phone, the light making a path visible. As soon as I saw the wall I quickly sat down and Daehyun sat next to me. He wrapped an arm around me and I rested my head on his chest. “What if we don’t make it out alive?” I accidentally blurted out. I already felt it coming. One. Two. Thre- “YAH JUNG JUNHEE DON’T SAY SUCH THINGS OR I’LL KILL YOU MYSELF!” Minhee screamed and I shrugged. “Unnie I’m scared.” I shakily let out I heard her sigh. “Yeah, I know hun. I know. But all we can do right now is try to find help, alright? You’ve got to be brave.” I nodded into Daehyun’s chest and hugged him tighter. When i’m scared, I don’t let go.
I quickly grabbed my phone from where it was and ran back to Daehyun. I unlocked it and groaned. There was no signal. “Try facebook, theres sure to be internet here.” I tried but there was no signal. “We’re gonna die and its all my fault” I pouted. Daehyun rubbed my shoulder. “We’re gonna be okay Junhee” I nodded my head. “C’mon, just go to sleep” He said. I shook my head. “I’m too scared”
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Chapter 4: Ermagerd. Zico.