Badassery LOL

This is not a story
“Kim Minah? The girl that kicked Kim Junho’s ?”
“What about her?”
“She’s coming to our school this time.”
I nearly spit out my drink. “Yeah, whatever. She probably won’t last two weeks.” I scoffed and leaned back in my seat. Why was everyone making such a fuss about a new girl? She’s only known for being suspended and sent to different schools. Ours was unfortunate to be left with her. I got up and decided to head out for fresh air before the bell rang.
I stretched my arms and leaned against the railings by the stairs. I looked down and my eyes landed on a petite figure climbing up the stairs. I wonder who she is. Her hood was covering her head and a mask was over . I couldn’t even see her eyes. She must like to be hidden. Kinda reminds me of Daehyun Hyung. I laughed and stayed outside for a bit more.
Minah’s POV
“MINAH WAKE UP YOUR IS GONNA BE LATE FOR SCHOOL!” I was rudely woken up by my brother who busted in through the door. I rolled over and covered my head with my pillow. “No” I blurted out and I heard his footsteps come closer. “I have water.” I hear him swish around some water. I immediately sprang up and got out of bed. “I’m- *yawn* Up” I scratched my head and looked around. “Munchkin, catch your backpack” I turned around and caught it. “Jin, stop calling me munchkin. I’m only two years younger.” He rolled his eyes. “Just get ready.”
I wiggled into some navy colored skinny jeans and slipped into a grey tank top. I threw on a black jacket and finished my outfit with black vans. I put on my backpack and applied eyeliner. I let my long hair simply fall down and combed my bangs so they would be straight and clean. I put on a mask and ran downstairs with my backpack in my hands. “I’m going first, bye” I said and properly put on my backpack. I grabbed an orange and walked out the door.
I walked down the street while peeling my orange. It was still pretty early. I suddenly heard a bark and it startled me. I looked down and saw a Labrador puppy. “Aish you!” I raised my foot to push it away but it hung its head and backed away. I felt bad for the dog and I looked around. No sight of anyone else. I bent down to check if it had a collar. Nope. “Whats your name little guy?” It lifted its head and wagged its tail. “I’ll name you Pororo, it suits you” He came closer to me and nuzzled my leg.
I figured the dog must be hungry. I walked over to a convenience store and took out twenty dollars. I bought a bunch of hot dogs and water bottles. The cashier looked at me weirdly. “I have a hungry animal outside. Also, do you have boba?” He nodded and gave me a mango boba. I paid him and walked out. “C’mon I’ll feed you at school. I’m almost late.” We walked and Pororo followed quickly behind. 
We got to the school and I took him by the picnic area. I mashed the hot dog weenies into bits and placed them on the floor. I looked around and saw a small empty flower pot. After cleaning it I put some of the water in it. The dog began to eat hungrily. “You better appreciate that. It’s some quality imported water.” I laughed and stood up. I put my hood over my head and adjusted my mask. “Stay here until lunch. I’ll find out what to do with you later” The dog just continued drinking water. I hid my face and walked around the school to the front. I climbed up the stairs and just looked down.
I didn’t want to argue with anyone and I sure as hell didn’t want to speak to anyone. I walked into the classroom and sat in the back. “Is that Minah? She’s in Zelo’s seat!” I heard whispers around me. I rolled my eyes and played with my boba cup. I lowered my mask and took a nice long sip of the cool drink. A pair of black and red Jordan’s came into my view. I looked up and saw a really tall guy. “You’re in my seat” Oh, so he must be Zelo. What a weird name.
“Can’t you find a different one?” I asked nicely and he scoffed. “Yah!” He said and kicked my leg. I angrily squeezed the plastic cup I was holding and some of the drink came out and spilled onto my hands. I stood up and glared at him. “Oh, what? You’re gonna glare me to death? Please, you’re lucky to even be in front of me-““You talk a lot.” I interrupted him and scanned his uniform up and down. I stopped at a silver bar on his uniform. “Choi… Jun… Hong” I said slowly and clearly. Some people gasped. I saw him ball his fists in anger. “It’s Zelo, now apolo-““Zelo?” I asked. “Like the god of rivalry?” I scoffed and crossed my arms. “How stupid” I could see anger building up in his eyes.
I pushed him away and moved to an empty seat. “I guess I’ll be the mature one here” I said plainly. I continued sipping on my boba. I saw him fume up in even more anger.
After a long day
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Chapter 4: Ermagerd. Zico.