witnessing a gang fight idk

This is not a story
I ran as quickly as I could through the streets of Hongdae. I couldn’t get caught my  father’s men. Not yet. I jumped over a food cart and slid into and alley. I hid behind a crate and waited to see if the men in black would pass. They did. I wiped some sweat off of my forehead and stood up as I turned to walk away I heard someone –or rather people- fighting. I turned my head to the end of the alley.
There I saw two gangs fighting. “YA-“ I was about to scream for their attention but a hand was pulled over my mouth and I was dragged away. I looked around and there were six guys to where the mysterious person took me. He let me go and stood infront of me.
His chocolate brown eyes complimented the blond hair that framed around his face. His nose stood at the center, a reasonable amount between it and his pink plump lips. His eyebrows furrowed as he looked at me with discontent in his eyes. “Are you stupid?” He asked all of the sudden.
I blinked and tilted my head. “That’s not the first phrase I was expecting to come from a stranger. But no, I’m not stupid.” I stated directly towards him. I felt my eyes changing to a pitch black. Why? Because. They change color based on my mood. Weird right? Well the doctor said it happens to one in every 30 people. I guess I was the lucky one.
“No. I mean. Why were you just standing there watching them fight? If one of them saw you they all would have come after you. Are you crazy, woman?” I began getting irritated at his tone. How was I supposed to know? “WAH. ZICO. LOOK AT HER EYES.” One of the six guys suddenly screamed. The Zico guy looked straight into my eyes and saw them red. “Weren’t they black?”
I nodded.
“They change.. based on your mood?”
I nodded again, getting more annoyed by the second. “Damn well I must be getting you a bit pissed off huh, woman? They’re bright red.” I felt imaginary fume come out of my ears. “LISTEN HERE DUDE. ONE, MY NAME IS JIHYUN. NOT ‘WOMAN’ AND TWO, Can I leave now? I’m getting a bit bored and hungry.”
He shook his head. They all did. None of them were effected by my sudden outburst. “WHAT. Why?” I sulked. “Look behind you.” One of them pointed out. I did and saw the guys from earlier starring at me like they wanted to kill me. Cause they did. “.” Zico grabbed my hand and we began to run. I ran with all my might as the guys trailed behind us.
I grabbed a kid’s skateboard and said sorry before he screamed. “WAAHH NOONA YOU BETTER RETURN THAT.” I nodded and skated off. Coincidentally all of the guy’s in Zico’s ‘group’ grabbed something with wheels. A scooter, bike, kart.. etc. I made a sharp turn and saw a big market near by. I turned around and looked at the group giving them a ‘Lets-hide-there’ look. They all nodded and we sped off to the market.
We left the rides in different places, scattering them around. I ran to the men’s clothing section behind Zico and the rest. I hid in a rack asile waiting for the guys to pass. I poked my head out and saw one of the guys, a red-haired one, he was hiding behind the women’s undergarments. I laughed out loud and they all just stared at me.
“HAHAHA-“ I covered my mouth. Zico and his friends were starring at me with wide eyes. I stood frozen in the clothing rack. . I thought to myself. I looked around and the gangmembers were gone. The boys signaled an ‘ok’ and I walked out of my hiding spot. I stretched as if nothing happened and walked towards the exit.
Until I was pulled back. “Yah. Where do you think youre going?” Another blond one asked with a deep voice. “Uhm, home. Where else?” “You cant go home. They’ll find you.” Another guy said. He has curly brown hair and black framed glasses. I sighed. “So what do I do?” “You’re under our protection now.” Zico walked up to me and stared me in the eye.
The guys opened the door for me. I walked in and saw a pretty neat house. I plopped myself down on the couch. On the walk here I learned all their names and they’re all older than me. “Where am I gonna sleep?” I mumbled into a cushion. “Well all of our room’s are packed.. except for Zico’s” I pulled the cushion off of my face and stared at him.
“How bout it Zico-sshi?” He looked like he was really deep In thought. “Hm. That would surely be fun. I agree! Kaja! Lets goooo” He grabbed my arm and dragged me to his room. I landed on the bed and he stared at me with something in his eyes. It looked like.. lust. His face leaned towards mine and stopped when our lips were about 2 centimeters apart.
“Heres your pajamas” He whispered and gave me some sweats and a white T-Shirt. I took a quick shower and hopped out. After drying my body I put on the clothe he gave me and stared at myself in the mirror. “WAAAH.” I screamed as I saw my face. It was like.. NEON WHITE. And there was a dark red gash in my cheek. ‘where did that come from? Oh maybe when my father’s men has that knife. Oh my god thi is going to scar !’ I thought to myself.
“WHATS GOING ON?!” Zico burst into the room holding a gun while looking around. I screamed and he did too due to the shock of my piercing scream. “WAH! PUT THAT GODDAMNED THING AWAY YOU COULD KILL SOMEBODY.”  I shoved the gun away from me and stormed out of the bathroom.
I sighed as I saw him come through the door. “JiHyun-ah. I’m uh.. sorry.” He his the gun in a secret compartment under the floor boards. “Yeah as long as I’m not dead.”  We both chuckled then his face got serious. “You know.. since youre staying with us for a while.. you might be useful.” A smirk appeared on his face and he looked at me. “B-bwoh. How? I’m only 17 I know nothing about gangs!”
I sighed and lied on his bed. “It’l be easy I promise!” He sat next to me and shook me. “A-arraso. What is my mission?” I joked and he smiled. “You have to seduce-“ “NO. I DON’T DO NONE OF THAT .” I angrily stood up before him. I thought he was gonna put me in danger but SEDUCING SOMEONE? No. This Asian don’t roll that way. “B-but. NO. NOT LIKE THAT JIHYUN! We need you to lour him away from his bodyguards and take him to a room. In the closet, or bathroom Block B will be there. and before he can touch you we’ll be there to stop him!” He smiled at me. I though about it for a while. “Well.. u-uhm.. Okay I guess so.” I mumbled and he pulled me up into the air. “THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU”
I hit his shoulder and laughed. “Arrasso. Zico-ah can you put me down now?” He let go of me and I fell onto the bed. “I’m tired.” I yawned and lied down. “Goodnight Jihyun-ah.” Zico muttered before turning off the light and closing the door. I soon fell asleep.
“NO HYUNG YOU DO IT LIKE THIS!” “Don’t you know how to make simple eggs?” “YAH YAH YOU’RE BURNING THEM.” I heard commotion coming from downstairs. I sighed angrily before putting on my shoes and walking out of the room. I stood at the top of the star case and they didn’t even notice me. “YAH! I hope you all like nuts.” They looked at me weirdly. “BECAUSE I’M ABOUT TO KICK YOURS UP INTO YOUR THROATS OH MY GOD YOU GUYS ARE SO LOUD!”
I sat on the couched and rubbed my eye. “Jeeze morning Jihyun is a grumpy Jihyun.” I heard Kyung mumble and I shot him a glare. “So Jihyun-ah. Zico said you’re gonna do the misson?” Taeil sat next to me and I nodded. “YAY!” He hugged me and I wriggled out of his grip. “AISH YOU GUYS ARE SO ANNOYING AND TOUCHY LEAVE ME ALONE” I screamed and they all had shocked faces on. I grabbed a beanie and put on some boots in a hurry, still in the pajamas Zico gave me, I stormed out.
“Ah . Me and my stupid mood swings!” I kicked some snow. Yeah. SNOW. It was snowing in Korea and I’m out here with SOME GODDAMNED BOOTS, THIN SWEATS, AND A T-SHIRT. UGGHHH. I looked around and spotted a park. Huh maybe I should go there to relax. I walked over to the park and sat down on a bench. I swung my legs around for a few minutes until a little boy came up to me. “Noona. Arent you cold?!”
He touched my arms and jerked his hands back because they were so cold. “Wait for me.” He cutely ran away leaving me dumbfounded. He came back running with a big black sweater and handed it to me. “I took tis from my hyung. Hurry ppali put it on.” He tried to get it onto me until we heard a voice. “YAAAH NAM HYUNWOO GIVE ME BACK MY.. J-jacket?”  I looked up and saw a very handsome guy. His air was chestnut brown and his cheekbones were well defined. “O-oh mianhae. I think this is yours.” I tried to hand him the jacket but he shook his head.
“N-no its okay. You seem cold. I have a longsleeve and you don’t. Here.” He put the jacket around my arms. I looked down as I felt heat going into my cheeks. “So what are you doing here In this cold weather?” I looked up and e had sat net to me with Hyunwoo on his lap. “By the way, my name is Nam WooHyun” He smiled and so did I.
“Mine is Kwon JiHyun and I just came out for a walk.. my roommates were bothering me.” I shrugged. He just ohed and the atmosphere got awkward until.. “Noona, Hyung lets go get hot chocolate!” Hyunwoo shouted out and I just looked at Woohyung. ‘I cant, its getting late I should get going’ I mouthed to Woohyun and he just nodded. “Hyunwoo-ah. Noona has to go home but we can hang with her later arra?” Hyunwoo sadly nodded  and I felt guilt in me.
“Woonie-yaah~ noona will hang out with you later. I promise” We interwinded our pinkys and stamped our thumbs. He smiled and I gave my number to Woohyun. “See you later woonie~” I waved back and walked towards the dorm. Until I met face to face with a familiar face. “” I muttered. It was one of the guys from the gang form yesterday. I broke into a sprint, climbing walls and jumping over food stalls. I ran as fast as I could and I was almost to the dorm until.
“OWWW” I fell on my and looked up only to see no one other than Zico. “Yah I was about to go looking for you. Where were you?” I shooked my head and grabbed his wrist. “No time to explain!” I started running and he followed behind. We ran
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Chapter 4: Ermagerd. Zico.