This is not a story
I pouted as I got out of the space capsule that brought me to this planet. It had crash landed in a… PLAYGROUND? Luckily, there were no humans around to witness this. I hid the craft expertly under some trees and looked around. I looked down at my wrist and poked the Wristlojackimator. The screen lit up and I spoke into the microphone. “eodiya?” I asked and a map showed up. It zoomed in to a small place called “...Seoul? South Korea?” I spoke out and shrugged. I looked around and spotted an elderly couple. I quickly walked over to them and smiled. “Annyeong, can you give me directions to the town hall?” I asked and they scoffed. “Aish kids these days. Not even a bow and so informal! Jjinja yeobo, I’m glad our Joonki didn’t turn out like them.” The woman said. I stood back, surprised. I had no idea earthlings could be this rude.
“If you don’t want to help me, fine, I’ll just let you know that I’m a tourist and I’m not used to this kind of lifestyle. Maybe you are the rude ones, so quick to assume things. I’ll be leaving now. Bye” I said and walked away. How rude! I bumped into some guy and fell on my bum. “Ouch” I muttered and rubbed my . A hand was held out in front of me and without thought, I took it. “Sorry, I wasn’t looking where I was going” He said and I nodded. “Hey, do you know where town hall is?” I asked and he nodded. He gave me all sorts of directions, leaving me confused. “Please speak more slowly!” I cut him off and he chuckled. “You take a left right here, then a right, and just keep going straight until you see a sign with an arrow that says ‘Town Hall’ that will direct you straight to where you need to go.” I nodded and thanked him.
I followed his directions and I ended up exactly where I needed to be. I looked around and sighed. My appa told me that one of my people that have been here for a year was waiting for me here. But I can’t seem to detect him. “Jokomato” I whispered but there was no sign of him. I began to grow impatient when twenty minutes passed. I my Wristlojackimator and dialed my father’s number. His face popped up on the screen and I frowned. “Appa, Jokomato is not here. I’m tired of waiting.” I said and he chuckled. “But he is 100 yards from where you are, search for him. He has not moved in thirty minutes.” My eyes widened. He was here? How come he hadn’t responded? I walked around and that’s when I spotted a man sitting on a bench with his head rolled back. I examined him closer and accessed the flash light on my Wristlojackimator and pointed it at his hair. A light yellow color radiated off of the soft blonde locks and I knew that it was him.
There’s a thing about Matokis, each of us are blonde. BUT when a light is pointed at our hair in the right direction, it shows our true color. Mine is purple. I nudged his shoulder but he just kept snoring. This is probably why he didn’t answer my calls. “Joko” I said and kicked his leg. He still didn’t respond. “IM HAVING PROBLEMS SOLVING AND EXQUATION I NEED HELP” I shouted and he shot up “X IS EQUAL TO Y SUBTRACTED BY THE UNKNOWN VARIABLE” He said and looked around. “Who are you?” He asked and eyed me up and down. “Robot Denomato at your service sir” I said and saluted him. He looked at me like I was faking it. He fished a flashlight out of his pocket and aimed it at my hair. “Oh, okay. Finally you’re here. I’ve been waiting for an hour.” He scolded me and all I could do was shrug. We didn’t even bother with introductions and he led me to the team’s headquarters.
It was an entertainment company? “We’re going to make a debut here. In order to access more of the earth’s contents we must become something that the humans treasure. And as you know, they treasure their Idols.” I nodded and kept following him down the hall. He made a turn into a room and there I saw five other boys. “Hyung who is she?” The light from the ceiling made it possible for me to see his color, blue. “Meet Deenamato” He said and I looked at him weirdly. “It’s Deno. Not Deena.” He looked at me and chuckled. “Your name needs to sound like a girl’s not like the pet of a Neanderthal in a cartoon.” I glared at him and pouted. “But forget your mato name. Here you will be known as Jang Heejin.” “No” I said and he looked at me funny. “I’m here on my father’s terms and under your command doing something I’m not comfortable with. I should at least choose my own name.” I said and he smirked.
“No problem hunny bunny but here are your orders. We’ll explain the rest tomorrow but for now, get some sleep. You must be tired.” I looked up and guy with a green tint in his hair was handing me a burgundy colored folder. I nodded and bowed to them. “We’ll introduce ourselves properly tomorrow. For now just go. Your training will not start until you are settled in, okay?” I nodded and the green guy led me to a room they had prepared. “P-pink?!” I asked as I saw the color of the wall and the bed sheets. “Yeah is there a problem?” I nodded and covered my eyes. “The color pink gets me nauseous.” I explained and he ohed. “Would you rather sleep with one of us?” I nodded and he smiled. “You’re a robot, right? How old are you?” I shrugged and held up nine fingers. “YOU’RE NINE?” I shook my head. “Nine months. It’s amazing my father got me up and running so quickly but yes, I’m nine months.” He ohed and nodded again.
He led me to a room down the hall. “You’ll be sleeping with our other robot, Totomato.” I nodded as he opened the door. “Toto~” He said and the boy on the bed sat up. “Neh, hyung?” “Meet your roomie~” He pushed me in and closed the door. “U-uh” I managed to choke out. He just smiled and patted a spot on the bed next to him. I sat down and he offered me some red thing. “Whats that?” I asked and poked it. “It’s a cherry tomato. It’s great, try it!” I grabbed the red tomato thing in my fingers and squished it. I put it up to my nose and sniffed it as well. I immediately popped it into my mouth and played with it. “Ish squishy” I said and he lightly pushed my shoulder. “Just bite into it!” He urged and I nodded. I bit the squishy ball in my mouth and juice filled it up. My eyes lit up and I chewed it happily. As soon as I finished it, I asked for more. “Not yet. Have you eaten at all since you got here?” I shook my head.
“Well since I’ve been here, I’ve learned about human anatomy. There’s this thing called an esophagus. It leads from here, to here.” I he pointed to the upper part of my neck down a little past the thingys that girls have. “And the digestive system makes to do the thing where you pee and do the do.” I giggled and nodded. “At first I thought that was meaningless but the foods that you eat give your body certain nutrients to survive. That’s how you stay healthy and you don’t get diseases and stuff. But there are also foods that taste delicious but can damage your body. Like Cheetos, those are great but if you eat more than six bags a week, your stomach won’t be able to handle that and you’ll have to undergo surgery.” I nodded taking the entire information in. “When the rest of the guys go to sleep in thirty minutes I’ll take you out. It’s really great. They even have these food stand things where you can get really cheap food!”
I laughed and sat back. “Hey, do you know when I can get clothes? This tank top and shorts aren’t working out for me. It’s really cold” I asked and he nodded. “If you want something else, there’s clothes in those drawers over there.” I nodded and opened one of the drawers. There were black basketball shorts so I grabbed those and there was a white t-shirt as well so I got that. “Thanks Toto~” I said and went to change in the bathroom. I came out and sighed. I had to hold the shorts up since they were too big for me. “Ah jjinja, come here Deena.” I nodded and he knelt down in front of me, fixing the lace tie thingy to make the shorts fit more properly. “Oh” I said. How did I not see the string it was totally obvious. I felt my cheeks turn a shade of red.
“Alrighty, How old are you in human years?” He asked and I pouted. “I forgot how to convert...” I muttered and he laughed. He pulled out a sheet of paper and a pen. “Okay so how old are you in mato years?” “Nine months” I answered and he smirked. “You’re younger than me~” I punched his shoulder. “Yeah but I’m more mature.” He stuck his tongue out and I laughed. “Okay so if we take nine and multiply it by 12 and divide it by 365 we get, 0.2 and... uh... I think I did it wrong.” I laughed and grabbed the pen. “Wait it might be 365 add nine and divide by twelve we get thirty one point sixteen and.. VUAH! I’m sixteen years old!” I said and clapped for myself. “Aight I think the others are asleep now! Let’s go~” He gave me a black jacket and I put it on. “Uhm, I’m not really prepared for this” I said, pointing out my bare feet. “You’ve been like that all this time?” I nodded.
“What size shoe are you?” I coughed. “Seven” His eyes widened. “My feet are like twice your size. Whatever we can buy you some shoes over there too I guess.” I pouted. “But what about right now? I can’t go walking like this! When Jokomato was bringing me over here I stepped on a rock and it hurt a lot!” I said and he chuckled. “C’mon hop on” He said and knelt down in front of me I giggled and got on his back. “You know, this is really comfy. Never buy me shoes. I want to stay on your back.” Toto laughed and fixed me on his back. “Let’s just go” He said and walked out of his room. He checked the hallways and saw everyone was gone. “Alright lets go~” He cheered.
We went out and quickly ran down the street. I began to giggle and he did too. We walked downtown and I looked at all the shops and my eyes widened. “Ahh so cool!” I gasped and he nodded. “Let’s go into this store” He suggested and set me down on a chair. “Do you see any shoes you like?” I pointed to some black ones that were called ‘Jordan’s’ he smirked and helped me measure my foot. “A very good choice indeed” I laughed and he did too. I found out I was a size 7 and we bought the shoes and a pair of socks and left. “Ahh these clothes are so comfortable!” I said. He nodded but soon stopped. “You should wear my clothes often, it looks good on you” I felt my cheeks blush. I’m so lucky its night time.
He soon took me to a carnival and I gasped. “Wow, I have never seen such scary contraptions! How do they work? How many people can we kill with this one?” I said pointing to a ride that swung up and down like a ship. “Deena, no. It’s a ride. You know, to have fun on.” I looked at the contraption weirdly. “But they are screaming in fear. How?” I asked and he laughed. “I’ll show you” He said and gave the man next to the ride two tickets and we went on. The ride started off slowly and gained speed and velocity as it went higher and higher. I screamed and I felt like I was going to fall off. The height didn’t help either. “YAH!” I screamed and hugged Zelo’s body.
I felt him stiffen up but he put his arm around me. “It’s alright, just close your eyes.” I did as he told me and tightened my grip on his arm. The ride slowly and surely came to a halt. “Well, today we learned that you have a phobia of heights” Toto said and I rolled my eyes. “So, what are you gonna choose for a name?” He asked. I shrugged. “Kwon Jiyeun, it’s a cool name!”
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Chapter 4: Ermagerd. Zico.