Crazy in Love

This is not a story
I blushed as I placed the hot cup of coffee and the Mocha Cheesecake in front of him. Every day, at the same time, he would always come in and order the same exact thing. If not the mocha cheesecake, it would be the strawberry, banana, red velvet, or regular cheesecake. Working here for a year and him coming in every day, I could read him like a book. Today he seemed a bit on the down side so I gave him a mocha cheesecake. Well, I didn’t actually talk to him, other than the words “Here is your order, sir” I’ve never spoken to him. My shyness wouldn’t let me.
“Ah, thanks Jinah, You always know what to bring me.” His sweet melodious voice made my cheeks turn as velvet red as the cheesecake on the display window. I bowed my head a bit and nodded, “No problem, Daehyun-ah” Did I mention we also went to the same high school? Well, we did. God thought having to see him once a day at the same time wasn’t enough, oh no. God thought he would torture me a bit more by making Busan’s Woonbin go to my high school. Seeing his perfect, blemish-free face at school every time I passed him in the hallway made my heart skip a beat.
I was about to turn around and walk back behind the counter until a certain melodious voice interrupted my thinking. “Hey, Jinah, Uhm, why don’t you sit with me?” I froze in my spot. Was he really asking me to sit with him or was my mind so full of thoughts of him that it was playing tricks on me? I turned around and tilted my head a bit. Still not believing that he actually asked me to sit at the same table as him confused me. I mean, he was a kingka and I was just a normal student. Things like this didn’t happen often.
I pointed to myself and I could only come up with one word, “Me?” His bright smile nearly blinded my dull eyes as he nodded towards the seat in front of him. “Of course, is there another Jinah in this coffee shop?” I blushed and shook my head. “I guess not.” I muttered almost inaudible. He just smiled waving his hand at a waitress. She trotted on over with a knowing smirk on her face. Of course she knows about my secret admiration for the guy and the fact that I was sitting with him made her curious. “yeah, what would you like?” I was about to speak and say I didn’t want anything but the handsome man in front of me spoke before I could even open my mouth.
“Please get her a chocolate Frappuccino and a coconut cream pie.” My eyes widened as he spoke out the very order that I munch on at my break; the break that was coincidentally ten minutes after he arrived. He was always my last customer before I rested. She smirked once again and nodded. “Of course, sir” He smiled and turned to me. Honestly, all I could see right now was his radiant face.  “So Jinah, how do you always know what to get me?”
I looked up at him weirdly. “H-huh?” He rested his elbows on the table and put his chin on his palms. “Every time I come in, whatever mood I’m in anyways, you always know the exact cheesecake I’d like. I shrugged and put a strand of hair behind my ear. “Well, I’ve been working here for a year and you always come in at the same time every day. My mother always told me I had a knack for reading people easily so, today you seemed a bit down, hence, the Mocha Cheesecake.”
He chuckled and my friend came up to us and put the plate and mug before me. The fact that it was winter and she gave me a hot Cappuccino made me love her more. I gently grabbed the small silver fork and cut off a tiny bit of the pie. “You know, I’ve always noticed you write on your notebook really small and you take tiny bites from your pie one time each. All signs of a person being unable to socialize properly but right now, talking to me; you seem to be doing it flawlessly. No sign of you being.. Shy” I nearly choke on my pie. He noticed this and smirked. Oh how that smirk could’ve had me swooning, if it had not been for that remark earlier.
“I don’t know. I guess I’m-” He didn’t even let me finish my sentence before he cut me off. “Comfortable around me?” I furrowed my eyebrows and nodded. I didn’t think talking to him so smoothly could be possible like this, but he made it possible. He played with the silver spoon, twirling it around while looking at me. “Jinah, would you like to go on a date with me?” My eyes widened for the hundredth time this day. He was asking me on a DATE?! It was hard to restrain myself from squealing and jumping out of my seat but I calmly, nonchalantly nodded. “That would be nice, Daehyun-ah. Sure” His face seemed to light up and he smiled gently. “Thanks Jinah, I’ll pick you up here at 8 pm, sharp.” He put his hands around mine and lifted one up, kissing it before resting it back down on the table.
He exited the shop and Hayi ran to me. “AHH UNNIE I SAW THAT!” She jumped up & down and I just smiled. Today was a dream come true~ I checked the time and realized it was already 5 pm. I have three hours to get ready. Besides, it was the end of my shift so I could just leave. “Bye Hayi-ah~” I waved at her and she pouted. “Make sure to call me and tell me everything!!!” I nodded and hung up my apron. I grabbed my jacket and exited my work place. As I was walking down the street I fished my phone out of my pocket and went to the playlist Hayi made for me, titled, “Funkaayy jammss” I laughed and pressed the song ‘Day by Day’ and began singing. 
I swung my arms around like a little kid and I smiled as I saw my apartment in view. I quickly made my way inside and into the elevator. On my way up, I saw my unnie and I told her what happened. “AHHH WE GOTTA GET YOU READY!” As soon as the door opened she dragged me over to my apartment. She opened the door and went straight to my room. “Go take a shower; I’ll get the clothes NOW!” I quickly nodded and grabbed two towels. I scurried into my bathroom, throwing off my socks and clothes. I the water and got in. After shampooing my hair and ahem-shaving-ahem I got out with a towel wrapped around my hair and body.
“Jinah~ Here’s the clothes I want you to wear~ I’ll do your make up alright?” I nodded and she handed me a handful of clothes. She picked out an oversized pink cotton sweater and some black leggings. Adding onto that she picked out some light brown boots. I smiled at my reflection. Now it was time for make-up. Bom unnie put on some eyeliner and extended it with a wing. She brushed pink, almost clear, lip stick on me and smiled in satisfaction. “Since you’re a natural beauty, you don’t need much make-up” I blushed and smiled at her. I was a girl of very few words but my unnie understood me perfectly.
After applying the make-up my unnie dried my hair and lightly curled it. “Alright now it’s time for accessories!” She opened one of my drawers and pulled out a light pink headband.  I rolled my eyes as she placed it perfectly in place. She knew I was never this girly. I was only doing this for Daehyun. I looked at the time now and it was 7:30 “I should get going unnie. See ya later” I quickly grabbed my phone but since I had no pockets, I placed it in my bra.  I began making my way down the street, since I lived close to the coffee shop; I got there in fifteen minutes. I opened the door and greeted Hayi, who was about to get off of her shift. “Omo unnie, you look perfect. Daehyun will sure fall in love with you~ ahh like one of those princess movies! But be careful for evil witches!” She wiggled her fingers around and I chuckled. “Your imagination gets way ahead of you sometimes, Hayi.” She just chuckled and waved a rag at the window. “Look at that~ your lover boy is here~” I giggled and turned towards the door, greeting him.
“Hi Jinah, are you ready?” I nodded and went out the door with him. We were about half way to his car before I heard Hayi scream, “IF YOU DON’T TEXT ME BY TOMORROW MORNING I’M CALLIN THE COPS!” Daehyun just chuckled and I blushed, embarrassed by my own friend’s actions. Like the gentleman he was, Daehyun opened the door for me and I got into his car, admiring the leather seats and the interior. I always had a thing for cars but my unnies always told me to ignore it, since it wasn’t ladylike. My mouth gaped at his control system. The GPS was the latest voice command one and so was the radio.
Daehyun turned to me and smiled. “You like? My hyung is always messing with my car.” My eyes widened at the thought. He personally knew who did this? It must have been one of the best engineers because this is just marvelous. I nodded and he let out a soft chuckle, the kind that my ears loved. “So, where are we going?” I asked after thirty minutes of non-stop driving. He nudged his head up towards the street and I saw a Ferris wheel come into view. “No... Way...” Fear engulfed my entire body but I didn’t let him see that. Hell, I was scared of high rides and clowns. I really hoped there wouldn’t be clowns.
Daehyun pulled up to the parking lot and we got out, heading straight for the ticket booths. “Two All-night passes, please.” The man in the booth, who was smoking I might add, just grunted and tossed two colorful green bands at us, Daehyun gave him the money and we went in. “So what do you want to do first?” Honestly, as a child I never got to go to fairs, carnivals or any of that stuff. My parents always had me locked inside because they didn’t want any of my friends’ parents seeing my bruises.
A wide smile grew on my face seeing the merry-go-round. Daehyun chuckled and without another word, he grabbed my hand and dragged me over to the merry-go-round. We waited in line and talked about random things. “Ah yeah but have you heard IU sing? She’s really great!” We ended up talking about singing and I found out he loved to. It was our turn for the ride and we showed the man our green bands and he let us through the gates. I immediately got onto a purple horse and Daehyun stood beside me.
“Daehyun-ah~ why don’t you get on that one?” I pointed to the horse next to mine and he began laughing. “Because, babo. One, Its pink, and two, I’d like to stand here next to you.” I blushed and the ride started. There were cute kids all around me. Suddenly I felt a weight on the small of my back. I turned around and noticed Daehyun’s arm around me. He gave me a gentle smile and I ree.
I giggled as the horse I was on went up and Daehyun’s arm couldn’t reach me. The ride slowly came to a halt and he helped me off. “So, where do you want to go next?” He asked but my eyes were focused on the colorful-face painted monster coming towards us. “D-Daehyun o-oppa...” I clutched onto his jacket and hid behind him. “Whats wrong?” I pointed towards the smiling clown. “Awe look at the cute couple~ Here, let me make you guys something~” He said calmly. Daehyun put an arm around my shoulder and pulled me up next to him. “Jinah, he’s harmless.” He extended his palm towards the clown and the man gave Daehyun a high-five. The clown made us matching sword balloons and I smiled.
I grabbed mine and hit Daehyun in the head. “Heey! That hurt!” I giggled and kept hitting him. Our night went well and after five rides we decided to just walk around. “Hey, wanna go downtown and look at stuff?” He asked and I nodded. It was getting chilly and even with the sweater I was wearing, it was freezing. We decided to walk downtown since it wasn’t that far from the fair. We looked at stuff through the windows and bought hot chocolate. We were walking down the street when my curiosity got the best of me.
I saw an ahjumma selling rings. They looked so beautiful so I went to take a look. “Hey young man!” She signaled towards Daehyun. He pointed to himself and she nodded. “Don’t you think your girlfriend would like a couple ring?” I was about to say he wasn’t my boyfriend but Daehyun spoke before I could. “Of course, here Jinah, try this one on~” He pulled out and expensive looking silver ring. It was plain but on the inside it said, “Be mine forever.” I blushed as he grabbed my left hand and gently slipped the ring on my ring finger. The woman looked at us lovingly. “Arra, now you pick one for your handsome boyfriend!” I puffed air into my cheeks and grabbed a matching silver one. I checked the inside and it said, “I’m yours” I hesitantly grabbed his left hand and slipped it on his ring finger. “Ah it fits perfectly~ Thank you ma’am” Daehyun was about to pay but the woman shook her head.
“Consider it as a gift for the new couple.”
We walked away and Daehyun slipped his hand into mine. “You know. B.A.P has been wanting to meet you~” He nudged my side. I thought a bit and smiled. “Wanna go right now?” I shrugged seeing as the night was still starting. “Sure” I said and we walked back to the car in the parking lot of the carnival. It took us fifteen minutes to get to his dorm. He took out the keys and inserted them into the lock. “Brace yourself.” I had no idea why he said that but as soon as he opened the door I met face to face with a shirtless Yongguk. “AAAAHHH!” He screamed like a girl and I covered my eyes. “MY EYES!” I shouted and Daehyun chuckled. “Go put a shirt on, 
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Chapter 4: Ermagerd. Zico.