Grown Woman

This is not a story
I remember being so young and brave, I knew what I needed. Spent all my nights and days laid back daydreaming.
I nodded my head to the song as I slumped into my chair in class. “Yah Dami, stop doing that the teachers gonna find out.” Zelo whispered in my ear. “I’m fine oppa, he so old. I bet he can’t see or hear! Watch” I stood up from my seat and screamed. “FIRE! THERES A FIRE!” All the students turned to look at the teacher for his reaction but he continued blabbering about the lesson. We all broke out into a fit of laughter.
The bell ran and Zelo and I quickly dashed out. “So, Dami; what are your plans for the future?” Zelo asked and I shrugged holding onto the straps of my backpack. “Hmm. I dunno. I could be bad if I want, I could do wrong if I want. I could do whatever I want.” I said and smiled. “Ah my dongsaeng is so cute” He said as he ruffled my hair. “Shut up, oppa. We’re in the same grade” He shrugged. “Honestly, as long as we’re still friends, I don’t care about my future.” Zelo muttered and I turned around. “Oppa, that’s so sweet!” I turned around and hugged him.
Seven years later
“JELLO OPPA!” I shouted and attacked him from behind. I jumped on his back and he caught me. “What now, Dami?” He asked and I smiled. “Good evening oppa” I kissed his cheek. “Let’s go eat ice cream” I got off of him and he shook his head. “Sorry, Dongsaeng, I’m hanging out with my hyungs today.” I rolled my eyes and scoffed. “Fine, I’ll just go home then. Oh, and don’t worry, I won’t wait up” I said and turned around on my heels. All throughout our friendship he’s only thought of me as his dongsaeng. Dongsaeng this! Dongsaeng that! Throughout the years I’ve begun to get feelings towards Zelo. Feelings of love and lust. But he’s never noticed. I’ve officially given up. “Unnie, I’m going to work with you today” I spoke into the phone.
A few minutes later I was on my way to a coffee shop where my friend worked. “Whats up bey?” I pouted. “Unnie, how do you get a guy to notice you?” She raised a brow and smirked. “Is it Zelo? Its Zelo right?” I nodded and she giggled. “Okaaaayyyy!!! So, heres what you do” She began to whisper in my ear and I nodded to everything she said.
It was six PM and I was at home, waiting for Zelo. I perked up when I heard the door open. I turned my head and saw that it was Zelo. “Mhm! Oppa! Sit down, lets watch a movie~” I cooed and he nodded. I moved my legs so he could sit down comfortably. He sat down and rested my legs on top of his lap. “So what movie for today?” I grabbed the remote and flipped through channels. “How about the heat?” 
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Chapter 4: Ermagerd. Zico.