
This is not a story
“Ahjummaaaa~ I’m heereee~” I looked at Mrs. Choi and smiled. She turned around from her position in front of the stove and smiled. Her white dress poofed out a bit as she spun around to meet my eyes. “Annyeong dear, so, how are things going?” I shrugged and sat down, swinging my legs. “My old best friend fell flat on her face today. If I were there, I’d be laughing my off!” I said remembering my friend. “I miss her though.” I muttered and she sat down next to me. “Yeah but things happen for a reason, you got into that accident for a reason and you’re here for a reason.” I giggled and nodded.
Who am I? Well, I’m Kim Junhee! I’m forever sixteen years old. Why? Because I’m dead. Yup. I’m an angel. Weird, I know but like Mrs. Choi said, things happen for a reason. I should actually be twenty years old but ehh I died when I was sixteen so yeah. That’s why I’m here. I got into a bus accident on my way to school and it turned out nasty. It didn’t matter though, since I didn’t really have any family. Yeap, I was an orphan but I met Mrs. Choi here in heaven and shes really nice. Shes like a mother to me~ I got up, about to leave until I heard Mrs. Choi crying.
I quickly ran to her and asked her what was wrong. “I was looking at my little Junhong and- and. Hes in a gang! How could I not have known! I was such a bad mother, I could’ve prevented this!” I hugged her tightly. “Mrs. Choi I-“ She suddenly perked up, a wide grin on her face. I knew something was going to go bad. “Can you go down there?  Teach him how to behave? Be there to give him discipline?” I looked at her, wide eyed. How could she possibly ask me to do this? Without another choice I said yes. “Ah thank you thank you!” She hugged me tightly.
Ah what mess was I getting myself into?
Zelo’s POV
I walked out of the ally coolly. This guy tried to mug me so I took self-defense and shoved it straight up his . I pulled out a cigarette and lit it up. “Aren’t you too young to smoke?” I heard a light voice behind me. I turned around and saw a girl around my age wearing a short white fluffy dress and her hair was a sleek dark chocolate brown. Her innocent doe-like eyes bore into mine and her lips were pursed into a straight line, a show of un-satisfaction. I looked down and her white dress complimented all the right curves. She had a big and more than decent s. My mouth hung open and I dropped the cigar to the floor.
She stepped on it lightly, putting it out, and after that she picked it up throwing it away in a nearby trash bin. She came back to me, who was still standing there like a . “My name is Kim Junhee~ Hi~” I snapped out of the trance I was in and scoffed. “Do you know who I am?” I asked, arrogantly. Of course, I was a part of one of the baddest gangs in Seoul. “Yeah. Choi Junhong is it? You’re from Seoul and.. You think you can pull off that gangster look?” She cutely chuckled and her hand covered half of her perfect face. But I was too insulted to even care.
Who was she to tell me that I was a wanna be gangster? I rolled my eyes and bent down to her height level. “Fine, don’t take me seriously. But I’d rather you leave before you get hurt, alright, little girl?” She pouted and rubbed her temple then glared at me. “It’s not that easy, you see. I was sent here to watch over you. So, you won’t be getting rid of me that quickly.” I rolled my eyes. “Are you from a rival gang? If you are you’d better leave now. Or else.” I lifted my baggy shirt, showing her the gun I carried in my waist band. “OH MY GOOD GOSH PUT THAT AWAY!” She shouted, running behind a trash can. As if I was actually gonna shoot in broad daylight. As soon as I put my shirt down she came back out. “Ya dumbbuns, I’m an angel.” Without knowing it a mumbled a ‘Hell yeah you are’ but I quickly shut my mouth.
“Can we please just talk about this? I’ll explain it over ice cream. I haven’t had it in such a long time!” She grabbed my wrist as if we were friends and dragged me over to an ice cream shop nearby. We ordered ice cream and she casually sat down with me. “She looks like an angel.” “But she’s with Zelo” “They’re totally opposites” I heard people whisper and I glared at them to shut them up. I turned to her and examined her cute pouty face when she couldn’t get the marshmallow she wanted from the ice cream. Occasionally sticking her tongue out once in a while and pursing her lips in annoyance, she gave up and just grabbed the whole scoop.
As soon as the spoon let the flavor of coconut and pineapple touch her tongue her face showed complete pleasure. I my lips wondering how many other ways I could pleasure her. She smiled and looked up at me, her expression changing completely. Now she had a stern look on her face and her arms were crossed. “Your mom-“ Everything after those two words were blocked out. I haven’t heard anyone say those words to me since her passing. I felt my breath hitch and I couldn’t breathe properly. “Junhong?” I glared at her with tears threatening to form.
“No.” Was all I said. I stood up and I was about to leave until she stopped me. “Please, let me explain.” I slammed my hands on the table catching everyone’s attention. “You don’t have the right to speak about my mother to me. You should know better” She rolled her eyes and stood up too. “What should I know? I just got to this world thirty minutes ago!” She whisper-shouted and I rolled my eyes. She really had the guts to go on with this stupid lie? An angel my ! She was probably just stalking me. Without a word I left the shop, leaving my untouched ice cream behind.
I felt her walking behind me, trying to catch up. “Wait!” She shouted but I ignored her and speed-walked to my apartment. I unlocked the door and walked in. “Zelo-“ I shut the door in her face before she could say a word. Why was she following me? She couldn’t possibly be telling the truth, could she? I took off my jacket and set it on the couch. I walked in and found Yongguk hyung watching a crime show. “Aren’t we supposed to be the ones causing the crime, not watching how they solve it?” He shrugged and leaned back. “Observing how they catch the criminal is a good way on how to avoid getting caught.” He muttered and flipped the channel.
“Are you gonna just leave that girl out there?” He asked and I froze. “H-huh?” He stood up and walked to the door. “Come in, you must be cold.” Well. It was the middle of winter and she had a dress on. She hesitated but soon came in. “Th-thanks.” She muttered and walked over to me. “Please let me talk to you.” I sighed at her plea and nodded.
Junhee’s POV
After begging and begging Zelo decided to hear me out. “Thank you!” I said. I didn’t know what to do so I just stood there. The guy that let me in earlier came back with some black sweat pants and an oversized grey shirt along with a black jacket. “Here you go. You can change into these since its practically below freezing outside.” I recognized him as one of the gangsters Zelo was with. For a gangster, he was pretty nice. I bowed 90 degrees and took the clothes. “Thank you, you’re so kind.” He just shrugged and nodded. He directed me towards the bathroom and I went straight in. I slipped out of the white dress Zelo’s mom made me and into the oversized shirt. Next were the loose sweats along with the jacket that hung off of one shoulder. I put my hair into a bun and walked out.
“Alright, go handle it kiddo.” He said to Zelo and he walked towards me. “My name is Bang Yongguk, who do I have the pleasure of meeting on this fine day?” I felt my cheeks turn 50 shades of red and I shook his hand. “Kim Junhee-imnida!” He smiled and kissed the back of my hand. “You know, for a gangster, you’re really nice” I accidentally blurted out and quickly covered up my mouth. “I-I’m sorry! That accidental I-“ He shook his head and smiled. “I’m nice to pretty ladies.” I blushed again and Zelo rolled his eyes. “C’mon Junhee” He said as he grabbed my hand and laced my fingers with his. I followed him into a large room with a bed and he sat me down on it.
He sat in front of me and looked at me sternly. “Well? Aren’t you going to explain?” He asked and I nodded. “Well, I am an angel. I’m not lying okay? And your mom, I met her two years ago and-“ Zelo cut me off. “You met her two years ago? That’s when she passed away.” He said sadly. I put a hand on his shoulder but he shrugged it off coldly. “Just continue.” He said emotionlessly. “She’s a really kind woman. She made me this dress and she treats me like a daughter as well. I can tell that she loved- and still loves- you very much.” I breathed out and he showed a slight smile. “Really? Tell me how you guys met~” He was now lying on his stomach, propped up on his elbows.
I tapped my chin and smiled. “Okay so, I was wandering around a garden and I met her. She was sitting in a park, near tears. I asked her what was wrong and she told me that it wasn’t her time. That she had left her fifteen year-old all alone and she was afraid bad things would happen.” I sighed and looked at him. His face showed a sign of regret. “And today well..” “Today she told you about me huh?” I nodded and lied down on my stomach next to him. “She started crying again because she saw you. She saw what you’d done, Zelo” He sighed and buried his face in his blankets.
“If it weren’t for him, Yongguk, I’d be on the streets. He also wanted me to stay out of his gangster business but I was a persistent kid and now look at me, disappointing my mom even though she’s dead.” The way he put it made it seem so horrible. Without thinking I hugged him. He tried to push me away but I hugged him tighter. I let go and he eventually sat up. I mimicked his actions and the next thing he did surprised me. He hugged me and pulled me into his lap. “Thank you” He whispered in my ear.
I hugged him back and we sat there for the next five minutes. I heard the door open and I looked up. “Hey you hung- oh, I’ll come back later.” Yongguk smirked but before he could leave Zelo called him in.
“Hyung, Hyung! She knows my umma!” Yongguk froze and soon came down to sit on the floor in front of me. “I’ve heard about her. But how do you still know her? Isn’t she-“ “Yeah yeah but Junhee is an angel!” Yongguk stared at me, wide eyed. I explained everything to him but he still didn’t believe me. “Fine!” I pouted and stood up. I concentrated hard and a few seconds later my white wings had come out. “WAAAAAAH!” They shrieked like little kids and smiled. “So, you’re the real deal.” I nodded. “Yeah, I have to stay though and make sure you don’t get into trouble” I said to Zelo. He sighed in response. “Have fun with that.” Yongguk said. “C’mon, I bet the others are dying to meet you. Himchan also made food.” I giddily jumped up and down and put my wings away.
I ran down the hall and into the kitchen. I stopped as soon as I saw four other guys. One of them immediately stood up and glared at me. “Who are you?!” He asked. Yongguk and zelo came from behind me and calmed the guy down. “Himchan, shes just a friend. She’ll actually be going now." He nudged me towards the door and handed me my dress. "What" I asked and he rolled his eyes.
"Im staying with you."
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Chapter 4: Ermagerd. Zico.