
High School Lovers.

  We both arrived at the classroom with 8 other students.The Jotwins smirked at us,
''Is someone already dating? kekeke'' Minji snickered and made a heart with her arms(above her head)

Minwoo and I both blushed,but we didn't move away,knowing our plan that we have to succeed.The teacher opened the door and kindly told us to go in.All 10 of us lined up together in front of the blackboard.

''Hello class,my name is Sangi Park,and I'll be your teacher for the whole school year^^.As I call your name please follow my directions so you can be assigned to your seats."
I crossed my fingers hoping we will sit together.

"Since last year's arrangments were...not so well.We are going to do it in pairs.Boy and a Girl.Having the same genders sitting together will cause distractions,since this is a place for learning,do not get too close,be friendly like brother and sisters",He looked at us suspicously,''Minwoo and Park-Ji Kim..You two seem like silbings,sit in front here."
We both got exicted and high fived each other.The teacher giggled and so did my 3 friends.

"awwwwww don't they look cute together?'' exclaimed by one student with a girl voice.This class is much nicer than the others.The girls are..y,I agree with Minji,I guess she knows since her freshmen year.
I was flustered and my face was all red.
Minwoo quickly put his arms around me,
''We are right? ^ ^ keke'' he said jokingly.

Everyone was getting along,I kinda like having a small class.Minji and Kwangmin sat behind us,
''awwwww you look so cute together.Look at Kwangminnie~ He's already blushing.Right Kim?''
''Haha Dae~ they make such a great couple.

''Sangi! you're trying to make cute couples here right?"
He smiled and looked away,continuing to assign students in their seats.We carefully looked at Youngmin to see who he'll get paired up with.Minwoo tapped me on my shoulder,
''What's your phone number?^^''
''Ah dae~^^'' I carefully wrote down my phone number on a piece of paper and handed to Minwoo as he gave me his.
The four of us were exchanging and finally Youngmin was paired with...Julia Lee.Even though I didn't get a chance to talk to her,they sat right next to me.It wasn't seperate desks,it was a long one that fits only two students.When the teacher finished he started to talk,

''This will be your seats until June.If you feel uncomfortable and have a problem with your deskmate,please inform me before you take action.Now we will begin our lessons!"

I took out my pen and my notebook and copied down the notes-I notice Minwoo was doing the same but he had a serious expression on,I guess he's a very studious student.After 6 hours of extremely difficult classes,it was lunch time.
"rememeber our promise! ^ ^"
"Dae Oppa,I'll save us a seat.Are you gonna seat in front of me or besides? The Jotwins and Minji are sitting with us too."
''Hmmm,I'll sit in front of you" He rubbed my head-causing my hair to be a messy.

"Ya!",I later did the same to him,"Ha,that's what you get."
But he fixed it so fast,why did I have long wavy hair? +_+ it gets tangled so easily..
While I was walking down for lunch with Minji while the boys stayed back to help the teacher cleaning the board,we spotted the girls who talked endless about others.
Minjo was getting pissed off easily and quickly,in a blink of an eye,she went over to their section,

"YA~! You girls think you're the toughest es in the school? All you do is talking behind others and that is very low class...How did you get into this school with such rattling heads with nothing inside?"
They were speechless,I was so proud of her doing that,but I know they might do something to Minji.

She walked over to me and we linked arms to get our food,
''Shall we go now?^^'' She asked so cheerfully.
''Dae Unnie~'' When we were on line,the boys arrived and all 5 of us got our lunches and sat down.

"Ughhh..I hate vegetables -.-;" Minwoo groaned.
''They're good for you,just try it." Kwangmin suggested.
Minwoo constantly shooked his head until I stood up and fed him it.
His adorable cheeks omo~His eyes widened-he was in shock,but he continued chewing then swallowed.

"That wasn't..bad actually"
I spotted Youngmin looking at Julia,his deskmate.
''If you want her to join us,just ask^^ she looks lonely over there"
''Yeah Hyung,go up to her and ask her to join us." Kwangmin teased.
A few seconds later Minwoo was yet staring at the ground,silently drinking his milk.

I stared at him for 5 seconds and looked away,I smacked the back of my head,
"no no,you're suppose to focus on schoolwork,not boys!" I said in my head.
Minwoo looked up and chuckled.
I shoved my face in my hands,embarrassed that he saw me.Julia then walked over to our table and asked to join,Kwangmin got up and offer her his seat,
''Here sit,you and YoungMin should get to know each other know^^"
He got up and sat next to Minwoo and they both played cheerfully.
I got up to throw my trash as I heard those mean girls talking about minji,

''We should get her back..How dare she talk to us like that!''
''Won't we get in trouble? The principle said not to interfere with anyone in the honors classes..''
''Ugh...Whatever.I don' want to think about her right now,let's just drop it FOR NOW.If she messes with us again..There will be consquences"

It was 12:45 and we went back to class.I wrote Minji a note about what they say and she smirked at it.
"If anyone messes with you,tell me." she replied back.
''Okay class! you have no homework today,since it was the first day and learned a week fulled of work.So tomorrow Thursday morning, you have a quiz,please study and I hope everyone will pass.Right now we are going to watch a movie,either take a nap or watch it."

"Mr.Park,which movie are we watching?" a student asked.
"Death Bell..2!"
Omo,that's a scary movie I thought to myself.I placed my head on the desk,''I hate scary movies"
''Don't worry,I will take care of you" minwoo said,as he rested his head on my shoulder.
My stomach was full of butterflies.I giggled and turned to him,our faces were so close,2 inches away from our lips meeting..Omo~

"Really?" I smiled
''Of course,you're like my dongsaeng-ah" He smiled back.
Ah...Like a dongsaeng only.This is my first time feeling like this.Minwoo is some kind of person that changes your whole mind.
I notice the movie was staring by the sound of it...
Minwoo and I jumped up,hugging each other for protection.
''Calm down,someone dropped their textbook kekeke" Minji answered.
We both let go of each other and awkwardly looked at the ground,
''haha sorry" he said,scratching his head.
''Heh,me too.Let's watch the movie together,maybe it'll be less scary^^;"

"dae! Let's watch it together^^!''
We both laid back in our chairs,leaning into each other.There was a part coming up,something that is going to surprise us,I know this because of the creepy music,and the silence as she's walking in the hallway.I was so scared I held on Minwoo's hand,and he didn't pull away-he smiled and moved in closer.We were relieved that nothing much happened.Overall it was a pretty good movie,as soon as it ended,class was over.As promised,Minji and I are going shopping together while the other three guys went for some bubble tea.

''Bye Minwoo Oppa~ I had a lot of fun today!^^''
He pulled me in for a hug,
''Dae I had fun too! Can't wait to see you tomorrow^^"
As soon as he let go,he walked over to the Jotwins,he turned around smiling and waving.And I was just standing there waving back.I was going crazy.

"Let's go~^^ don't worry,you'll see your lover tomorrow haha"Minji teased,as she dragged me off the school campus.
''Lo..lover?! that's crazy talk Unnie ha..haha.Let's just go to the mall."
''Whatever you say~I'll race you there!"
''Alright let's go! On the count of three...One~..Twooo~...''
''Three!''Minji interruppted as you got a head start.


enjoying it so far? I hope so D: I'm sorry if I make any grammar or spelling mistakes.I always get confused with the names Youngmin and Kwangmin xD so please inform me if there is anything wrong.I might start Chapter 3 today or tomorrow.^^


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Chapter 27: he cheat on her, z woman zat he loves so much. Zis is unbelievable!!! and what is his reason? Ummm what could it be? OMG I hope it is one of her nightmares.
update fast~
Goldie #2
Chapter 26: Ahahahah cute update mire authornim!
@dayday10142 Got it! ^^ There will surely be drama and romance when they return to school :3
Drama plus romance please!!!!!!!!!!
Update PLS...............
I love ALL your stories <3 <3
pls..update more!!
the story get the cuteness of what couples are and of course the cuteness MIN WOO haha... love ur story sooo much especially Min Woo ^_^
this story is so cute <3
@jjini0216 ohhh, alrighty > < thank you! ^^ I'll use the correct way :3 But if you see me typing "dae" I might have gotten used to it, but I'll try my best to remind myself to use ''nae'' [: thanks! :D